USTA & US OPEN Wild Card Does Feature 14 year old Deja Kitchiner


yeah, i heard about her too. not sure if she will live up to all the hype but im curious to see how she does


Talk Tennis Guru
Naw..Too early to make anything out of her....Not all hyped juniors make it big time.

If she can be mentally strong...then ya she has a chance. Tennis is damm mind game...Kids who can't take the pro's toe to toe mentally won't suffice...regardless who is physical superior.

Deja Kitchiner will at least get experience...and if she falls the right away with it then I see postive chances. Right now..with all her pretty strokes...aint going to help! Technical Graceful techniques would only do so good!


wish her luck, but that is a ugly looking backhand, dont know if thats prodogy level. haha And her results are not too good, with her dad/coach on here hypin it up, what a joke!


wow, Complete BS. This chick can not be compared to DY at all. At 14 DY was winning matches in 18s ITFs. This girl has not even played a ITF. And in local florida tournaments, last weekend she lost 06 06 in the first round. Hahahaha I admit even I had better results in super series tournaments in florida, and I was nowhere close to becoming a pro.

If its true that this DamonK is her dad/coach....he needs to go sell some more used cars or something!!!


its one thing to try and improve your game, its another to be hyping it up and telling the williams sisters to move over, comparing her ugly strokes to sloan stephens, someone who has actually won some matches.

this toolbox nutjob needs to shut his trap

Matt H.

18-33 record.

match scores all over the place too.

i'm taking that article as just hype for the US Open quali's wild card tournament that the USTA is trying to build up.


She didn't even have a good record in the 14's. She's playing an awful lot of tournaments for someone who obviously needs to work on her strokes. She shouldn't be trying to win tournaments where she is outclassed. If she was to take a lesson from the Williams sisters it would be to get tutelage from some experts (Rick Macci for example, who worked with the Williams) and work on some good fundamentals.