2023 Head Gravity Pro Issue

I’m curious if any fellow 2023 Gravity Pro users have had this issue… After a few weeks of play, my head guard completely cracked on a brand new racket. The pro shop where I purchased replaced the whole racket, and just a week later the new one cracked too!

I’ve never seen this happen in years of playing - wondering if it’s a known issue, or perhaps it’s something in the way I play? I’m not one to throw/abuse the racket however, so this is truly bizarre after just a few weeks of use on two separate rackets!



Poor quality plastic polymer and/or too much brittling in the molding process. Lack of end-to-end QA/QC by Head; has happened before, and probably will again. If you like the Aux GP enough to keep it, you'll just have to churn through rev 1 grommets, until they release a rev 2 with proper quality plastic. Silly, but it is what it is.


Hasn’t happened to me with 3 of my GPro 23

Probably something with the batch that shop got.


New User
Did the pro shop comment on why they replaced the whole racquet in lieu of the head guard/grommets/strings?


New User
Looking at the second picture there is quite some damage on the frame where the head guard is cracked. Seems you hit something hard.

I have 2 of these, (and 2 more incoming) and no quality issues untill now