Tennis Glove?


Okay so admittedly i haven't been played very long at all (started summer before senior year in highschool and today was my first day of college), but a few weeks ago i was hitting around and one of the people on the court next to me was wearing a glove. i got curious and asked him about it, and he said that it was a tennis glove that he used and that it really improved his game. now, i looked around a bit after that and couldnt find anything really about it, and i certainly havent noticed pros using it. so i finally got curious enough to ask about it on here.

does anybody know about tennis gloves/use them? are there benefits to them?


I've had three of them in my bag for several years now. I have not used it yet this summer since I'm finding that switching wrist bands every few games is keeping my hands dry enough. They work well if nothing else will keep your grip dry.


i don't know about a glove improving ones game unless they had injuries such as blisters or sores.

i've seen a person use a golf glove but i'm sure would shrink and stink. one could also look into racquet ball gloves. racquet ball gloves don't seem to be as thin as golf gloves and look to be washable.


I bought a pair of the Bionic gloves made specifically for tennis. It's OK for groundstrokes but I can't serve with them. My hand slips inside the glove. I now have an extra pair of biking gloves!