Which career would you choose?


1.23 majors, 250 weeks nr.1, 26 GS finals, 6 consecutive semis, great h2h vs your main rivals, not winning slams or being nr.1 past age 35. 3 years ending nr.1.

2.20 majors, 303 weeks nr.1, 30 GS finals, 23 consecutive semis, decent h2h vs your main rivals, being the oldest nr.1 and winning majors past 35.
5 years ending nr.1.

The reason why I'm asking is that with scheduling decision Federer could either avoid his rivals and his conversion rate would be better and his h2h would be better, but also his consistency and longevity records would suffer as a result.

Option 1 seems better, but on paper he would be a lot better player with Option 2.