HS & College Coaches: Input On Best Camps, Please

Kaptain Karl

Hall Of Fame
If you're an experienced high school or college coach, I'd like your opinions. If you have some promising kids, what camps do you recommend for Christmas break or summer?

(I hope this doesn't seem too rude, but if you are not a coach your opinion doesn't really carry much clout with me.)

These kids are not up to the Bradenton or Randall's Island calibre. But they are solid motivated players who have a shot at Div II scholarships ... with the right development.

My experience with the many Nike Camps is they lack consistency. Too much depends on which coaches were working those days."

Some of the colleges' Camps are, IMO, not worth the time or money. Some of the "name" college Camps are also intermittent. If the "A" staff is working, great! If not, the Camp is just about like everyone else's.

TennisResortsOnline says the best values are found at Port Royal and Newk's. I know enough about Newk's place to confidently recommend it, but I don't know much (beyond Tennis Resorts Online) about Port Royal. What can YOU tell me? Which Camps have your endorsements?


- KK

W Cats

Check out Sanchez/Casal in Florida. I like their emphasis on footwork, point construction, and work ethic. If you havn't checked out their videos on the PTR website, they are well worth your time. I now there are posters on this site that have been their teaching camps and would have more direct information. Other than the videos and research on the web and on this site I have no direct experience with them. Good Luck