This is very frustrating . . . .


As you know, I posted my reports from IW here, and some folks made fun of them, so I said I wouldn't post them anymore.

Then a few of you said you liked them and asked for the links, and I started to post those. Although I haven't posted all of them.

I just got back from Florida, and read a post asking me what I do for Bob Larson and threatening to e-mail Bob to find out if I'm legitimate.

This is why folks don't go out of their way to provide info for this site. It's not worth it. As I said before, I'm in de-stress mode, and now I need to e-mail Bob and tell him to look out for a complaint from someone on a Messageboard who has nothing better to do. :roll:

Who cares if I'm legit? The fact is I was at the tennis, hung out for the most part with a 77-year-old fan, and did some reports -- and reported on some matches, too. They were done for fun, and had little to do with my work for Bob (which is a subscription publication, BTW). In other words, you have to pay money to see stuff with my by-line.

In fact, I do most of my work for Bob Larson's Tennis Celebs, which is -- you guessed it -- a publication that reports tennis gossip. So it's not surprising I'm looking out for gossip when I go to tennis tourneys. That's one of the reasons I am there. Here is the link for you Doubting Thomases:

You may want to note this description of the publication: "From around the world Tennis Celebs hears the gossip and the buzz about the famous tennis people, and we'll let you in on it."

But I'll save my "news" for Bob and my own site from now on. No more links, gossip, etc. As I said, it isn't worth it.

Off to e-mail Bob . . . . .


hi certainly have done more than your share info wise here and have stuck w. this board longer than you should have given having to deal w. some really ignorant people. you never even say anything controversial that i can see and most often have reliable info when many of the other posters only have their conjecture or rumours or 3rd hand just kind of post the info and defend a couple players from time to time and people give you grief. i can understand why i get a bunch of crap from posters because i sometimes playfully put something up here knowing it will stir up the pot and i just sit back and watch the 'authoritative'(sp?) whacko's do their thing. in any case, many of the truly knowledgable posters have dropped from here i believe, and i really dont wanna post here anymore either. we've been through this before. i have made a couple of new friends and learned a few things from some very knowledgable people, so i am i have found a viable place to help my lessons sell equipment. i dont know why these people are the way they are..they are people that seem to have ego's the size of buicks who try and one up people and rarely give kudos when people make good's pretty sad around here IMO. off i to you, Ed


Thanks, Ed. And I also have received a couple nice e-mails, too. Bob's was the best, though. He said, "Wow, some people have too much time."

I can deal with folks arguing with me over points, but not when they take it to a personal level. That's when my hobby is no longer fun; it's like a job. And I'm not going to let it become a job. I'll do my work for Bob, do my reports for my friends at my site, and enjoy tennis. I may come over here and post occasionally, but I'm not doing anything too constructive -- as it will just result in criticism of the non-constructive kind.

I'll keep in touch with you, Ed!


Frodo Baggins

Susan You gotta have a pretty tough hide when it comes to T.W. Board.My advice is grow the hide or ignore the petty posters that make your life tough.. I do an it works.Plus I got the ring to make me invisable :) Don't let these petty posters get to you.Trust me :wink: plus I love the info's you give :)


Thanks, Frodo. Well, if you like my info, you better become a Nadal or Roddick fan, because I'll be posting the info on the Nadal Messageboard at or the Racquets n Rambling Messageboard at The latter site talks about all players, but is affiliated with Roddick 'n Roll.

Talk about a shameless plug, but I feel I deserve it. :lol:

My good humor is now restored. Thanks, you two. And really, it's all less work for me anyway. Less places to post the info.



Susan, I don't agree with you on most things tennis, but your posts are always well-argued, as befits a lawyer, informative as you would expect from a journalist, and witty - rare in any profession.
I'll check out your links and miss the inside info here.



I've enjoyed your posts and comments on this website. If I could offer any advice, it would be to not take other's opinions to heart. Remember, everyone in the world has an opinion on something, whether it is right, wrong, or in contrast to you own. Just post what you want to post and leave it at that.

I enjoy playing tennis, watching tennis, talking tennis, and writing about tennis. In short, I love tennis. Nothing can change that, and nobody can take that away from me. You shouldn't let anybody take that away from you either.


Hall of Fame
Susan - You said you received A message-i.e. one/a single message-from someone on this board complaining about something or other that you claim to do. So why come back to the ENTIRE board with this story? I think your beef is with a single individual and you should take it up with HIM/HER in private, rather than use the Board as sounding board to "support your case" or elicit sympathy against this individual's comments, .

I haven't noticed anyone else question the legitimacy of what you do, and a few people "making fun" of your posts is nothing to get in a tizzy about. I am not "making fun" or light of your post in this thread; I am merely curious about your methods and intent here.
sseemiller said:
As you know, I posted my reports from IW here, and some folks made fun of them, so I said I wouldn't post them anymore.

Then a few of you said you liked them and asked for the links, and I started to post those. Although I haven't posted all of them.

I just got back from Florida, and read a post asking me what I do for Bob Larson and threatening to e-mail Bob to find out if I'm legitimate.

This is why folks don't go out of their way to provide info for this site. It's not worth it. As I said before, I'm in de-stress mode, and now I need to e-mail Bob and tell him to look out for a complaint from someone on a Messageboard who has nothing better to do. :roll:

Who cares if I'm legit? The fact is I was at the tennis, hung out for the most part with a 77-year-old fan, and did some reports -- and reported on some matches, too. They were done for fun, and had little to do with my work for Bob (which is a subscription publication, BTW). In other words, you have to pay money to see stuff with my by-line.

In fact, I do most of my work for Bob Larson's Tennis Celebs, which is -- you guessed it -- a publication that reports tennis gossip. So it's not surprising I'm looking out for gossip when I go to tennis tourneys. That's one of the reasons I am there. Here is the link for you Doubting Thomases:

You may want to note this description of the publication: "From around the world Tennis Celebs hears the gossip and the buzz about the famous tennis people, and we'll let you in on it."

But I'll save my "news" for Bob and my own site from now on. No more links, gossip, etc. As I said, it isn't worth it.

Off to e-mail Bob . . . . .

why are you whining? Oh so you're a gossip columnist? well that explains it. It's the perfect job for you. I'm sure that demands a lot of respect in the tennis media world. :roll:


I would have taken it up with him/her, if he/she had provided an e-mail addy. I tried that first. And I think he/she should have e-mailed me directly with complaints.

But I took it up on the whole board because I think it's a whole board issue. I have tried to provide info, and this is the result -- someone threatening to e-mail Bob about me.

On the old board, they didn't bother with Bob; they just threatened my legal career, and sent some viruses.

So I guess things have toned down since then. :lol:

So racquetbreaker, you win. Good for you. :roll: Perhaps you can start providing the info/stats that I used to.



G.O.A.T. just isnt a single message..this is only one instance of many that susan has been subjected to..this is actually one of the more benign ones...there is a cumulative effect w. this i take a couple of hits from ignorant people and it doesnt bother you so much, but then another comes and another, and you start thinking, why should i have to endure this. i am not trying to read susan's mind, but that is how i feel about it, and maybe she does as well. i mean just look within this thread and you see what i mean. ed


Hall of Fame
this board needs a weapon to fight back at the a$$holes who constantly attack people. Most of the good posters on the old board are gone/contemplating leaving, and pretty soon this board will be comprised of teenagers making fun of each other incessantly. I never thought the racquet board would be more interesting than pro player talk, but I think it's reached that point for me. what's the point anymore, there are hardly any good discussions compared to what there used to be...


Hall of Fame
NoBadMojo - She only mentioned ONE post regarding this Bob Larson person and the "threat", and that's what I based my comment on. She said:

"I just got back from Florida, and read a post asking me what I do for Bob Larson and threatening to e-mail Bob to find out if I'm legitimate."

You should realize that anyone who comes onto a public forum claiming to be an "expert" and an "authority" on certain matters pertaining to the subject material of that Board-even if that is, in fact, TRUE-exposes herself to scorn, doubt and maybe even some jealous reactions from other board members. And reactions vary, depending on the tone and atittude of the afforementioned expert. That's human nature, and these kind of reactions should be expected and DEALT WITH ACCORDINGLY. I think it's pretty petty of someone to threaten to "call Bob to check your creds" or whatever, but there are some people with way too much free time on their hands. Potholes have to be filled, sewers cleaned, and other important work to be done for society, so why is someone sitting around threatening to call Bob? Beats me, but better to deal with it directly then yell at the sky.

Frodo Baggins

Is it me or is it just proplayers board being attacked... Something tell's me it's just this place that always seems to come under attack :roll: Hmm I wonder why??? Why is it always the pro players board??? thats under attack???Sad really :(


Phil, allow me to ask you a question. Why do your posts seem to infurate a majority of the readers? Do you think we really need a lecture on "A Professional's Legitmacy in Contemporary Society"? And moreover, did it ever occurr to you that, by making these pointless posts, YOU subject YOURSELF to ridicule, spite, and flat out laughter? Susan is an avid Tennis Fan, one who clearly does a helluva lot more for the cause than you do- she's got a wonderful attitude, a great site, and awesome smileys. You, on the other hand, leave us with nothing but bitter sarcasm straight from the cynic himself. Thanks, but really, no thanks.


Thanks, Matt. But really, Phil is not the issue.

The issue is whether folks can provide innovative info here, and not be maligned. My experience has been that they can't.

Perhaps others will prove me wrong.

But I doubt it. It's a site that lives in the past to a certain extent, would like to move forward, but doesn't know how.

And when folks try to move it forward, well, it just doesn't work. Lots of different reasons why, as Phil points out, but well, let's just say, it doesn't work.

Again, I'm fine with it, as I happily visit other sites each day. So it's great that others will provide the info here. Let them sit in the hot seat. Again, I may visit now and again. But I'm not going out of my way for this site; why would anyone????

david aames

MattNowicki said:
Phil, allow me to ask you a question. Why do your posts seem to infurate a majority of the readers? Do you think we really need a lecture on "A Professional's Legitmacy in Contemporary Society"? And moreover, did it ever occurr to you that, by making these pointless posts, YOU subject YOURSELF to ridicule, spite, and flat out laughter? Susan is an avid Tennis Fan, one who clearly does a helluva lot more for the cause than you do- she's got a wonderful attitude, a great site, and awesome smileys. You, on the other hand, leave us with nothing but bitter sarcasm straight from the cynic himself. Thanks, but really, no thanks.

I just got a call from Bob asking me 'who the hell is Matt Nowicki? I need this guy on my team' Just felt I should let you know.

May I ask a question? What is this thread doing in Pro Player in the first place? Susan, stop complaining, start taping ;-)


Hall of Fame
Phil, allow me to ask you a question. Why do your posts seem to infurate a majority of the readers? Do you think we really need a lecture on "A Professional's Legitmacy in Contemporary Society"? And moreover, did it ever occurr to you that, by making these pointless posts, YOU subject YOURSELF to ridicule, spite, and flat out laughter? Susan is an avid Tennis Fan, one who clearly does a helluva lot more for the cause than you do- she's got a wonderful attitude, a great site, and awesome smileys. You, on the other hand, leave us with nothing but bitter sarcasm straight from the cynic himself. Thanks, but really, no thanks.

Matt - "Awsome smileys"? Now right there, you've lost all credibility with me, and anyone else with some sense, who isn't on medication. Sorry guy, but you lost your audience and don't rate much of a response on this. But DO do me a kindness and go back and read my posts in this thread, and then comment, after you're certain you understand them. Okay?


sseemiller said:
The issue is whether folks can provide innovative info here, and not be maligned. My experience has been that they can't.

But I doubt it. It's a site that lives in the past to a certain extent, would like to move forward, but doesn't know how.

Susan, I'm afraid to say, you are so right. I know you have tried to move this board forward with your insight and I enjoy reading your stuff. However there is a certain cynical, miserable element of this board that retards it's growth. Apart from the people who really love tennis, there are certain people who love to bash, undermine with an unrelenting deconstructive force. If i could blank out certain contributors, I would enjoy the board more. As it is, I tend to leave this board for months at a time only to resurface around the Slams. Remember, opinions are like @ssholes and everyone has one and at certain times they will try to get in your face. Hard as it may be, I try to ignore these people and discours with the people I like. I hope you stick around and let the cynics roll off your shoulders.


LOL Matt Nowicki, Phil does what he does to provide me and I suspect many others on this board with a daily dose of humor.

Just like those who get upset with Susan and her reports need to chill, those who post something well, silly, and take a "beating" from Phil need to chill.

To be honest we need both types on here, the Phil's and Mark Anders (where are you???) and we need the Susan's, etc.

This is after all a forum not a fan club.

As for my take, honestly Susan you should either just ignore the guy who wrote you and continue to post, or just stop posting. Taking this stuff public is probably what he/she wants anyways and you are playing into their game
Now, I usually don't chime in on these touchy topics, but from what I've noticed lately, someone just needs to get laid more. I won't say who, but his name starts with a P and ends with an L.


Yeah, Susan, just stay. Suck it up, and forget people who talk crap. Whatever. Who cares what other people say. I like you're detailed posts over matches and I laugh at your googling over Rafi. Stay on. We got a good core group here, don't abandon ship.

Camilio Pascual

Hall of Fame
Susan - Please don't be so reactive and worry so much about others' opinions about you and/or your posts. Personally, I'm not into the gossip angle, but many others are, so you are a value to them. You do sometimes show an attitude that you are casting pearls before swine. This is what garners a lot of resentment and jealousy of you, imo. Lighten up. Surely the irony of the gossip paper's boss, Bob, commenting on people having too much time on their hands is not lost on you? That is funny! I think Phil has given you some good advice, specifically in his "DEALT WITH ACCORDINGLY" post. Anyway, I hope you find yourself able to continue posting. Especially since you communicate your passion for the game and the whole tennis scene, that is what I like in your posts. Take care, Camilio


I agree with me old friend MaSha (for once!)

You should stay because the people who's post I find the most informative is : yours, @wright, PCMD, Rabbit and Benjamin.

I also like Nadal (but hate rod DICK!), I also am used to listening to lawyers as my dad is one and he is always complaining about british law!.

So Susan imo I want you to keep the posts coming.


Kevin T

Hall of Fame
Phil cracks me up. I've said it before and I'll say it again; if you think about discussions on this forum for more than 5 minutes after you get up from the computer you need to seek professional help. If someone sends me an email concerning anything other than a racquet for sale, it gets deleted. That's what filters are for. Send me a virus and you'll get the FBI sicked on you (thanks to a friend in the business ). I'm not looking for a friend when I come here, just some tennis talk. I usually just sit and laugh at these topics, even when I am in the middle of a heated thread. Posters can call me what they like, I'll argue back, then pick my nose, get up from my chair, laugh and eat a burrito.

joe backhand

Hi Susan.
I always enjoy reading your posts. More than showing how much info. you have on the inside track, they show how much you love tennis. This is what makes it so awesome. We all love tennis or we wouldn't be here. I think the attacks on you in the past and present are from people who are jealous of your connections to that go beyond sitting on the couch watching or just hitting the ball around the court. Because they feel powerless and inadequate in their own lives, they attack. They will attack you and anyone else. So the issue really isn't with you, it's them. Unfortunately, there nothing anyone can do about their viscious and childish behavior.

Although I would hate to see your posts go away, I think you are making the right decision. You love tennis and I think you should protect that. If posting here diminishes your experiences with giving to the sport, I say "stop". You are right. It's not worth it. Even if it is just a few people acting like they are six years old. Your own enjoyment of the sport is more important than putting up with the crap that happens here. If you stay, they will continue and more will join in.

I wish you the best of luck Susan and have truly enjoyed your participation.


Susan - there's lots of good advice here. It's very rare indeed that Camilio and Phil agree on anything, so it must be true. I too would like to ask you to reconsider, to keep contributing and to ignore the malicious element on the boards.

I think it's a sick mind indeed that would take something on these boards and try to mess with someone's personal life. I wholeheartedly endorse Kevin T's strategy, there is quite a difference between calling names on these boards and actually commiting an illegal act. And, I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that the FBI could get involved in one of these acts. It's kind of hard to ignore the hijinks that have been going on around here.

My personal opinion is that the boards have degenerated quite a bit. Some of the language that's used here is totally inappropriate. I would be embarassed for my 13-year old daughter to read the boards over my shoulder because of some of the language. I'm not a prude by any stretch (my dad was a Chief in the Navy), but there is a time and place for locker room type talk and these boards are not it. This site is on the fast track to being a slam site of the wrong type.

edge-great post as well.

I have made some great friends on these boards and have learned a lot. We're all going to get mad from time to time at what is said on these boards, but shouldn't we all keep it in context?

Every time someone who is in the know comes on the boards, they are run off. By who? By the very element that has run Susan off. I've pretty much been here since the beginning and enjoy posting and reading, but much of the fun is taken out when folks are mean spirited. Susan has made some great contributions to these boards, just like some other very knowledgable folks have. It's a shame that they leave here because of the actions of a few shameless people.

The potential is here for the boards to really be great. But guys and gals, we have to make it a place where people want to contribute.


Rabbit my friend, you know what your talking about, Kevin T's post was also spot on!

I have been on the boards for 3 years (I only posted for 1 1/2 years) I thought that people would just say stupid things because I am younger than them. My first post was to Susan and I would hate for her to leave, you know more about the players than anyone here and i'm sure that if you went then also others will go and thats when the childish behaviour will come in to the boards. We can't let them ruin the boards as the community has been together on the boards for so long and I don't think that it is time to change.

Please think about it Susan :)



Thanks for the comments, everyone. They are appreciated. But joe is the only one who gets my point. I really do love tennis and I want to have fun with it. I don't want to come here and have to suck it up and ignore the jerks. That's not fun. There are sites where I can go and have fun, and I'd rather do that. For some reason, the jerks don't go there. Or if they do, they keep quiet. And they certainly don't cause me problems. :lol:

I have one comment re Bob, though. He has several publications. Tennis Celebs is one of them. He also does Daily Pro Tour News (the weekly Men's and Women's Look Forward is part of that), Daily World Tennis News, College Tennis News, and a tennis classified ads publication. I contribute to the first two, as well as Tennis Celebs, although mostly do work on the latter. It's fun; I enjoy it.

I don't care if you don't think I'm a serious tennis journalist. I'm not -- I practice law for a living. But Bob is a highly respected tennis journalist, and I didn't want to give the wrong idea on that.

As I said, I may pop over now and again, but I'm not going out of my way to provide info here. I'll let others assume that thankless task. :lol:

Okay, off to follow the Nadal/Gasquet match. Rafa took the first set. Vamos, Rafael!


Kind of a coincidence, but I was updating the Nadal site today, and ran across an old copy of a Tennis Celebs issue from last fall. I put it up on my site, to send it to someone as a promo. This gives you an idea of the Tennis Celebs publication. I did two of the articles: On the NetHeads and on Andy Flips for Fans:

Bob does some, and he has freelance writers do other articles. It's published once a week. Not exactly tabloid material, but it has some cute info at times. But I am bias! :lol:
