Weight Loss


Ok this is something commonly poseted here so i think ill try and fill up a post full of everything you need to know, so theres no more i needa lose weight posts :p (do a search... lots of em)

Ok basically what you want to do it lose fat. Alright well nutritionists agree that a standard pound of fat contains around 3500 calories. So if you have a static weight (your not gaining or losing weight) then an extra 500 calories burned a day will make you lose a pound a week. Simple. There are ways to speed up this process and ill take a look at them later.

Here are some general numbers

Skipping Rope for an hour - 700 Calories

Bikeriding 1 hour- 600 Calories

Jogging around 5 miles per hour - 500 Calories

Walking at normal pace for an hour - 250-280 Calories

But here a nice sight for you to put in weight and height etc and you should get a closer number


So now you know how much exercise you should need to do to lose a certain amound of weight in a certain amount of time. But there are several ways to lose weight even quicker.

Ok you dont really need to change your diet to lose weight but it will happen faster if you do. Just get rid of all disgusting spawn of grease pits etc. No soft drinks. Etc etc follow the food pyramid you will be fine.

Some small changes you can do though which will help are
-drink water
-use low joule sugar
-smaller portions more often
-dont eat at night (Eating large meals late at night before bed, especially calorie dense high carbohydrate meals, increases the probability that you will store some of those calories as fat)
-lower carb intake. Try lite items and all that. The Lower the calories, the more of the fat your body will burn

Also it is said that things like spices, caffeine and green tea increase your metabolic rate which will help burn fat faster

Weight Training
Did you know that with every extra pound of muscle you gain, you burn an extra 50 calories per day. This is because the body needs more energy to feed the muscles and so more calories are used.

This is really a bonus for doing weight training as well as the standard calorie usage and built body once youve slimmed down.

Now you basically have to come up with a plan depending on how fast you wish to lose weight etc. Just plan out what you will do every day to burn those extra calories and do it. Also changing some small parts of your lifestyle can help... use stairs not lifts etc park 2 streets further away and walk etc etc. One good thing i found actually was stationary biking infront of a tv... what a great idea :D.

Ok i thinks thats it, weightloss explained >< good luck

ps will add stuff as replies are posted (anything you wish for me to add just say)


Punisha said:
Ok you dont really need to change your diet to lose weight but it will happen faster if you do. Just get rid of all disgusting spawn of grease pits etc. No soft drinks. Etc etc follow the food pyramid you will be fine.
This is absolutely wrong for most people. Sure, if you run 40 minutes every day, you probably don't need to change your diet to lose weight, but for most people diet is the most important thing for losing weight. And which food pyramid are you talking about? For the most part, carb intake should be minimized as the day goes on.

Anyway, 5 minutes of crazy eating can undo all the exercise and dieting you did the other 23 hours and 55 minutes. For quickest, best weight loss, exercise 40 minutes a day 4 times a week, life weights, and keep the calories down (like 1400 a day or so for a man). Losing weight is NOT easy, it takes discipline. The good thing is that after 16 days or so, it becomes a habit and wayyyyy easier. But if it were easy nobody would be fat I'd imagine.


Can you explain why carbs should be reduced? I understand that processed carbs are bad for you, but carbs in the form of vegetables and fruits shouldn't be avoided.


KuramaIX said:
Can you explain why carbs should be reduced? I understand that processed carbs are bad for you, but carbs in the form of vegetables and fruits shouldn't be avoided.
I think at least in America people understand that by carbs we usually mean stuff like bread, rice, potatoes, pastas, etc. In the same way that to say avoid sugar doesn't mean don't eat fruits and vegetables.

Leafy vegetables are fine, but go easy on the salad dressing, and no fried or oily vegetables. Fruits should be minimized later in the day as well.

Nike Man

When you say, "don't eat a big meal right before bed," do you mean like 10 minutes or a couple of hours before? Would it be beneficial to eat dinner at lunch time?

Midlife crisis

Hall of Fame
35ft6 said:
I think at least in America people understand that by carbs we usually mean stuff like bread, rice, potatoes, pastas, etc. In the same way that to say avoid sugar doesn't mean don't eat fruits and vegetables.

Leafy vegetables are fine, but go easy on the salad dressing, and no fried or oily vegetables. Fruits should be minimized later in the day as well.

That you should not eat as much later in the day to lose weight works not because fat gets "stored" more when eating at night, it is rather that by not eating at night, you are really just reducing the number of hours during the day when calories are being consumed. Unless you just go hog-wild and eat like a madman earlier, the number of calories you consume during a day counts the same whether or not you eat them evenly throughout he day or in big lump sums, even late at night.

Human physiology is even adapted, over a million years of evolution, for eating at night. This is what humans did in the caveman days, when the days were spent hunting and the nights spent eating. It has been argued by many medical researchers that this is why growth hormone secretion, which increases the rates of body restoration and fat burning, are higher at night.


35ft6 said:
This is absolutely wrong for most people. Sure, if you run 40 minutes every day, you probably don't need to change your diet to lose weight, but for most people diet is the most important thing for losing weight. And which food pyramid are you talking about? For the most part, carb intake should be minimized as the day goes on.

Anyway, 5 minutes of crazy eating can undo all the exercise and dieting you did the other 23 hours and 55 minutes. For quickest, best weight loss, exercise 40 minutes a day 4 times a week, life weights, and keep the calories down (like 1400 a day or so for a man). Losing weight is NOT easy, it takes discipline. The good thing is that after 16 days or so, it becomes a habit and wayyyyy easier. But if it were easy nobody would be fat I'd imagine.

Better words have never been spoken...right on here. Diet, diet, diet...it is all about the diet.


Topaz said:
Better words have never been spoken...right on here. Diet, diet, diet...it is all about the diet.

Eating properly is definitely important in maintaining a healthy diet.

But you also need to exercise. Punisha is absolutely correct muscle burns more calories than fat.

But eating properly is the MOST important thing. I have fitness trainer friends and they always tell me it is 80% what you eat and 20% how you exercise.

Punisha you also forgot one IMPORTANT thing and that LIMIT YOUR ALCOHOL. The human body doesn't know what do with the alcohol we consume so it stores it as excess fat.

Swimming also burns more calories than any activity you can do. Sex burns a lot of calories as well unfortunately I like to see somebody do that for an hour straight :D.

Oh yeah, also drink lots of water especially if you weight train. It keeps the muscles hydrated and adds to its asthetic look.

Plus if you lose a lot of weight or better word is FAT and you don't weight train you might be left with sagging skin especially if you recovering from obesity. If you REALLY want to lose weight (not fat) just go to a sauna. But remember less weight doesn't mean less fat. That is why I hate using weight as a measure. Keeping your body fat ratio under check is the most important thing. The ideal body fat percentage for guys is around 6-10% especially if you want that 6 pack to show.