Other sports


Hall of Fame
Anyone on these boards exceptionally good at another sport? Do you guys regularly play other sports, or just tennis?


Hall of Fame
Not exceptional at any of the following, but I enjoy (or have at some point enjoyed) these:
1. Cricket: Good batsman, good fielder, horrible bowler
2. Badminton
3. Table Tennis
4. Roller-skating (with the traditional 2x2 wheels). I am uncomfortable on inlines.


Skiing and Golf.

Also play other things but not competitively like Footy, Soccer and Cricket.


Golf (9 handicap)

Cricket was the sport I was best at. I played for Staffordshire under 18's against Durham under 18's when I was 14 and took figures of 4-12 including getting out Steve Harmison's younger brother Ben which was amazing.

I play pretty much most sports but those are the ones i'm best at.


Does Poker count? How about videogames?

Ok, I seem to be pretty good at table10is/ping pong. But isn't everyone who plays a decent level of 10is?


Hall of Fame
I'm a cross-country runner.

However, most of the players on my team play soccer.

My sister is on the cross country and track team for Oregon State. She is down running at Stanford right now.

I play varsity basketball, which is my first sports, am pretty good at ping pong:p, and play ultimate frissbee once in a while for fun with friends.


Played two seasons of professional basketball in Argentina. I still consider myself a bball player rather than a tennis player.
And I got a decently high ITTF rating as well.

My parents tried by all means to get me out of the house as much as possible; in this case, playing sports. I was pretty much the Devil when I was a kid :p


Hall of Fame
Played two seasons of professional basketball in Argentina. I still consider myself a bball player rather than a tennis player.
And I got a decently high ITTF rating as well.

My parents tried by all means to get me out of the house as much as possible; in this case, playing sports. I was pretty much the Devil when I was a kid :p

and hows andres playing the king´s sport?? maybe a goalie given his height? ;)


New User
I played varsity basketball, was All-state soccer in high school and played soccer when I was in college.

After high school tennis I didn't play the game again until my senior year of college, and I haven't stopped since then. I love the game! I have gotten myself to 4.0 (self-rated) by only playing if lucky once a week with no formal lessons.


football (parents don't like me playing it, I got hurt a lot and would gain weight purposely to get on 1st string)

hockey (I'm banned from 3 of the area rinks, so I can't play on the high school team)


Played competitive soccer for many years. Even winning the state indoor championship at one point.

NO, not in Wyoming.


I played varsity basketball, was All-state soccer in high school and played soccer when I was in college.

After high school tennis I didn't play the game again until my senior year of college, and I haven't stopped since then. I love the game! I have gotten myself to 4.0 (self-rated) by only playing if lucky once a week with no formal lessons.

If you don't mind me asking, how tall are you?


I'm good at any racket sport, I play football for my school team (best team in Bangkok out of all the international schools), and I'm a pretty decent pentanque player. A fun game to play, indeed.


Skiing, raced in high school, then went to college out west to ski powder. Also enjoy, but am certainly not accomplished at golf and the occassional street or mountain bike ride.


Surfing. With that, tennis, running, and the gym there's not a lot of time for anything else outside of work.

I play softball with some guys from work, and while I'm a solid part of the lineup and our team is very strong it's more of a social thing than competition for me.


I'm good at any racket sport, I play football for my school team (best team in Bangkok out of all the international schools), and I'm a pretty decent pentanque player. A fun game to play, indeed.

I can also ski pretty well. I play golf too; my dad is very good at golf (he plays off scratch).


Hall of Fame
You probably still are head, shoulders and KNEES ahead of me at football :(

this is football not turf... lol.

cuando te das una vuelta por la capital de tu pais?

por cierto, estuve cerca de tu ciudad hace una semana. con la patrona en mar de las pampas. muy linda zona.


this is football not turf... lol.

cuando te das una vuelta por la capital de tu pais?

por cierto, estuve cerca de tu ciudad hace una semana. con la patrona en mar de las pampas. muy linda zona.
Yo estuve en Mar de las Pampas en Marzo. Viste ese famoso Camping!? Bueno, fue ahi en Mdlp.

Yo ***** muchisimas ganas de ir a Baires. De hecho, si me conseguis un buen laburo, hasta me puedo mudar para allá. Ahora ando complicado de dinero (me deben una guita de un laburo, todavia), y estoy contando monedas para comer... y el hecho de que tmb me ***** que quedar bastante tiempo en casa cuidando de la perra, que anda medio chota, me quita tiempo que podía aprovechar en laburar algo mas.

Pero APENAS pueda ir a Baires, te voy a pegar un tubazo.


Hall of Fame
Yo estuve en Mar de las Pampas en Marzo. Viste ese famoso Camping!? Bueno, fue ahi en Mdlp.

Yo ***** muchisimas ganas de ir a Baires. De hecho, si me conseguis un buen laburo, hasta me puedo mudar para allá. Ahora ando complicado de dinero (me deben una guita de un laburo, todavia), y estoy contando monedas para comer... y el hecho de que tmb me ***** que quedar bastante tiempo en casa cuidando de la perra, que anda medio chota, me quita tiempo que podía aprovechar en laburar algo mas.

Pero APENAS pueda ir a Baires, te voy a pegar un tubazo.

seguro. podria empezar a preguntar por lo del laburo, pero te digo que más en el ámbito financiero que en otro lado. yo ***** CERO relación con la música. si querés empiezo a preguntar...


Uhhh, bueh, lo que sea.
Aunque laburar en radio, tampoco me molestaría :p

(El Ambito Financiero es horribleeeeee!!!)