spray paint job question

I and a number of other players/pros are having a dispute with a certain sponsors rep. I'm considering doing a little spray paint job on my racquets before tourney play this year.

Has anyone spray painted their racquet before? If so do you have any tips? Did you notice the playability changed in any way?

Thanks in advance....
I redesigned one of my old ProStaff Classics, with a more modern fire design, it looks pretty cool but now weighs around 3 grams more, the factory jobs are just so mmuch better quality! To be fair though i didn't notice much difference at all, probably because that extra 3 grams was spread all over the racquet!
Interesting, I'm glad you didn't notice a difference. Frankly I don't care what it looks like, it can look like total garbage...as long as it plays the same...

joe sch

As a show of protest, why not just paintjob the manufacture details on the racket :) You could sand off the model name, etc and then redo with your own painted statement sorta like a custom stencil job, then clear coat over the improvements to help insure they last. If you take this route, please post back your pics as Im sure all the TW readers would love to see your finished product. Who knows, this could really help you get some notice :wink:
joe sch said:
As a show of protest, why not just paintjob the manufacture details on the racket :) You could sand off the model name, etc and then redo with your own painted statement sorta like a custom stencil job, then clear coat over the improvements to help insure they last. If you take this route, please post back your pics as Im sure all the TW readers would love to see your finished product. Who knows, this could really help you get some notice :wink:

heh heh, if only you could put your brain power to the good of mankind! ;-)

Actually at this point, I might indeed very sloppily put some hand painted Wilson logos back over the spray coating. So everyone can admire my Wilson Ti.Radicals....

Steve Huff

I don't get it. You're protesting Wilson because they made the racket you like to use. Hmm. Maybe you've done more research than their research department, and could inform them of a better way to sell more rackets so that you could acquire the one you're using at a lower price. Why do you, or anyone for that matter, care how a pro paints his or her rackets? Knowing that pros use disguised rackets, just know that you are one of the more informed tennis players, and that gives you a little more knowledge than the casual fan.