Promote Sleep Health


Hi All,

I probably have one of the worst sleep health. I mean, I don't get enough sleep but when I do, I don't sleep soundly or feel well rested.

In afternoon, I feel sleepy but can't fall asleep completely, so I get restless and struggle to stay awake, and then get a big headache after that which usually last to the evening. Do you get that? Headache from lack of or poor sleep?

What are the things I should do to promote my sleep health? Thanks.


Hall of Fame
Plenty of stuff on the net but first look at your sleep routine, then diet: meals, spicy food,caffeine, carbonated drinks, alcohol.


Talk to your doctor about the situation. He may recommend a sleep study to determine if your having episodes of sleep apnea. Even skinny, otherwise healthy people can suffer from it. Could even be caused by your diet.

Poor sleep (and apnea) can lead to serious health issues like hypertension and even stroke; not to mention issues while driving or operating machinery.


Guys, thanks for your suggestions. Oh man, talking to doctor is such a big deal for me, feel like a big hassle, so I'm going to explore what I can do on my own first.

What is ZMA?


Bionic Poster
Yes, the headaches could very well be due to a lack of quality sleep (7-9 hrs for adults and 8.5-9+ hrs for adolescents). Lack of adequate hydration could also be a factor.

Too much alcohol, caffeine and certain foods, especially in the evening, can interfere with sleep cycles &/or your ability to fall asleep. Hard exercise in the late evening may delay your ability to fall asleep.

Some ppl have had some success with melatonin. Sublingual melatonin may work best. However, for some, it can cause a "melatonin" hangover in the morning -- feeling very groggy and a difficulty in waking up. Many ppl get better results with tryptophan, an essential amino acid, or 5-HTP (a metabolite of tryptophan). If you use either of these amino acids to promote sleep, make sure that you do not eat any competing protein close to bedtime. The presence of some other amino acids may blunt or nullify the desired effect of the tryptophan/5-HTP.

Chamomile tea, warm milk, or hot apple juice/cider may help you to fall asleep and may promote a restful sleep as well. Falling asleep with lights or the TV on may also interfere with a quality sleep. If you feel that you must watch TV late at night, put it on a timer.

ZMA is a supplement used by bodybuilders/athletes to promote testosterone levels and increase strength. It apparently is supposed to a pretty good sleep aid. I have not tried this stuff myself so I cannot say if it actually does any of the things that is claimed for it. The Zinc and Magnesium present in ZMA may have some other health benefits if you are not getting sufficient levels in your diet.

Unless you are particularly sensitive/allergic to zinc, ZMA does not appear to have any serious side effects. The side effects, such as diarrhea and nausea, are typically very mild.


What is your sleep environment like?

Try to make where you sleep as dark as possible, and as quiet as possible. If you can't keep it quiet, then a white noise machine makes sense. Be able to adjust your body temperature so you're not too hot or too cold. I find reading helps me sleep.


New User
All zma is is magnesium, zinc, and vit b6. Sometimes another ingredient or 2 thrown in to help promote relaxation like 5-htp or theanine. But ive found them to be very helpful and i feel very fresh the next day.
I find that temperature can be important in helping to sleep well. I am an excellent sleeper and have always had a cold bedroom. If I am away somewhere warm and the room is hot and stuffy a shower can actually make you feel cool when you go to bed...


Google 'sleep hygiene' and see if any of that info helps you. Dark quiet room at the correct temp for your preference; not doing anything in bed like watching TV, reading, or using your laptop before sleep. All kinds of things you can do without drugs or supplements to improve your sleep. But, if there is a physical issue, you might have to accept that seeing a doctor will be the best solution.
Sleep is incredibly complicated.


"The neurobiology of sleep: genetics, cellular physiology and subcortical networks
Edward F. Pace-Schott and J. Allan Hobson

Over the past decade, a remarkable explosion of new findings has allowed us to construct a much more complete picture of the genetic mechanisms, cellular neurophysiology and subcortical networks that underlie the neurobiology of sleep. This explosion has been made possible by technological advances in molecular biology and biotechnology (such as gene cloning and DNA sequencing), as well as in cellular neurophysiology (such as sophisticated combinations of microdialysis, unit recording, axonal tracers and immunohistochemistry). We now know that an interlocking positive - negative feedback mechanism that controls gene transcription in individual cells of the SCN of the hypothalamus is the molecular basis of circadian rhythmicity in mammals. This endogenous periodicity can be entrained to the ambient photoperiod by photons that impinge on the circadian photopigment,melanopsin, in RGCs, which convey this information to the SCN monosynaptically through the RHT. Circadian rhythmicity emerges from SCN cells by action potentials that impinge on adjacent nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus, including the PVH, SPZ and DMH; in turn, these nuclei convey circadian rhythmicity to structures that control rhythmic physiological processes, such as sleep, temperature and endocrine output. Feedback to the SCN circadian oscillator can occur through melatonin from the pineal gland, which reliably secretes this sleep-related hormone in response to polysynaptically conveyed signals from the SCN. A key hypothalamic structure that receives circadian output from the SCN through the SPZ and the DMH is the VLPO, which promotes NREM sleep. The VLPO might initiate sleep onset through reciprocal inhibition of cholinergic, noradrenergic and serotonergic arousal systems in the brainstem, as well as histaminergic systems of the posterior hypothalamus and cholinergic systems of the basal forebrain, all of which are modulated by the orexinergic arousal system of the lateral hypothalamus. These arousal systems conspire to promote the activated brain states of waking,whereas the cholinergic system acts alone to promote the activated state of REM sleep."

But don't lose sleep over the specifics.

"Here are 10 tips on how to sleep soundly at night and at the same time improve the quality of your sleep.

1. Importantly established a bedtime routine and stick to it. What time to bed and what time to wake up.

2. Do exercise regularly. Exercise will tired your body that will enable you to sleep and refresh yourselves when you wake up. But do not exercise 2 hours before sleep.

3. Avoid heavy meals close to bed time. Eat 3 hours before sleep to allow for digestion.

4. Do not consume caffeine, especially in the evening and avoid alcohol before going to bed. Caffeine causes insomnia and alcohol will interrupt your sleep with frequent awakenings, headaches, night sweats and even nightmares.

5. Cut down on fluids intake by 8pm. You do not want to wake up in the middle of the night to relieve ourselves.

6. Ensure that your bedroom is cool or airy, dark and quiet. Always maintain peaceful room environment that will allow you to sleep faster and soundly. And also ensure that your bedroom is only function for sleeping not for reading or use as a study room and etc.

7. Stay away from the evening news before bedtime. Negative stories of crime and disaster appear as back flash in your thought as you lay down trying to sleep. It can even appear in your dream.

8. Develop a nightly sleep ritual. Example, take a warm bath before bed, listening to quiet soothing white music and etc.

9. Focus your mind on pleasant thoughts, count sheep or count backward whichever works best. Shut off all worldly thoughts while drifting to sleep.

10. Invest in a good bed. Seek your nearest bed supplier for recommendation and advice. Your sleeping environment plays an important role, a prelude to a good sleep. It should be quite, cozy and inviting."

But if the "simple tricks" arne't working, it may really be worthwhile getting evaluated at a "sleep center" at a nearby hospital.


New User
How I fall asleep easier:
Do not use electronics on your bed during the day, it seems kind of big, but eliminating small things like that makes your bed seem to have more of a specified use.
Quiet and Calm atmosphere.
I fall asleep easier in a bit of a colder room with a comfortable blanket.
Don't eat too much before you go to sleep, if you have to just a glass of milk IMO
Don't use electronics right before going to sleep.
Have a routine like brushing your teeth, washing your face then going to sleep.
Close your eyes right away when you go to bed, not tightly but just so you don't concentrate on anything.
If you pray before you go to sleep, do that then close your eyes and you may fall asleep.

Hope this helps and I hope you sleep well soon.


yeah. i didnt really want to just say, i spark a J before hitting the sheets.

While weed use has been decriminalized in California, it still isn't a viable option for many people because of drug testing at work.

Long ago I was waiting to give urine for drug test. The old guy sitting next to me explained how he had trouble sleeping because he was working graveyard, so he'd just smoke a big joint and then go to sleep. We weren't sure if he was joking, as we were waiting in line to be drug tested. Sure enough, that was the last we saw of the guy!:)


Hall of Fame
After I changed my late night and 6th meal of the day to salmon w/ avocado or almond butter, I've been sleeping like a baby. Working out early in the morning also helps sleep better at night.


"Here are 10 tips on how to sleep soundly at night and at the same time improve the quality of your sleep.

1. Importantly established a bedtime routine and stick to it. What time to bed and what time to wake up.

2. Do exercise regularly. Exercise will tired your body that will enable you to sleep and refresh yourselves when you wake up. But do not exercise 2 hours before sleep.

3. Avoid heavy meals close to bed time. Eat 3 hours before sleep to allow for digestion.

4. Do not consume caffeine, especially in the evening and avoid alcohol before going to bed. Caffeine causes insomnia and alcohol will interrupt your sleep with frequent awakenings, headaches, night sweats and even nightmares.

5. Cut down on fluids intake by 8pm. You do not want to wake up in the middle of the night to relieve ourselves.

6. Ensure that your bedroom is cool or airy, dark and quiet. Always maintain peaceful room environment that will allow you to sleep faster and soundly. And also ensure that your bedroom is only function for sleeping not for reading or use as a study room and etc.

7. Stay away from the evening news before bedtime. Negative stories of crime and disaster appear as back flash in your thought as you lay down trying to sleep. It can even appear in your dream.

8. Develop a nightly sleep ritual. Example, take a warm bath before bed, listening to quiet soothing white music and etc.

9. Focus your mind on pleasant thoughts, count sheep or count backward whichever works best. Shut off all worldly thoughts while drifting to sleep.

10. Invest in a good bed. Seek your nearest bed supplier for recommendation and advice. Your sleeping environment plays an important role, a prelude to a good sleep. It should be quite, cozy and inviting."

A little bit suspicious of the language issues on this blog, not just this entry I looked at others. Makes me wonder if its one of the phony sites set up to create cookies for junk mailers and stuff.