Can't stop talking like Florian Meier



Think I watched too many of his vids.

Find myself talking in the Florian Meier voice to myself all the time

"That fat man at the bus stop REALLY doesn't need to be consuming those excessive McDonald's calories"

"The moron's next door really don't need to be playing their music at such an unproductive volume"

It's addictive.

I think I need help.


Talk Tennis Guru
I remember I kept acting like Tom Jones, I was singing all his songs and everything. I went to the Dr. and he told me I had come down with Tom Jones Syndrome. I asked if it was a common ailment. He said......It's not unusual.


I remember I kept acting like Tom Jones, I was singing all his songs and everything. I went to the Dr. and he told me I had come down with Tom Jones Syndrome. I asked if it was a common ailment. He said......It's not unusual.

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