Barricade 6 causing pain at bottom of big toe/ball of foot.

So ive been playing tennis for about 4.5 years and i always used Nikes until last April I got the Barricade 6 when it came out. I have never had any problems with foot pain while wearing my nikes. I recently have been getting some pain in my big toe/area where it connects to foot. I checked it out only to realize it was swollen and I had a huge callus. Anyways now I cant play without feeling this pain in my toe. I bought insoles, and switched back to Nikes after taking 2 weeks off and still pain returns to toe. Has anyone had this problem from the Barricade 6? If so what was it and what did you do to fix it? Ive tried icing, and resting, and soaking with Epsom salt but all to no avail. I need help!