Increasing grip size from 1/8 to over 4 3/8


I am going to buy a Pure Storm LMTD gt with 4 1/8 grip from my friend but the grip is too small. I usually use a 4 3/8 with 2 over grips. I have fairway grip which seems to be really really thick, so hopefully that bumps it up to a 4 1/4. What else would I need to do to get the grip size to my preference? Use a heat shrink wrap+fairway leather grip then 2 overgrips? Or maybe just stick the Fairway leather over the original leather grip on it plus 2 overgrips?
I am going to buy...

Don't buy it. Really, do NOT buy it.

If the grip is 2 or 3 sizes too small, the racquet is going to be unsuitable for you. Adding a grip enlarger and additional grips is going to put 35-40g of weight into the handle, completely unbalancing the racquet. That's just too much weight in the handle for you to counterblance in the hoop. The racquet's going to feel like a brick.
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High Roller

If you decide to do that much of a build-up, better to use build-up sheets rather than heat-shrinks to wind up with a decent shape. Get the "full" thickness sheets.