Best training schedule for the winter?


Liv3 For It

What is the best tennis schedule for the Winter?

For example...
Day 1:
- Calorific intake: 5, 800
- Track: 400m / 200m testing
- Weights: Lower body
- Tennis: 45 minutes

Day 2:
- Calorific intake: 5, 800
- Weights: upper body
- Tennis: 2 hours
- Bikram yoga: 1.5 hrs

Day 3:
- Calorific intake: 5, 800
- Track: 12 x 200 metres (32 seconds on, 60 seconds off)
- Tennis specific movement work
- Tennis: 45 minutes

Can anyone tell/give me a good tennis schedule to follow? Is there a website that help help you organize your tennis and tennis training time throughout the week?


Is Calorific a combination of caloric and terrific? :)

For me, I first schedule my weekly tennis clinics/lessons. Then, on the days I don't have tennis, I decided what I'm going to do: cardio, weights, yoga, or a combination of both. I also sometimes tack a short workout on a tennis day. I also decide *what* kind of cardio (steady state or HIIT). I try to keep a good balance between all of those things, but I also have to have some flexibility for matches and work.

As far as diet, I don't eat anywhere near that number of calories, but that varies greatly from individual to individual. I do try to eat *cleanly*, though, and I avoid junk food, processed food, and fast food as much as possible. Hard to do at this time of year, especially with my love of Christmas Cookies!!!

I believe the USTA site has some good information on training and drills and such.

PS...again, instead of posting this mulitple times in many different places, why not just try one? For instance, this would be most appropriate in the Health and Fitness sub forum.


Ok, good, it wasn't just me that thought was an enormous amount.

Unless Michael Phelps has started posting on TTW?

Well most people don't burn more than around 1000 calories in an hour of cardio activity. So if he's doing that for 4 hours straight, thats 4000 calories. The other 1800 has to then be burnt while sedentiary. Of course someone like Phelps will burn more because he's a world-class athlete.


Well most people don't burn more than around 1000 calories in an hour of cardio activity. So if he's doing that for 4 hours straight, thats 4000 calories. The other 1800 has to then be burnt while sedentiary. Of course someone like Phelps will burn more because he's a world-class athlete.

Right, where cardio is for example running or strenuous bicycling. Tennis (singles) usually burns about half of that per hour. So burning off 4000 calories (beyond the 1800 - 2000 burned while sedentary) would require for example a combination of 3 hours of tennis and 2.5 hours of running in a day. That's a lot of daily activity... (for me, anyway!)