

Hall of Fame
Phil said:
Oh, man.'s even worse than I thought. I'm sorry.

No worries. It's kind of funny to have a civil convo with you. I don't think we've ever done that. And we may never do so again. But hey, when I'm wrong, I'm wrong, and it seems that I'm always wrong, with this crew.

But I actually pulled out Dedans' comments re Rafa and me on March 31. As I said before, I left Miami on the 29th, but I'm sure you'll all appreciate again Dedans' wit re Rafael's chances in Miami.

1. His serve (relatively-speaking)
2. His entourage
(The "omni-lurking, legal-begal-as-albatross-across-the-neck" burden
Nadal must endure on a constant basis--it must take its toll on the poor lad!)

Taken from Edwin Pope's column in the Miami Herald, Thursday, March 31, 2005):

" my more than 35 years in the newspaper business, rarely, has this reporter witnessed what took place ..... such a bizzarre scene ..... on the Rickenbacker Causeway yesterday, as onlookers (and this reporter) were treated to the hillarious sight of a middle-aged (presumably an "out-of-towner") woman's antics which involved her chasing after some skinny little kid who looked like a cross between Lou Diamond Phillips and a squinty Ali McGraw (a number of the shocked onlookers identified the braying lad as the young Spanish tennis sensation, Rafel Nadal). As this woman (with nary a shread of dignity) continued her chase of the poor, besieged child, she screamed at the top of her lungs in such shrill, strident tones that only an inebriated Fran Dresher could love: "Raffa, your Enfamil!!! Your forgot to drink your Enfamil!!" while at the same time, the little child (his eyes abaze with abject terror!) cried back to her as he ran dearly for his life:
Vayase!! Dejeme en paz Mrs. Pollo-halcon!! Vayase usted loco mujer!"
("Go away! Leave me alone Mrs. Chickenhawk! Go away you crazy woman!")

This reporter had to duck out of sight at that point, as he literally wet his pants laughing at the proceedings......"

c-2005 Miami Herald (all rights reserved)

Dedans did add a few besos at the end, but I chose not to post them.

You can add them if you wish.

But if anyone has had the last laugh, it's Rafael. And I doubt very much that the Miami Herald would claim that copyright. And it explains, to some extent, why I'm not a big Dedans fan.

But I'm sure he and his cronies are still wetting their pants over the humor of it all. And that's fine. Enjoy!!!!


Vamos, above all what? I've done nothing any differently than you. If you're making references to personal observations, you've certainly done that ad nauseum. I only entered the fray after your tennis experts comment which really defined a new low for your discourse on the boards. It seems that you don't like anyone knowing anything about the pros other than you. I've actually ignored several challenges to posts from you that were unfounded. You're a privileged fan, Vamos, nothing more nothing less. Your knowledge of the game is confined to regurgitating information that you gather. Your story about the law firm's tournament is downright funny and I wish you'd post it again. That, Vamos is not my definition of competitive tennis and you are not any where close to my definition of a tennis player. With all due respect, you're what I would call a tennis groupie. I have enjoyed your early contributions, but now find that all you do is condescend to the little people on the boards. As I said, I've to this point ignored it, but the tennis experts comment put me over the top.

I'll tell you what, I'd be happy to discuss any aspect of the game with you that does not involve personality of the players. We can go over gear, stringing, strings, strategy, technique, patterns, practice, tournament play, league play, and offcourt work to keep in shape. Maybe now you'll see my point.


Hall of Fame
One thing we all need to do is accept each other for who we are. No one here is a murderer, and no one here is a child molester. Yet judging by some of the posts for months, that seems to be the *insinuation* by some. There have been several attempts to demean, embarrass, even humiliate, or should I just say slay be a better word...VamosRafa about her "crush" on an underage dude. Hello, VamosRafa is married and has kids. I've seen no indication that she does not love her kids and her husband, that she's not loyal to them. She has done nothing illegal, and to make personal judgements based on that maybe your right, but it also does not mean you're right. By law, you have no means to say you are right. So what ends up happening when we make personal judgements? People become defensive, they fight back. Well, you might say she started it. You know what? Maybe she did, maybe she didn't; but really does it matter when the bullets are flying in a war? No. The only thing that happens is that you've got to fight for your life. I get the sense in this "feud" that both parties are so busy trying to defend themselves that they never stop to see the reality of the situation.

ALL DIFFERENCES ASIDE, we are ALL still just REAL human beings in here with REAL feelings.

Last I checked, none of us are murderers, none of us are posting from jail. We all have loved ones, we all have friends, we all are able to function in why the war of the worlds in here? It's just tennis. We don't have to judge each other so personally. As far as I'm concerned, I may not always agree with someone, but I ration that by saying, you know what? This is a real person with real feelings. I don't want to hurt this person's feelings unless I know this person in REAL life. It's a fine line, and I've definitely lost control before and made mistakes; but you know what? It doesn't have to ALWAYS be that way. Let bygones, be off, take a sip of lemonade, play with the kids, take a walk by the beach...but let's try not to get personal. Let's not try to pretend we know each other in REAL life. Let's try not to pretend we know best for one another. Let's try not to lecture one another.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter who is right or wrong after a certain point. If that were the case, wars would never end. At some point, there comes a time when truce is more than just a's the only means of survival.

Phil once basically told me if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. That Deuce took it like a man for years, so somehow I'm less of a man? Um, no.

There in lies the one is less of a man for their actions on here. So long as none of us are felonious criminals, we each deserve the right to be our OWN man. We each handle and respond to things in different ways. Why can't we accept that of each other without having to judge each other?

This goes for all of us. If you've been in these forums long enough, sooner or later you'll get into some sort of feud, sooner or later, you'll disagree with someone, sooner or later...the s-word happens. Such is life, but it's just a message board.

If I'm going to condemn someone personally, I'll make sure I know them in real life first. The fact of the matter is that I would NEVER tell anyone I post on here in real life. This board is entirely separate from my real life. I don't ever want those two worlds to mix. I get along fine in my real life...why? Because in real life, there are not search buttons, and rewind, buttons to constantly remind of us of our moments of infamy. You know what? If I wanted to, I could dreg up 'dirt' on ANYONE on these boards who's posted with any regularity. Why? Not because we're ALL evil; but rather because we're all HUMAN BEINGS. We all say stupid things, we all say things we wish we could take back...what's even scarrier, we can ALL pretend that everything we've written is fuel for a term paper. Ever notice when writing a term paper, that you can twist words and quotes to meet YOUR needs? That's what happens when we say, wait a minute, buster, I've got you HERE! SEE! WOOPEE! See, these are all words you read about in my editorial on what a messed up person you are...

You know to my mind, that doesn't change anything. We're still not murderers, we still have loved ones. To me, that's enough for me to know that this person deserves the benefit of the doubt from me as a human being. I look at VamosRafa and say you know what anyone who can love and care for her kids? How bad can she be?

Maybe, that's why I don't sweat it or take it personally when I see the "tennis experts" quote. To be honestly, I honestly don't take that as at all offensive. It's just tennis, who cares? I never took offense at tennis on these boards, just when things get personal.

Again, it's not about who started the fight. The fact is the fight started and if you want to wage the war forever, then so be it. But I can tell you from personal experience, it's no fun posting and wondering...great, when is the so and so poster going to jump on me...

Sometimes I feel like we're all laying in wait for that golden moment to pounce like the proverbial tiger. In the end, how does that make anyone feel better?

You know what always really disturbed me? The heat TripleB endured just because he was always demoing rackets.... I find it poignant and poetic that the same people who were grilling TripleB about his HARMLESS quest for the "holy grail" are now saying oh, sorry about your wife. You know, it doesn't take a tragedy to treat a person like a person. I never got why TripleB was harrassed and made fun of so much for his demoing. When you make fun of someone, it may seem harmless to you, but to the person? No one enjoys being made fun of. Who cares? I do. We only harm each other when we make fun of each other. If we just stopped for a second, and accepted each other for who we are and are UNIQUE individuality, then the board would be a less destructive place. We shouldn't have to come on here, fearing the next time we're going to be made fun of, or the next time someone is going drudge up our 'track record.' For the record, I bet NONE of us face this kind of personal heat in REAL life. Why? Because in real life, there is no rewind button, no search button, nothing to hold us to our fundamental human imperfection. I've never even been to church, but even I know that THEORETICALLY the only man who has ever (or ever will) lived a perfectly sinless life is Jesus Christ.

The rest of us? We can all be darned. We don't always have to call each other out on it though. In real life, we don't, because it plays out in real time. It's moving. We don't have the luxury (or shall I say the TRAP) of being able to sit down, hit the search button, and go hunting for Moralistic Holmes.

Ultimately, I KNOW we're all fundamentally decent human beings, in spite of what the search button reveals. That's fools gold. If everyone were held to that standard then God would be a VERY lonely man in heaven, don't you think?

In the final judgement, I will only say this. I bet on the individual character of each and everyone of you that if so and so TW board "enemy" were to suffer a REAL life tragic incident in their life, we would know that there's a time to rehash, and a time to offer condolences. As a race, humans have proved themselves fitter than animals, because we care for our own like no other. Push come to shove, we DO care about each other.

The only exception are the murderers...last I checked, there is no BTK among us.

So in that knowledge, I think we can rest easy. Let bygones, be bygones? Probably not gonna happen, but hopefully we can at least move on and see that none of us are truly evil...even if our archived posts may explicitly and literally drip in venom. Figuratively speaking, though we've all got beating hearts...we just can't see them in words now can we?

Remove the mirage, and we have real life entities...and individualities. Accept each other for who we are, or face turbulent waters forever.

Discussing tennis used to be a fun game, but now it's an exchange of heated volleys, zingers, and passing shots.


Hall of Fame
Btw, for the record, I don't believe you have to be a player to understand the game of tennis. To me, tennis is the furthest thing from rocket science. It's a very simple game, and the strategy is NOWHERE near as complex as it is in team sports. Ronnie Leitgeb, coach of Thomas Muster, was not a tennis player at all when he met Muster at a tournament in 89. He was, in fact, just a reporter. Did it in the end matter? He helped Muster to number one in the world, in the end. What matters is that they hit it off. Tennis is again not rocket science. No way, Leitgeb could have done the same with say a professional basketball team. Basketball is MUCH more complex. Tennis is simply not. You can watch and learn a lot. Does Bud Collins have a wickedly crazy inside-out Bersategui-like forehand to go along with his crazy pants? Probably not, still doesn't mean he doesn't know tennis. Did Nick Bolletieri go to the ends of the earth to learn tennis from the very best to start his academy? Not really. The record shows that tennis is simply not rocket science, in my opinion. It's a fairly simple game...some are better at it than others, but that does not mean you know it better than others. And I'm not saying any of you players on this board don't know tennis REALLY well, because you do. The thing is though I think VamosRafa does too. I think she's provided a wealth of inciteful posts. I don't discredit her opinion any at all just because she's a tennis reporter (or "groupie" if you want to take a jab).

The fact is none of us knows tennis BETTER than any other. We're just all of us OPINIONS. None better than the other. We can voraciously argue and defend our tennis opinions, but that doesn't make us right, just different. So what? Debate in the context of tennis is fine, it's only when things get personal that volcanos erupt.

Passion is a wonderful thing, but not to the extent that it burns human emotions.

Again, it's not about who's right or wrong at this point; it's about who WANTS to stop the lava flow. Sooner or later, it takes one side to back off, cool off, vent and let the other side get the last laugh. If that means running away, so be it. If that means simply desensitiving yourself, and ignoring any slights sent your way? So be it. Doesn't mean you have to, just that that's the only way you can stop a bleeding volcano.

The problem occurs when we get so caught up in BEING RIGHT, that we lose sight of what's really important. Our REAL lives. In the final estimate, who really cares in our real lives if we're right or wrong on a little 'ol, low traffic tennis board?

That's why for me, whenever this board gets too heated for me, I simply step away and say, you know what, it's simply not worth it. It's just a tennis board, and leave it at that. Simple as that, and that's ok. It doesn't matter if people are laughing at me, or if they're right and I'm wrong, or whatever. In the end, someone has to just leave before it gets too hot. To me, it's not worth it for it to escalate to that point. Why? I realize the fundamental TRAPPINGS of ANY board with a SEARCH button. Ever see that Gilligan's Island episode where Gilligan discover the mind-reading pills? What happened? Everyone had their...ahem...SAY. What did Gilligan do? He burned the seeds. Everyone said, NO! What are you doing! Of course, in that moment the pouting enemies suddenly became unified again. In the end, there was no rewind button, no seeds to reclaim. What's done is buried in the ashes so we can forgive and forget and simply be ourselves again. With a search function, with a back button, with an archival system...such a luxury is lost on us. When we use the search function to make POINTS, we open ourselves up to a literal pandora's box where NO ONE is safe. You make a point, you can bet that that the recepient can use the search function and catch you in a slip-up too. Fact of life, you...NO ONE...can win.


God bless ya, Tym, I know you probably said something worthwhile there, but I just can't bring myself to find out.

My take on this whole business is this:

If you spend enough time yapping on an Internet message board (and don't we all?), once in a while, you will come off like an ass. This is unavoidable. And when you do, people will call you on it.

When this happens, you can:

A) Ignore it. A really good option. Mostly says, "I still feel I'm right, but it's hardly worth arguing about, and now I'm going to move on to other things."

B) Look at yourself objectively, and then admit, "You know what? You're right. I was an ass just there! :D " Everybody has a good laugh, and then we all move on.

C) Get indignant, declare yourself to be special, and refuse to recognize your asshood. Congratulations! By choosing C, you have found the only way to engender justified feelings of disgust among an entire online community! You are now an object of ridicule and scorn! Hurry now, additional ill will is only a reply-button away. What are you waiting for?


Hall of Fame
Tym, unlike those with short attention spans, I did take the time to read and absorb your entire message. I think it's very insightful and fair to all involved. You took some jabs at all of us, and they were well deserved. Thanks for taking the time to do it. Ever considered a career as a mediator?

For the record, I would be happy to let bygones be bygones. I'm not sure it will happen either. But I would certainly make the effort. And will do my best to be very congenial, if not convivial, in all my future posts.

BTW, I want to clarify I was kidding when I said I'd link this post to the website. The last thing we would need is a bunch of bi-lingual teenagers jumping in here. They are very sweet, of course, but they wouldn't have a clue about the discussion. Just wanted to emphasize that I was joking. No link has or will be done.
You should do the link. Go ahead expose the underbelly of the online tennis community.

No one here is a murderer...

You forgot that time Phil stepped on a tick.

...and no one here is a child molester.

Well, you know what they say about b!rds of a feather. And Sampras has been pretty tight with that Fischer character, and we all know his story...

Oy, what has happened to this place? This used to be where I'd come to get away from MTF, WTAw, and CNNSI. Now it's morphed into the Non-Tennis section of wtaw(Does Roddick like Toast -568 hits, Richard Gasquet is here - 2,422 hits, Golovin is the ... wettest - 1,345 hits. The discussions were of such quality that I couldn't add anything, and I love giving my opinion...sigh, times change I suppose.


Hall of Fame
Bertchel Banks said:
You should do the link. Go ahead expose the underbelly of the online tennis community..

So you think? I should go ahead and post a new thread of, and say "I've been maligned check out this thread, what do you all think?"

Hey, we get 3000 to 5000 hits a day, in English. And twice on Sundays, when Roger is involved. *lol* And even more on the Spanish side.

I don't want to play that card, as I think it's under-handed, so to speak.

Again, thanks for the advice, Bertchel.

Onward and upward, perhaps?????

But if others want to continue to press their point, I don't discourage that at all. As Rabbit pointed out, there are two sides to all issues.
So you think? I should go ahead and post a new thread of, and say "I've been maligned check out this thread, what do you all think?"

The Americans, as members of the world's premier power, has a sort of innate arrogance. They are irritated with dissenting opinions, and intolerant of differing viewpoints. They live in a world where Ann "Frisk those swarthy men" Coulter is a bestselling author, Bill "I wanna eat you like a meal" O'Reilly is a network star, and George W. Bush's ideas are not only nourished, but come to bear.

I've lost my point. I suggest you make the link. As multilinguists, they are more endowed to handle the opinion of someone with a different perspective. As multilinguists, they should feel less intimidated and less defensive just because you say out loud a name or two from your little black book.


Hall of Fame
Bertchel Banks said:
The Americans, as members of the world's premier power, has a sort of innate arrogance. They are irritated with dissenting opinions, and intolerant of differing viewpoints. They live in a world where Ann "Frisk those swarthy men" Coulter is a bestselling author, Bill "I wanna eat you like a meal" O'Reilly is a network star, and George W. Bush's ideas are not only nourished, but come to bear.

I've lost my point. I suggest you make the link. As multilinguists, they are more endowed to handle the opinion of someone with a different perspective. As multilinguists, they should feel less intimidated and less defensive just because you say out loud a name or two from your little black book.

Well, as I posted before, I'm trying to conform and be a good society person around here.

But that if that doesn't work out, no worries. I will indeed make my unhappiness known. But at the moment I have no complaints re Barcelona posts. I am not making a link, but it's something I will indeed consider if future Dedans and other's "creative" posts pop up.

Thanks so much for input. It's well-taken.
VamosRafa said:
I want to clarify I was kidding when I said I'd link this post to the website. The last thing we would need is a bunch of bi-lingual teenagers jumping in here. They are very sweet, of course, but they wouldn't have a clue about the discussion.
VamosRafa said:
So you think? I should go ahead and post a new thread of, and say "I've been maligned check out this thread, what do you all think?"
VamosRafa said:
Hey, we get 3000 to 5000 hits a day, in English. And twice on Sundays, when Roger is involved. *lol* And even more on the Spanish side.

I don't want to play that card, as I think it's under-handed, so to speak.
VamosRafa said:
But that if that doesn't work out, no worries. I will indeed make my unhappiness known. But at the moment I have no complaints re Barcelona posts. I am not making a link, but it's something I will indeed consider if future Dedans "creative" posts pop up.

Go ahead, Susan, SPAM the forum with as you say a bunch of teenagers who don't have a clue. I'm tired of hearing this threat from you. You've said it many times, like we're all supposed to tremble in fear. Unleash your minions, show us the intellectual power of your followers. Another bottom feeding, disgusting, empty threat.


Hall of Fame
Bertchel Banks said:
The Americans, as members of the world's premier power, has a sort of innate arrogance. They are irritated with dissenting opinions, and intolerant of differing viewpoints. They live in a world where Ann "Frisk those swarthy men" Coulter is a bestselling author, Bill "I wanna eat you like a meal" O'Reilly is a network star, and George W. Bush's ideas are not only nourished, but come to bear.

I've lost my point. I suggest you make the link. As multilinguists, they are more endowed to handle the opinion of someone with a different perspective. As multilinguists, they should feel less intimidated and less defensive just because you say out loud a name or two from your little black book.

You never HAD a point to make.

Why would a "multilinguist" be any more tolerant of other opinions than a monolinguist? Does that mean that the various cultures of, say, Europe all get along just swell, and are mutually supporting of each other's opinion? I guess the events of the last century prove THAT to be true, eh?

Stick to something more in your depth, like Agassi's forehand. Leave other, more heady issues, to people who know what they're talking about.
Stick to something more in your depth, like Agassi's forehand. Leave other, more heady issues, to people who know what they're talking about.

If by heady you mean Roddick's breakfast sugar, or Golovin's moisture level, sure I'll leave those heady issues to you.

You never HAD a point to make.

Yes I did.

Why would a "multilinguist" be any more tolerant of other opinions than a monolinguist? Does that mean that the various cultures of, say, Europe all get along just swell, and are mutually supporting of each other's opinion? I guess the events of the last century prove THAT to be true, eh?

Whatever disagreements the Europeans may have had, they seem to be taking steps in the direction of tolerance...the EU. This, IMO, is proof that they are more tolerant, due to studying the language and culture of their neighbors.

The Americans, otoh, exaults Ann "Nuke the French" Coulter, but is enraged by a French bestseller claiming the 9/11 attacks may have been a government hoax. They accuse the French of insensitivity, turns around and give their leader free reign to stomp/crush/butcher innocent foreigners who weren't hip to "The American Way."


Hall of Fame
Datacipher said:
Go ahead, Susan, SPAM the forum with as you say a bunch of teenagers who don't have a clue. I'm tired of hearing this threat from you. You've said it many times, like we're all supposed to tremble in fear. Unleash your minions, show us the intellectual power of your followers. Another bottom feeding, disgusting, empty threat.

As I said, when Dedans comes up with his "creative" posts re Nadal in the future, I will post them on the Nadal site. I haven't done so to date, but I do think that such creativeness re Nadal should be shared with his fans. And, it will be done, no worries.

But Dedans is creative, and I give him credit for that. Unlike you, who has no creativity that I'm aware of.

But at the moment the thread is discussing issues that I'm not qualified to comment on. Very interesting stuff, though. And I am looking forward to learning more about some things I hadn't considered. *ontheedgeofmyseat*


Hall of Fame
Bertchel Banks said:
Whatever disagreements the Europeans may have had, they seem to be taking steps in the direction of tolerance...the EU. This, IMO, is proof that they are more tolerant, due to studying the language and culture of their neighbors.

The Americans, otoh, exaults Ann "Nuke the French" Coulter, but is enraged by a French bestseller claiming the 9/11 attacks may have been a government hoax. They accuse the French of insensitivity, turns around and give their leader free reign to stomp/crush/butcher innocent foreigners who weren't hip to "The American Way."

You obviously don't do a lot of reading. Tolerance in Europe? Just look at the way the immigrant populations are treated in the UK, France and Germany and you'll find PLENTY OF IT, right? Skinhead violence in Germany/England, Turks being killed, Black students as targets on any Russian streets, vandalism in ethnic neighborhoods in the UK, discrimmination against the Muslim population of France, the whole BALKAN hatred, that results in many deaths every year, let's see, what else. Oh, a really cute trend of vandalizing Jewish cemetaries in France, not to mention the desecration of a cemetary in France for British soldiers (who helped liberate France). What else...I can go on, and on...

The study and understanding of different languages and culture should always be encouraged, and Americans tend to be ignorant about such things. But but based on Europe's past and present history, it has NEVER proven as an antedote for keeping people from slaughtering each other.

Oh, Ann Coulter...that's a really GOOD example of American policies and Americans in general...a single circus clown disguised as a media hack. You must be able to do better than that. I mean, I can easily pick out some typical French or British racisit politician and paint those entire countries' poupulation with the same brush, no problem. But Ann Coulter? I'm sure that in your country, you have your celebrity jokes too.
VamosRafa said:
Unlike you, who has no creativity that I'm aware of. *

What a comeback! You got me Susan, it's such a good zinger because it hits so close to home. Indeed you must have studied my posts for some time with your insightful mind.

I have to confess I rip you with facts and logic only because a few years ago I was diagnosed with creative impairment syndrome. That's the real source of my JEALOUSY towards you, I mean you haven't shown an ounce on insight or creativity in your writing, but I could never even hope to experience such a fantastically delusional relationship with a teen pro player as you have. Nor, could I possibly view myself with the same grandiose self image disorder you enjoy.

There is hope though, I have sent away for that "Believe in your own invalidated greatness" kit you recommended, the one with intro by Anna Kournikova.

I guess until then, I'll just have to overcompensate with snide remarks and unsubtle name dropping at every opportunity even though it looks a bit funny since it's usually not too relevant or of any importance....big sigh.


Hall of Fame
Datacipher said:
What a comeback! You got me Susan, it's such a good zinger because it hits so close to home. Indeed you must have studied my posts for some time with your insightful mind. .

Check out posts below. Sorry for the duplicate post. My fault.


Hall of Fame
Datacipher said:
What a comeback! You got me Susan, it's such a good zinger because it hits so close to home. Indeed you must have studied my posts for some time with your insightful mind.

I have to confess I rip you with facts and logic only because a few years ago I was diagnosed with creative impairment syndrome. That's the real source of my JEALOUSY towards you, I mean you haven't shown an ounce on insight or creativity in your writing, but I could never even hope to experience such a fantastically delusional relationship with a teen pro player as you have. Nor, could I possibly view myself with the same grandiose self image disorder you enjoy.

There is hope though, I have sent away for that "Believe in your own invalidated greatness" kit you recommended, the one with intro by Anna Kournikova.

Oh, man, talk about easy pickings. They are here.

I don't worry about jealousy. I started the Nadal site in June 2003. I knew then that he would be worth my efforts to learn html and ftp and such. And I learned it, and had my husband teach me some things about web design.

Can you say the same?

I'm sorry, Daticipher, but I didn't catch the URL of the website you do for a player. Please let me know what it is. I will check it out.

In May 2003, I was still doing the site for Roddick. Things went a bit south there, and I just knew for some reason I had to do a Nadal site. It wasn't even an option, in my view; I just knew it was something I had to do. I haven't looked back.

The site has grown, and now is in both English and Spanish:

Check it out Daticipher:

How do you think we can we improve it????

And again, please let us all know what site you do for a player???

And if you can't do that, please let us know why Kournikova is relevant to today's Tour? You raised it, and I didn't understand it. Is she scheduled to play Roma????
VamosRafa said:
I'll let the "tennis experts" here explain that to you.
Everyone's "side of the story" should start from the begining. So, let's go back to the begining:
VamosRafa said:
I'll let the "tennis experts" here explain that to you.
You gonna post that on your website?

When you re-posted (quoted) my FICTITIOUS "Edwin Pope/Miami Hearld Story," I noticed you conveniently (and deliberately) ommitted my "Rafal Nada's STRENGTHS" section: topspinnage forehand, indefatigalbe fighting spirit then purposely "distorted" my intent to suggest (inaccurtately) that it was an indicator of Nadal's chances at that tourney. That had nothing to do with it. It was a lampoon plain and simple. Listen closely my little oysterette: the hyperbole in that "Miami Herald" was so over-the-top, i.e. it was so obviously a "joke" that I honestly didn't even THINK you'd be offended by it, again, because it was so obviously over-the-top rediculous......hell, I thought the absurd humor wouldn't be lost on you. Seriously, who in their right mind would even picture you chasing Rafal Nadal? Certainly not me Susan.

So, for the record:
Edwin Pope, columnists for the Miami Herald did NOT actually report the rediculous (and hillarious!) sight of Susan chasing a terrified Rafal Nadal down the Rickenbacker Causeway during the tournament held at Crandon Park. Now, where was I? Oh yeah.....

VamosRafa said:
....I leave that to the "tennis experts" to explain it to you."
VamosRafa said:
Oh, man, talk about easy pickings. They are here.

I don't worry about jealousy. I started the Nadal site in June 2003. I knew then that he would be worth my efforts to learn html and ftp and such. And I learned it, and had my husband teach me some things about web design.

Can you say the same?

I have in not mentioned your website or questioned your ability to make webpages.

What's very odd is this is the 2ND time, you have said the EXACT same thing to me. I realize you don't remember and perhaps dont' even realize or understand why you are saying this either, but once before out of the blue, you started bragging about your ability to make webpages and asked if I could do that. I explained that time, that I was only a few classes away from a degree in computer science and you then dropped the bizarre challenge.

I commend you for learning some html and learning HOW TO USE FTP, that's terrific. I program in Scheme, Lisp, Vax Assembly, C++, Modula 2, Pascal, Java and have dabbled in several others, but this is completely irrelevant.

And cmon, could it be any funnier when you post this bragging right after 2 empty posts because you had "computer issues". Seriously Susan, it's funny, but even I like it when you post in at least a semi-sober state.

"....ANd AnotheR thing dATRCiper,I MADe a WEbsight for Rufa!!.....brrwhere'ers yor Webpage for RAfA??? i KNEW it was Me who destinied made the webiste fer him, I leArned FTP goOd To....send Rafeey the PaGE but they said Not RIght, didnt' GET iT! WHy thEY dont' let him Get iT? WHwat hav YOU done for RAfa?....So0 tired right now, juSt gonna LAY down her, reSt for a might bit....."

I'm sorry, Daticipher, but I didn't catch the URL of the website you do for a player. Please let me know what it is. I will check it out.

Susan, is this a childish ploy are have you genuinely forgotten once again, that i have corrected you on your misspelling of my name on other occasions. It's odd that an educated person would even be inclined to use "daticipher".

In May 2003, I was still doing the site for Roddick. Things went a bit south there, and I just knew for some reason I had to do a Nadal site. It wasn't even an option, in my view; I just knew it was something I had to do. I haven't looked back.

I love it.

IF ANYONE understands what relevance this has to ANYTHING i said, please enlighten me. Think back....think back very hard Susan....(dreamy fade) law school, in between trying to find a way to get preferential favour from the you remember anyone ever saying anything like "non-sequitur"?

And if you can't do that, please let us know why Kournikova is relevant to today's Tour? You raised it, and I didn't understand it. Is she scheduled to play Roma????

I's OK Suze. Don't get all pouty and cranky now, I'll try to speak more plain like, nice and simple.


Hall of Fame
Dedans Penthouse said:
hell, I thought the absurd humor wouldn't be lost on you. Seriously, who in their right mind would even picture you chasing Rafal Nadal? Certainly not me Susan.

So, for the record:
Edwin Pope, columnists for the Miami Herald did NOT actually report the rediculous (and hillarious!) sight of Susan chasing a terrified Rafal Nadal down the Rickenbacker Causeway during the tournament held at Crandon Park. Now, where was I? Oh yeah.....

Okay, I do need to apologize to Dedans here. I knew the article was OTT (over the top), but I really believed you thought I was chasing Rafa around. Hell, I knew you knew I wasn't chasing him down the causeway, but the article gave the impression that that is what I do when I go to tournaments -- I chase Rafa around, and he doesn't like it.

And although the article obviously was a joke, I thought it was a "snide" attempt to joke about what you think is the truth. Ever notice that people sometimes, rather than say what they really think, joke about it. So if questioned, they can say it was all a joke???

If I misjudged your intent on that, I am sorry. Daticipher has said outright that he has info that Rafa wants nothing to do with me (I think I know the source of that info), and your "article" suggested that as well. But if your intent was indeed what it was -- all a joke with absolutely no serious undertones -- then I do apologize for thinking otherwise.

I think if it was an isolated incident, I would have accepted it as such. But I have come under fire here for doing the website for Rafa. So it is a sore spot with me when people question my motives. And the jackass and hag references didn't help any.

But, my little oyster, I accept that perhaps this was a misunderstanding, and that you thought I understood and appreciated your jokes more than I did.

And to underscore, without purposely trying to do any type of "connections to stars" thing -- can we please set that side for the moment -- my relationship with Rafa and his management is quite good.

Before going to Miami, I had contact with Carlos Costa and Rafa's Babolat rep, Luca Appino. They phoned Rafa, and arranged for me to meet with him in Miami; they had done the exact same thing for me in Sevilla.

So when I did meet with Rafa in Miami, he had known about it for weeks. I have since had calls from Carlos, and Luca and I have set up something for Roland Garros. It's not by any stretch of the imagination a "close" relationship, but it's a cooperative, professional one. And again, I'm sorry if I overreacted to the lampooning of this relationship. You did hit a sore spot, and I realize you may not have known that it was one. Running a site the size of is a big task, especially as it's bilingual. It takes tons of time, and I take it very seriously. Rafa's management seems to do so as well. 'Nuff said there.

As for Daticipher's comments above, if there was one worth responding to, I would. That's one thing I learned in law school -- ignore arguments that are ad hominem, if not downright stupid. To my discredit, I don't always follow this lesson, but will do so here.

As for my "tennis experts" comment, I've practically lost track of the context in which I made it, given all that happened after that. But I understand that I offended you with it, and I apologize for that. I could have made my point without making that statement, which really was not necessary. So again, I apologize.


Hall of Fame
VamosRafa said:
But I have come under fire here for doing the website for Rafa. So it is a sore spot with me when people question my motives. And the jackass and hag references didn't help any.

Susan - FAR BE IT for me to step between your discussion with Dedans, but one statement you made, in particular, seemed to jump off the page.

You HAVE NOT "come under fire for doing the website for Rafa." I cannot, ever, remember ANYONE criticizing you for your website per se. Oh, sure, possibly your shameless p!mping of the site was commented on, but not the contents of the site itself or the fact that you are behind it. In fact, you've received a lot of positive comments from other posters.

Now in your PREVIOUS version of your post, before you, as usual, attempted to change history and edited it, you had "etc., etc" right after this sentence, as in: "I have come under fire for doing the website for Rafa, etc., etc.

It's the etc. for which you've come "under fire". And boy, that little Latin doodlywink encompasses quite a lot: The snide, condescending little remarks like "tennis experts", your attempt at blackmailing a fellow poster into silence for merely expressing an OPINION, the endless name dropping of no-name tennis "luminaries", the claims at having an inside track on the tennis world (which is probably delusional), etc., ETC.

Although, as I said, people might question your p!mping of your site, or even your motivations for doing so, no one-that I've seen-begrudges you for doing it. Yet again, you've missed the point as to why you are being cyber biatch slapped like a Raggedy Ann's YOU.
VamosRafa said:
Daticipher has said outright that he has info that Rafa wants nothing to do with me (I think I know the source of that info),

When was that Susan? Please quote, unless you are lying again.


Hall of Fame
Phil said:
Susan - FAR BE IT for me to step between your discussion with Dedans, but one statement you made, in particular, seemed to jump off the page.

You HAVE NOT "come under fire for doing the website for Rafa." I cannot, ever, remember ANYONE criticizing you for your website per se. Oh, sure, possibly your shameless p!mping of the site was commented on, but not the contents of the site itself or the fact that you are behind it. In fact, you've received a lot of positive comments from other posters.

Now in your PREVIOUS version of your post, before you, as usual, attempted to change history and edited it, you had "etc., etc" right after this sentence, as in: "I have come under fire for doing the website for Rafa, etc., etc.

It's the etc. for which you've come "under fire". And boy, that little Latin doodlywink encompasses quite a lot: The snide, condescending little remarks like "tennis experts", your attempt at blackmailing a fellow poster into silence for merely expressing an OPINION, the endless name dropping of no-name tennis "luminaries", the claims at having an inside track on the tennis world (which is probably delusional), etc., ETC.

Although, as I said, people might question your p!mping of your site, or even your motivations for doing so, no one-that I've seen-begrudges you for doing it. Yet again, you've missed the point as to why you are being cyber biatch slapped like a Raggedy Ann's YOU.

Phil, I'm a lawyer, I'm still refining my post. It's a well known thing among lawyers, there's no such thing as good writing -- only good rewriting.

Even on my own, I realized it was good to edit that out. *roflmao*

But at the end, which I don't know if you've seen, I did make another apology re the "tennis experts" comment. I agree. I shouldn't have said that.

But so what if I'm a cyber biatch? You are a cyber bas!****. We both get slapped around a lot. But we do our share of slapping as well.

And I think we're like those Timex watches, we keep on ticking. And expect we'll keep on ticking until we choose to do otherwise.

Man, I'm a litigator. It's what I do for a living. You win some, you lose some. So I'm used to it. The difference there is whether I win or lose in the real world matters; here, it's not so important.


Hall of Fame
Datacipher said:
When was that Susan? Please quote, unless you are lying again.

Made me do some research here, but this goes back to the "Rafael the Prodigy Nadal" thread. Just look at your old posts, you'll find it. You accuse me of being incoherent at times, but your memory seems to be questionable. I won't even speculate as to why.

Here's what I think is an accurate reflection of what was said. Please review it, and let me know if I'm lying, or even more importantly, as to whether TW has inaccurately archived this discussion:

Originally Posted by Datacipher
I said long ago Susan, that I would try not to hold you against Nadal. No sense in holding a rabid fan with a creepy obsession against a player whom from what I have heard wants nothing to do with that fan.

Vamosrafa: FYI, I've been working a lot lately with María Jesús Urra, the webmaster for, Feli's official website. Feli and Rafa and are good friends, and were doubles partners in Miami. Our sites are affiliates.

In Miami, I sent her photos of Feli and match reports. She has done the same about Nadal in Valencia. She got some great photos, IMO.

She gave him my regards, and sent this to me today:

I gave him regards from "Susan from your your web site", and he said me "Oh, thanks! I know her personally, she is a very good person and she makes a very good work with my sport life and the web site is terrific!"


Daffy sorority girls and blue-haired Elvis fans just can't get enough of Roddick and Nadal - could it be that they're attracted to their fist-pumping, vapid self-absorption? Could it be that they're trying to get back at Daddy by supporting a goofball?
Connors brought the fist-pump into tennis, getting it from Cassius Clay (anyone who still admires him or refers to him by his alias should read Ghosts of Manila) who stole it from Gorgeous George, a wrestler. It may have been necessary for a brutal side-show like boxing to indulge in such antics, but they certainly have not improved tennis - to the contrary. Pancho Gonzalez may have been a sullen loner, but at least he didn't look like he suffered from a neurological disorder after winning a point.


Hall of Fame
VamosRafa said:
But so what if I'm a cyber biatch? You are a cyber bas!****. We both get slapped around a lot. But we do are share of slapping as well.

And I think we're like those Timex watches, we keep on ticking. And expect we'll keep on ticking until we choose to do otherwise.

Sue, Sue...I did not call you a cyber biat-ch...those are your words. I DID say that you got cyber biat-ch slapped like a Raggedy Ann doll. Big difference! These, counsellor, are the facts that I submit to you.


Hall of Fame
Phil said:
Sue, Sue...I did not call you a cyber biat-ch...those are your words. I DID say that you got cyber biat-ch slapped like a Raggedy Ann doll. Big difference! These, counsellor, are the facts that I submit to you.

Agreed. Your statement of the facts on that specific issue is more accurate.
VamosRafa said:
Originally Posted by Datacipher
I said long ago Susan, that I would try not to hold you against Nadal. No sense in holding a rabid fan with a creepy obsession against a player whom from what I have heard wants nothing to do with that fan.

I stand by every word of that quote 100%. I'll say it again! Nadal is a fine young player, I wouldn't hold YOU and your behavior against him! You aren't him, you have no meaningful relationship with him. However, you'll notice that your relationship with Nadal is only mentioned by me in passing here, framing the point of my statement. Which in fact I was only compelled to say, because you once again accused me of being anti-Nadal. If in fact you were his representative, then indeed, I would hold you against him.

I have always held back in this area. Gossip is your stock-in-trade, not mine.


Hall of Fame
Datacipher said:
I stand by every word of that quote 100%. I'll say it again! Nadal is a fine young player, I wouldn't hold YOU and your behavior against him! You aren't him, you have no meaningful relationship with him. However, you'll notice that your relationship with Nadal is only mentioned by me in passing here, framing the point of my statement. Which in fact I was only compelled to say, because you once again accused me of being anti-Nadal. If in fact you were his representative, then indeed, I would hold you against him.

I have always held back in this area. Gossip is your stock-in-trade, not mine.

No, libel is your stock in trade. You said you had heard that Rafa wants nothing to do with me. And you published that in writing.

You have nothing to back that up.


Hall of Fame
Datacipher said:
I stand by every word of that quote 100%. I'll say it again! Nadal is a fine young player, I wouldn't hold YOU and your behavior against him! You aren't him, you have no meaningful relationship with him. However, you'll notice that your relationship with Nadal is only mentioned by me in passing here, framing the point of my statement. Which in fact I was only compelled to say, because you once again accused me of being anti-Nadal. If in fact you were his representative, then indeed, I would hold you against him.

I have always held back in this area. Gossip is your stock-in-trade, not mine.

I agree. Libel seems to be your stock in trade. You said you had heard that Rafa wants nothing to do with me. And you published that in writing.

You have nothing to back that up.


Hall of Fame
For some reason the above post was published twice, but if I delete one and make a note that it was a computer error, Daticipher will be all over me like a cheap suit.

But it was indeed a computer error. My keyboard is giving me huge issues, as it did yesterday. I will buy a new one tomorrow.

But to clarify, Daticipher, you said, I'm "a rabid fan with a creepy obsession against a player whom from what I [meaning Daticipher] have heard wants nothing to do with that fan."

So from what I understand, you have no information that Rafa wants nothing to do with me. You were just speculating, right?

And I have no problem with that at all. But the way I read your post is that you had info contrary to what I believe is the true state of affairs between our website and Rafa and his management. Which is why I posted the info received from the webmaster of Feli Lopez's site.

Again, if this is a misunderstanding, please let me know. But I think we have clarified, at a minimum, that I haven't lied.

But I'm beginning to think Bamboo has the right of it. This whole thing is becoming wtf???

Except re Dedans, because my post was sincerely directed to him. And perhaps we should let him review it and give us his take. I do think I may have misjudged him, and that's the only reason I posted back in this thread.
ROFL! It's not even the same identical post Susan! Cmon sleep it off.....

Susan, I asked you to POST my quote! You did, that is terrific. IT IS THE 1ST time in all the false statements you have attributed to me, that I challenged you to quote that you have actually quoted. SO NOW I know what statement you're talking about and again, I STAND BY IT. But that is ALL i will say about it.(lol, not gonna work Suzy)

Let me just now mention.....Nadal is a fine young player, I wouldn't hold YOU and your behavior against him! You aren't him, you have no meaningful relationship with him.

Oh and let me add you are "a rabid fan with a creepy obsession against a player whom from what I have heard wants nothing to do with that fan."

Goodnight. Datacipher has left the building! You've been a great mark.


Hall of Fame
Datacipher said:
ROFL! It's not even the same identical post Susan! Cmon sleep it off.....

Susan, I asked you to POST my quote! You did, that is terrific. IT IS THE 1ST time in all the false statements you have attributed to me, that I challenged you to quote that you have actually quoted. SO NOW I know what statement you're talking about and again, I STAND BY IT.

Let me just now mention.....Nadal is a fine young player, I wouldn't hold YOU and your behavior against him! You aren't him, you have no meaningful relationship with him.

Oh and let me add you are "a rabid fan with a creepy obsession against a player whom from what I have heard wants nothing to do with that fan."

Goodnight. Datacipher has left the building! You've been a great mark.

I can see why you have left the building. *rollseyes*

I don't understand your comment that I've been a great mark. I thought it was just the opposite.

In any event, Good Night! As for sleeping it off, I hope you do so??????

And in case things got lost in the shuffle I want to emphasize the reason that I came back into this thread:

Except re Dedans, because my post was sincerely directed to him. And perhaps we should let him review it and give us his take. I do think I may have misjudged him, and that's the only reason I posted back in this thread.
VamosRafa said:
except re Dedans, because my post was sincerely directed to him. And perhaps we should let him review it and give us his take. I do thinkI may have misjudged him and that is the only reason I posted back in this thread.

Vamos (Sue): I'm referring not only to your above quote but to your previous post in it's entirety. I acknowledge the time you took to post what you did, I fully appreciate the tone in which it was delivered, but more importantly-I respect you for doing so. Besos.
(btw, sorry for the "jackass" and "hag" garbage).
As to the "perhaps we should let him (Dedans) review it and give us his take" comment, I think that would be akin to handing the keys to an insane asylum's most "problematic" client. ;-)

I will say this (don't get ticked off at me Sue, this is not meant to be provocative or directed "indirectly" at you....just a knucklehead giving props to a pair of "master" knuckleheads--i.e. "knuckehead" is meant endearingly): Phil and Datacipher, you two absolutely destroy me. "Creative Impairment Syndrome?" Susan, Phil and Datacipher.....thanks (sincerely).
Dedans Penthouse said:
I will say this (don't get ticked off at me Sue, this is not meant to be provocative or directed "indirectly" at you....just a knucklehead giving props to a pair of "master" knuckleheads--i.e. "knuckehead" is meant endearingly): Phil and Datacipher, you two absolutely destroy me. "Creative Impairment Syndrome?" Susan, Phil and Datacipher.....thanks (sincerely).

I suffer from CIS only in comparison to you Dedans. Summer season is now upon us, so let me just digress and say my compliments to regulars Phil, Fee, KP, J Thomas, 5-0, Kap. K, Tym, Andfor, Rabbit, Venetian, many others too numerous to mention and all the other posters on this board.

PS My best wishes of all to SusIN (HAHA, I mispelled your name). Get well soon Susan.


Me? What did I do? Shouldn't I be sucking up to you? After seeing all that computer programming knowledge in your previous post, I may try to put you to work....


Hall of Fame
Dedans, gracias para respuesta amable. Yo aprecio mucho. Muchos besos a usted. Perdone por favor mi español pobre, pero quise evitar el "maní galería." Este mensaje es para usted sólo. Verifiqué usted tiene no dirección de correo electrónico aquí, así que decidí recurrir a español. Otra vez, gracias. :) También, práctica buena para mi español. Gracias.
Fee said:
Me? What did I do? Shouldn't I be sucking up to you? After seeing all that computer programming knowledge in your previous post, I may try to put you to work....

You make me feel like Dancin' and you make this a more pleasant and interesting place.
VamosRafa said:
Dedans, gracias para su respuesta amable. Yo lo aprecio mucho. Muchos besos a usted. Perdone por favor mi español pobre, pero quise evitar el "la galería de maní." Este mensaje es para usted sólo.

LOL, yes the rest of us peanuts no understand poor spanish. That too sophisticated! Do you know more HTML or spanish?


Hall of Fame
Datacipher said:
LOL, yes the rest of us peanuts no understand poor spanish. That too sophisticated! Do you know more HTML or spanish?

You decide? is done in English and Spanish. Obviously some Spanish and html knowledge is necessary to do it. Not to mention FTP, flash, and a few other things involved.

How do you think we manage it? I don't think you really want me to explain it to you, but I will if you ask. And it is kind of interesting, as the Spanish section is done in an entirely different program, as it uses front page extensions. A bilingual person named Nathalie handles all that, and does an amazing job, IMO. The English side, which is what I do, is all html, but I get a lot of help from HomeSite, which I think is a great html program.

Again, if you want more info on those programs, please let me know. Thanks.

Oh, as for the Spanish, I have picked up a lot over the past years. The above thing I posted I wrote myself, but of course, I can get a perfect translation if needed. Those bi-lingual teens would do it in a New York minute. But I decided to do it on my own, as it was a private post to Dedans. And I really am sorry that we couldn't do it by e-mail. And I know the Spanish is less than perfect.

And I wouldn't have responded to this particular post at all, except it did raise an interesting issue re the bilingual aspects of I can see why you asked that particular question.

And I have one more thing to add, and this is my personal viewpoint.

This particular thread should have been OVER with Dedans' final post. His word should have been the last one here, as he was so diplomatic to everyone involved. It was very well done, IMO. It's unfortunate that more discussion happened after that, because I would have given Dedans the last word. And I'm sorry, Dedans, that you didn't have it. But perhaps you will in the end, in Spanish. ;-) Or maybe not, seems it may be trumped by discussions of dancing/flirting. Talk about going OT. *rofl*


Datacipher said:
You make me feel like Dancin' and you make this a more pleasant and interesting place.

Aww shucks, thanks. Be careful, if Rabbit sees that, he might get upset. I think he's the only one whose allowed to 'flirt' with me on this board (and that reference goes waaaaaaayyy back, to a thread that I think has since disappeared).

Merci beaucoup :D


Hall of Fame
Fee said:
Aww shucks, thanks. Be careful, if Rabbit sees that, he might get upset. I think he's the only one whose allowed to 'flirt' with me on this board (and that reference goes waaaaaaayyy back, to a thread that I think has since disappeared).

Merci beaucoup :D

And if your husband is anything like mine, he wouldn't like it either. But kudos to you that you get flirted with. My flirting days are behind me, sad to say. I'm definitely jealous about you on that score. And I'm not saying that in a derogatory fashion at all. I mean it as a compliment here.


New User
VamosRafa said:
Dedans did add a few besos at the end, but I chose not to post them.

You can add them if you wish.
Yeah, please add them. It's not the same without them.


VamosRafa said:
And if your husband is anything like mine, he wouldn't like it either. But kudos to you that you get flirted with. My flirting days are behind me, sad to say. I'm definitely jealous about you on that score. And I'm not saying that in a derogatory fashion at all. I mean it as a compliment here.

Well, gosh, let's be honest... My flirting days are so far gone that I have to fool myself into believing that a simple compliment has more significance than it really does, and I've done it twice :D. Just hope that I haven't embarassed Datacipher (or Rabbit) into silence with my failed wit. As for my husband, he knows that he is the only man on the planet who can put up with me 24/7, and more importantly, I know it. *lol*


Well, let's see......we've covered a lot of territory here. I feel like I should contribute something with an international flavor, so.....ole' to you too, Vamos.

With regard to computer technology, I think I've mentioned this before, but I'm the Systems and Operations Manager for a mainframe shop. We've got somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 billion in portfolio and that pretty much occupies my time. Datacipher - if you're in school to be a computer geek, I have the following advice. Change majors and do it now. I woke up a couple of years ago and discovered that I was a dinosaur. It seems the sexiness has worn off of COBOL, mainframes, and big iron programming in general. Oh well, in fifty years, they'll still be running COBOL. My systems programmer refers to all these pesky servers and network boxes as midget systems. If you're a big ironer, you'll find that funny. But as a concession, I would like to indicate that I spent last week in Minnesota at IBM's Rochester plant with the full intent of moving from 390 achitecture to the iSeries. Woohoo, am I excited or what?

Fee - I'll always remember that thread and our time together, short though it may have been. Sigh I do understand the putting up with comment. My wife knows that I'll never have an affair because she knows that I'd never want to disappoint yet another woman. :) And you could never embarass me into vixen you.

Vamos - the jury's still out (I had to do it, you're a lawyer). It's generally been my experience that those who can name drop never do because they don't feel the need. However, those who name drop do because they have a basic insecurity about their situation. That said, I think your contributions to these boards are great when you refrain from letting other posters know who you are and your access. My only advice is don't discount another poster's info as it may be, in the immortal words of Paul Harvey, the rest of the story.


Hall of Fame
Everyone, step away from your keyboard and interact or argue with a LIVE PERSON - you won't regret it.