Rule on Warm-ups?


What is the rule on warmups?

I searched the USTA rulebook and the only thing I could find was that a substitute player is allowed a 5 minute warmup period. Nothing other than that.

I ask because, in the past, we usually come early and warm up with our teammates for a half-hour then start playing at the alloted time. We'd usually take a couple of practice serves at the start of the match but then just get rolling.

The other day we played a team where we all warmed up like usual, but when we split into our assigned courts with our opponents, our opponents requested that we warm up again. On a couple of courts, I noticed that they didn't start actual play until 20-30 minutes after the match was supposed to start.

Personally I don't care either way but what's the customary practice (if one exists)? Warm up (alone or with a teammate) before the scheduled start time or warm up with your opponents at the scheduled start time? And is there a time limit on warming up?


In most places, opponents will warm each other up for 5 minutes. Also, around here that is loosely enforced if ever. But it gives opponents an opportunity to size each other up. What you do before that is your business. In tournament play and champiionship play, players are not allowed on the courts prior to the warm-up, which is 5 minutes and can be timed by an official.