How to avoid tension loss when tying off Part 1


Talk Tennis Guru
I was asked in another thread to explain a method I believe will reduce tension loss when tying off. I think if you tie off the crosses you will have less tension loss than if you tie off the mains. To help explain this method I used a Gamma IPEX 7.0 16x18 Mains skip 7 & 9 head and throat to explain this. When stringing to avoid tension loss I would use an ATW pattern to reduce the knots.

In the first two pictures I ran the mains as usual and marked the string with a blue Sharpie to show how much the string draws back when the clamps are released. The mark moved a bit more than the width of the string (17 - 1.22 mm.) I would imagine the sting would move a bit more than that after tensioning the cross strings as this would pull on the mains too.



Now I removed those string and started over again This time I am going to string the racket so that I can always tie off on a cross string and use an ATW pattern to reduce the knots from 4 to 2. Normally when I do an ATW pattern I tie off the short side mains at the top and I tie off a main string. But this time I wanted to tie off on a cross and not a main. I used a starting clamp to hold the string and wanted it out of the way so I ran the top cross and clamp it with my starting clamp. The picture belows so all the strings ran in except the bottom cross two outside mains and one of the top crosses. I just pick one depending on the pattern so I do block holes and make it difficult to get in.


Now I find out I am limited to four images in a thred so to continue go to the second thread.

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These threads will split up.. You should have just provided links to pictures and keep it all in one thread.

How do you attach pictures to your posts. I don't see and "add picture" button when creating or replying to a post.

I did a search and looked around the site, but failed to find anything.


Talk Tennis Guru
when you create a thread use the idon that looks like a postcard of a mountain



Bionic Poster
You are right but there is a limit to 4 pictures per thread


4 pictures per post.

In the future when you make just one thread, create a few posts (or as many as you'll need) after your initial post and put something like 'Placeholder' so some eager beaver doesn't sneak in and break up the post continuity ;-)

Then, go back and edit the placeholder posts... adding text and pics as appropriate or required.


Talk Tennis Guru
Problem is also that you need to have the pictures strored somewhere and use the URL to post them


Talk Tennis Guru
4 pictures per post.

In the future when you make just one thread, create a few posts (or as many as you'll need) after your initial post and put something like 'Placeholder' so some eager beaver doesn't sneak in and break up the post continuity ;-)

Then, go back and edit the placeholder posts... adding text and pics as appropriate or required.

That is what I was trying to do with the two other posts. But this is a mistake on my part the pictures are so small no one can see much either.

I wish I could delete the threads.
