Blackcode vs Hex Poly (golden set)


Has anyone compared the Hex Poly from Golden Set to the other hexagon offerings like Hurricane Tour or Blackcode?

I'm interested because if this string played the same as the premier strings I'll have to get a few reels. They are about 1/3 the price.

I ordered some packets to try them out (18 and 17).

I know there are only 3-4 main string manufacturing plants in the world so if these strings are produced in the same plants their composition will be similar.

I haven't heard anything bad about Golden Set but they aren't a big company.

Insights anyone?


I don't know how do you "know" that there are only "3-4 main strings manufacturing plants in the world" <Bab an TF have their own manufacturing plants in France plus further overseas-and it makes already 2-Gosen has 3 in Japan only, Ashaway produces strings in the good old US and A...should i continue?>

Apart this...hex poly is (guess..) an hex-shaped, simple copoly, Black Code is PENTAGONAL, has an internal copoly "core" and a softer skin made of a more complicate poly composite and is slightly twisted on the axis , PHT is a (somewhat "rounded") OCTAGONAL shaped copoly with thermal refining <softer "core", harder "skin">. So, apart from being all three "poly strings" their composition differs so much-and the way they play, too- that i can advice each of these to a different style of play...

Nevertheless...try this one, and if you want both the BC and the PHT, compare...and let us the very end, it's possible than the cheaper is the one that fits the best to your playing style...

Ok..excuse my professorial talking..i just need to be a little "explicative".. :D

Play tennis, have fun.... ;)

