Continential Grip - I've Done Wrong For Years


New User
Yesterday, I looked at Fuzzy Yellow Balls site and looked at the continential grip and saw where the heal pad of the hand should be on the 2nd bevel along with the index finger knuckle. After viewing the video, I picked up my racquet and griped "my normal continential grip" and found my heal pad of my hand was way down on the 3rd bevel. I went out and moved it to the correct location and WOW what a difference this made in my serving. More power and whipped through the ball faster. Thanks Fuzzy Yellow is the little things that can get by one that can make all the difference in the world in your game. How do you ensure your continential grip is correct?


Continental grip = strings perpendicular to the ground! There are lots of pics on google image search.


I wish this would happen to me. I grip with the continental and I still just open the face early and hit it frying pan style. I can't seem to fix it. I can frying pan with the extreme backhand grip...

Mahboob Khan

Hall of Fame
Continental grip: the base knuckle of the index finger is on panel 2 (bevel 1) or upper part of panel 2 (bevel 1).

With correct continental grip, standing position, keeping the racket inbetween your legs (between your two eyes) but out in front, you should not be able to see your strings; you will only see top edge of your frame.