Changing Overgrips during these COVID-19 times


USTA recommends changing you overgrip if possible after every time you play during this pandemic? Just curious, have you been doing that since the tennis courts are opening up? or do you just wipe down your grip with disinfectant wipe? just wondering what every one is doing... hope everyone is healthy and safe!


No. I plan to wipe my equipment down with 91% alcohol when finished or at home. Should not be that big an issue since the stuff is not to be shared.


You want to tell me your symptom-less opponent will infect the ball, then the ball will infect your hand, then your hand will infect your grip, then after a day or 2 when you play next your grip will infect your hand, and then when you wipe your sweat your hand will infect your mouth, nose or eyes? I wonder why still a few people are alive. This grip thing is so ridiculous, you won't even get one virus from your own grip, and even if you could get one, this doesn't work like pregnancy.