Anyone here diabetic?


Seeing all the different threads about energy consumption, and high carb meals, carb gels, power drinks, etc. to help with energy levels during long matches; if you're diabetic, how do YOU prepare for sugar level bounces that can occur during long matches?

I was diagnosed as Type II about 2.5 years ago and have had fairly stable sugar thanks to diet, exercise, etc; but am looking at my first season at competitive tennis this fall. So far, I have not had any serious bounces while playing, but have had some minor ones after 3-4 hour practice sessions. Usually, the only thing I have during play is water and a little low-cal Gatorade or Powerade Zero.


A friend of mine, this year's B-level singles champ at my summer club, is longstanding diabetic. He has no special preparation for a match but usually tests his blood at least once, during a changeover, while playing, and keeps cookies (invariably Vienna Fingers) in his bag for a boost if he needs it.