Vegatarian Diet/Allergies


10 sessions of acupuncture have gotten rid of my allergies, period.

Last year (March - June), my face was just pouring. Sneezing all the time, watery itchy eyes, dry throat and overall sick feeling. This year (during the same season), I felt perfectly healthy. You guys should try it.
No major problems with allergies, but in the spring when they act up, I just avoid dairy. Helps with the mucus and the congestion. The exception is that I start almost every day with a breakfast including a little bowl of yogurt and local honey. Maybe some blueberries and nuts in there, too. Great, strong brekky...and supposedly good for the allergies and the digestive system as well.

When I get that headachey pressure (a vascular headache?), I drink a ton of water. No meds, so I feel fortunate.

Not sure if this is germane to this thread, but I am not a vegetarian. I don't eat much meat. Just some eggs, definitely fish, some chicken and seafood. The occasional ribeye or lambchop, but that's very rare. I mean pretty seldom.


New User
10 sessions of acupuncture have gotten rid of my allergies, period.

Last year (March - June), my face was just pouring. Sneezing all the time, watery itchy eyes, dry throat and overall sick feeling. This year (during the same season), I felt perfectly healthy. You guys should try it.


Il Mostro

However, there are herbal vitamins that you have to take in addition to the acupunture. Its three "pills" per meal, so a total of 9 pills per day. For the results you get, its absolutely worth it.

Have you used acupuncture for anything besides the allergies?


If you are allergic to dairy products (it is a common allergen) then by all means cut it out of your diet (duh). But it won't help you with hayfever (pollen allergies).

Claritin is a lousy antihistamine BTW.


Have you used acupuncture for anything besides the allergies?

I actually went because I have a shortness of breath which doctors can't help me out with, period. I've been scanned and tested and my health appears to be perfect, yet its still difficult for me to breath. I thought acupuncture could improve my blood circulation and help me breath, which it did, but I still have minor problems.

There is no special method of acupuncture for a specific illness. Its not a special pill prescribed for a special problem, you know? The needles merely stimulate the body's blood circulation, and additional needed are placed in places that will help your symptoms. Most health issues can be improved through the increased circulation, but don't expect it to cure any diseases, you know?

It cost about $500 for a little more than 10 sessions, but the health benefits afterwards are worth every penny.


If you are allergic to dairy products (it is a common allergen) then by all means cut it out of your diet (duh). But it won't help you with hayfever (pollen allergies).

Claritin is a lousy antihistamine BTW.

I used to use Claritin in the springtime. I would take two tablets, as one did nothing.

Then last year, I started having trouble with my soft contact lenses. It was the weirdest thing. One day I could see with them, the next day not. I have worn contacts for 30 years without incident, so I was really surprised. I went to the opthalmologist, and he didn't know what was going on. We tried changing the lenses again and again, and finally we found something I could wear.

All was well until this spring. I took Claritin, and the next day my lenses were all fuzzy again! I didn't take Claritin again, and I didn't have another problem with my eyes this season.

Claritin: Doing more harm than good since 1988.