Hyaluronic Acid for Cartilage Repair?


New User
I have torn cartilage in my knees. I am taking Chondroitin & Glucosamine. It has helped a little. However the vitamin store recomended I also try MSM and Hyaluronic acid. Do they work for cartilage repair? I am anxious to play tennis again!


Cartilage produces hyaluronic acid. Taking chondroitin and glucosamine (and Mg) can help your existing cartilage produce more of it. Be sure that you don't have any sulfa allergies before taking MSM (for obvious reasons.)

Hyaluronic acid can be injected directly into joints to increase the viscosity of the joint fluid and provide some symptom relief. I've never seen any studies that suggest that oral supplementation provides any benefit or that that it would even pass through the digestive tract unscathed.


New User
Thanks for the information. Of course I am hoping for a miracle cure for my knees. I never thought of the possibility of an allergy to sulpher. I looked up the symptoms to be safe. Thank-you for the advice.
The strategy of "precursor loading," or taking in excess amounts of the building block of a particular body part, is generally not successful, as those disorders (such as cartilage damage) are generally not caused by deficiency of the building block and the amount of the building block present is generally not the rate-limiting factor in repair. Precursor loading is non-science promulgated by a food supplement business that owes its existence to this concept.