What is the best pro's training schedule? In fact what is the best training schedule?


Liv3 For It

What is the best tennis schedule for the Winter?

For example...
Day 1:
- Calorific intake: 5, 800
- Track: 400m / 200m testing
- Weights: Lower body
- Tennis: 45 minutes

Day 2:
- Calorific intake: 5, 800
- Weights: upper body
- Tennis: 2 hours
- Bikram yoga: 1.5 hrs

Day 3:
- Calorific intake: 5, 800
- Track: 12 x 200 metres (32 seconds on, 60 seconds off)
- Tennis specific movement work
- Tennis: 45 minutes

Can anyone tell/give me a good tennis schedule to follow? Is there a website that help help you organize your tennis and tennis training time throughout the week?


This probably belongs in the Tips section, but it is a great topic. I would say that these days agility training is the most important thing you can do. Movement has become so vital in modern tennis.


I would recommend looking up Pat Etcheberry, you can find his site by googling him or try Paul Roetert who works for the USTA as the Manager of the High Performance something.

As for diet/nutrition I would contacting a sports nutritionist and setting out a few diets you could try and then stick to the one you like and find best. It may be expensive though. If you don't know or have a local one try contacting one by email and working like that.

Just as a tip for the future, this post goes in the Health & Fitness section a few sections down.

Anyway, good luck in your quest.

P.S. tennisplayer.net has great articles by Pat and Paul if you would like to check them out. It costs to join though.