Wild match yesterday...almost brawled.


So yesterday I was playing in a mixed match. First time partner whom I had never met. In the first set we down 4-1 losing her serve once. They had a chance to serve out the set at 5-3 and we broke the opposing guy's serve. He slammed his racquet and yelled and what not. I went onto to hold at 5-4 and we won the first set 7-5.

Second set same thing. Down 4-1 and down a break. We break back and get to 4-4. He is serving and loses his serve. He absolutely melts down. He takes a ball hits it as hard as he can. It hits one of the lights and comes flying back in the court. I am walking to the side. He proceeds to take two balls and slam them across the court as hard as he can from inside the service line, nearly hitting my partner. I asked her if she was okay. She said yes. As he is walking by, I tell him that I don't care if he is angry but don't hit at my partner. He gets up in my face and says that they just gave the game to us. I said it wasn't my problem. This idiot walks to the other side picks up a ball and proceeds to hit it ass hard as he can at us. My back was to him, but he nearly hit my partner, and his partner in the face.

I rushed the court got in his face, yelled some expletives at him, and was close to taking a swing at him. I told him he was done, that this match was over because I was closing it out. I went back to the other side and yelled out "5-4, serving to the d*uchebag, as loud as I could." We won the second 6-4.

This guy was probably 55. After the match his son, who was probably 21, came up to me and apologized for his father, and said he was really sorry. Most of their team was apologizing the whole time, and said he was completely out of line. I told his son I was protecting my partner, and that it's a game. His partner was shaking afterwards and was very upset at the whole thing.

He stormed off the court, threw his bag in his car, and then had a confrontation with his son. They then left.

A couple of people on my team were surprised I didn't just hit him. He was a real jerk. He was the type of player that if I missed an overhead or hit a poor shot, would say "thanks for the gift." Just a poor sport all around.

Anyone ever experience something so bad. I've played against players that have thrown racquets and slammed balls, but never this bad. I'm just glad we beat him.


Hall of Fame
That is pretty bad stuff there I have to admit. I've never had it that bad, even though I have been hit by a guy throwing his racket - I actually laughed because he didn't mean to hit me.

Hitting him could get an assault charge in court, so that may seem like the thing to do, but it will get you in the end.

A flat hard whipping first serve right at his head ---- now that does sound fun.


hahaha wow iv never seen anything that bad, the worst iv heard about is a kid was being jipped on line calls in a junior match, and then when the other player turned around he threw his racquet acorss the court and hit him in the back, but i still dont think its this bad.


Hall of Fame
ummm, no reason act like your opponent. I would file a grievance against him and get him banned from the league rather than trying to be macho and get suspended yourself. Just let the ass be an ass without getting down to his level.


That is pretty bad stuff there I have to admit. I've never had it that bad, even though I have been hit by a guy throwing his racket - I actually laughed because he didn't mean to hit me.

Hitting him could get an assault charge in court, so that may seem like the thing to do, but it will get you in the end.

A flat hard whipping first serve right at his head ---- now that does sound fun.[/QUOTE]

iv attenpted to do that, unfortunatley unsuccesfully lol

Jim A

it always astounds me that people like this continuously get on teams. I don't doubt that this goes on more often than not with him, save for the ball smacking.

Had someone been that jacked up when I was playing him, I'd likely have dropped in the ol' Lendl vs McEnroe serve :) to open the game.

I'd be amazed if the partner even wants to play with him again.

Aldi Patron

That's why I always bring a gun to the courts.

On a serious note, it's probably better to keep a cool head, though saying "5-4, serving to the d*uchebag," is pretty hilarious. It sounds like the guy had it coming to him, but you don't want to do anything that's going to get you in trouble.
So yesterday I was playing in a mixed match. First time partner whom I had never met. In the first set we down 4-1 losing her serve once. They had a chance to serve out the set at 5-3 and we broke the opposing guy's serve. He slammed his racquet and yelled and what not. I went onto to hold at 5-4 and we won the first set 7-5.

Second set same thing. Down 4-1 and down a break. We break back and get to 4-4. He is serving and loses his serve. He absolutely melts down. He takes a ball hits it as hard as he can. It hits one of the lights and comes flying back in the court. I am walking to the side. He proceeds to take two balls and slam them across the court as hard as he can from inside the service line, nearly hitting my partner. I asked her if she was okay. She said yes. As he is walking by, I tell him that I don't care if he is angry but don't hit at my partner. He gets up in my face and says that they just gave the game to us. I said it wasn't my problem. This idiot walks to the other side picks up a ball and proceeds to hit it ass hard as he can at us. My back was to him, but he nearly hit my partner, and his partner in the face.

I rushed the court got in his face, yelled some expletives at him, and was close to taking a swing at him. I told him he was done, that this match was over because I was closing it out. I went back to the other side and yelled out "5-4, serving to the d*uchebag, as loud as I could." We won the second 6-4.

This guy was probably 55. After the match his son, who was probably 21, came up to me and apologized for his father, and said he was really sorry. Most of their team was apologizing the whole time, and said he was completely out of line. I told his son I was protecting my partner, and that it's a game. His partner was shaking afterwards and was very upset at the whole thing.

He stormed off the court, threw his bag in his car, and then had a confrontation with his son. They then left.

A couple of people on my team were surprised I didn't just hit him. He was a real jerk. He was the type of player that if I missed an overhead or hit a poor shot, would say "thanks for the gift." Just a poor sport all around.

Anyone ever experience something so bad. I've played against players that have thrown racquets and slammed balls, but never this bad. I'm just glad we beat him.

I don't know how you kept your cool, but as others have stated, it is definitely best you did.... Having said that, a hot-head like this does not need to be playing recreational tennis. It might be worthy of a call from you and/or your captain to complain about this ID10T to the local league coordinator or Regional coordinator.

Just a suggestion to protect someone who may not handle it as well as you.


Bionic Poster
You should have called 911. They wouldn't have done anything, but now he has walked away knowing he can get away with this, and will do it again.
You should have called 911. They wouldn't have done anything, but now he has walked away knowing he can get away with this, and will do it again.

Umm..no. Please call your regular police number if you want to get an officer out there. So don't call 911 unless you're playing a heat packing player like Aldi Patron.


Hall of Fame
I'm also surprised that no one from his team came up to calm him down or keep him in line? I guess they are all scared of him including the captain ... or maybe he is the captain.

At any rate, you are to be commended for your restraint. Other folks would have decked him.



Hall of Fame
Never beat up an old guy. It doesn't look good, no matter how big of a jerk the old guy is.

I guess its all relative but 55 isn't old. If you are lucky you will find that out for yourself.

As to the OP, don't beat up anybody because of a tennis match, especially a goofball like you played. Life is too short to have to deal with an assault charge.
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I'm glad his son is mature enough to recognize that his father was totally out of line and to even apologize for him. Looks like the son didn't learn sportsmanship from his dad, thankfully!


im glad his son turned out to be a well behaved man, obviously his mother mustve brought him up and good job on not hitting him and you did the best thing, let your racquet do the talking


You never know what happened to the guy 5 minutes before he walked on the court. A tennis match is not worth an assault charge, so hit the guy all you want... in your imagination (or on a Tennis Forum).


Hall of Fame
I remember something bad happening on court that I heard from a friend. Apparently something similar like this happened where ppl were giving up games and getting in each other's faces, in the end one guy threw his racket at some guy and hit him right in the eye. I don't know exactly what happened to his eye, but he had to have surgery, but I believe it wasn't successful and he's blind from that eye.


I rushed the court got in his face, yelled some expletives at him, and was close to taking a swing at him. I told him he was done, that this match was over because I was closing it out. I went back to the other side and yelled out "5-4, serving to the d*uchebag, as loud as I could." We won the second 6-4.

This guy was probably 55.

Too bad somebody didn't get this on youtube. I'm glad you didn't start
swinging at the old man. It would have been a lose-lose fight:

a) you win the fight and pummel an old man. you are a loser for swinging
first and beating an old man.
b) the old man turns out to be an ex-marine/navy seal and gives you a beat
down and you look like a tool for picking on an old man AND getting
a beatdown. was it worth it?

Never underestimate anyone. At a local league match in my area, a big
dude was watching a women's doubles match. The husbands got in an
argument over the line calls while watching the match. Eventually,
some friend of one of the husbands came over and grabbed the other
husband by the neck. This friend was a big, tall guy. The little guy
being choked out throw a punch and nailed the guy in the face.
One punch ended it. The big guy was totally dazed.

It's just a game. Chew him out, but macho posturing isn't necessary.


Hall of Fame
When that guy starts trying to hit you with balls, you need to claim the match and walk off the court. If the other player has a problem with this, tell him to work it out with the league because he has forfeited the match and you are done. You should not stay around and take that kind of abuse.


Hall of Fame
When that guy starts trying to hit you with balls, you need to claim the match and walk off the court. If the other player has a problem with this, tell him to work it out with the league because he has forfeited the match and you are done. You should not stay around and take that kind of abuse.

I am really liking this advice.


Bionic Poster
Umm..no. Please call your regular police number if you want to get an officer out there. So don't call 911 unless you're playing a heat packing player like Aldi Patron.

Yes sorry that is what I meant. But 911 should take you there too. How do you know your local police number when all you got is your cell phone?


Hall of Fame
Yes sorry that is what I meant. But 911 should take you there too. How do you know your local police number when all you got is your cell phone?

Look it up beforehand and add it to your cell phone address book. A local police rep. who spoke to our neighborhood association recommended everyone do this. It takes maybe 2 minutes but really helps the popo out by not having everyone call 911 for everything.


When that guy starts trying to hit you with balls, you need to claim the match and walk off the court. If the other player has a problem with this, tell him to work it out with the league because he has forfeited the match and you are done. You should not stay around and take that kind of abuse.
I think you would have to prove:

37. Injury caused by a player. When a player accidentally injures an opponent, the opponent suffers the consequences. Consider the situation where the server’s racket accidentally strikes the receiver and incapacitates the receiver. The receiver is unable to resume play within the time limit. Even though the server caused the injury, the server wins the match by retirement.

On the other hand, when a player deliberately injures an opponent and affects the opponent’s ability to play, then the opponent wins the match by default. Hitting a ball or throwing a racket in anger is considered a deliberate act.


I played ALTA tennis, a league in Atlanta for those who don't know, for years and every week would be an idiot like this on every team. I eventually quit playing ALTA for this reason, I don't deal well with jerks and idiots, so I'd probably thrown dukes... :mrgreen:

I commend you for your restraint! :)


Hall of Fame
I think you would have to prove:

37. Injury caused by a player. When a player accidentally injures an opponent, the opponent suffers the consequences. Consider the situation where the server’s racket accidentally strikes the receiver and incapacitates the receiver. The receiver is unable to resume play within the time limit. Even though the server caused the injury, the server wins the match by retirement.

On the other hand, when a player deliberately injures an opponent and affects the opponent’s ability to play, then the opponent wins the match by default. Hitting a ball or throwing a racket in anger is considered a deliberate act.

Outside of playing a legal point, it's very likely deliberate.

Who doesn't try and peg someone in doubles on serves when they're encroaching on the centre service line. No anger involved. i just want a unobstructed view of my service box. :)


You shouldv'e just starting laughing uncontrollably, that would have pissed him off more than anything and you wouldn't look like an *******. Who is this guy, geez!


You shouldv'e just starting laughing uncontrollably, that would have pissed him off more than anything and you wouldn't look like an *******. Who is this guy, geez!

woops! You can fill in the stars with whatever word comes to mind. Like hangman!:)
eons ago, in high school, we played a weaker cross town rival. The doubles team that my partner and I had the bad luck to play against decided that if they couldn't beat us they would at least make it miserable for us. It was a really windy day, one of those Santa Ana type of conditions but it wasn't the warm Santa Ana winds.

They would just hit high lobs, many would land out but they would laugh while we were chasing the lobs and smashing them. Basically, they didn't even try to play, they gave up the match, but they just want pissed us off and if they happen to hit a high lobs and the wind brought it in deep and we'll be flailing at those, they'll be rolling on the ground, hooting and hollering. Very bad sport.

My teamates on the other courts, all converged on them and the captain said, if you keep doing this, after the match, all of us will find you and beat the cr*p out of both of you. They stopped. It was I have to admit a nice feeling of team because none of us said anything. we all looked at each other and with non-verbal signals surrounded them. I'm sure our coach and the other coach were aware of what was going on but those two needed a lesson and their coach were letting us scare them. It was a team bonding experience but I'm glad it didn't happen too many times, tennis is a civilized sport :)


^^^ huh?
they weren't cheating or anything. just f'ing around and
being jerks. no need to threaten them w/violence, imo.
i probably would have started dropshotting them and
making them run around. hard to hit a lob off a ball you can
barely get too while sprinting toward the net.
drop shot, lob. repeat. make them run. have a laugh.


It is not too late to file a grievance. This guy shouldn't be playing league. You will be doing his team a favor. A guy in our club got thrown out of USTA leagues for a few years due to losing it like that on the mixed court. The ladies were quite relieved.
eons ago, in high school, we played a weaker cross town rival. The doubles team that my partner and I had the bad luck to play against decided that if they couldn't beat us they would at least make it miserable for us. It was a really windy day, one of those Santa Ana type of conditions but it wasn't the warm Santa Ana winds.

They would just hit high lobs, many would land out but they would laugh while we were chasing the lobs and smashing them. Basically, they didn't even try to play, they gave up the match, but they just want pissed us off and if they happen to hit a high lobs and the wind brought it in deep and we'll be flailing at those, they'll be rolling on the ground, hooting and hollering. Very bad sport.

My teamates on the other courts, all converged on them and the captain said, if you keep doing this, after the match, all of us will find you and beat the cr*p out of both of you. They stopped. It was I have to admit a nice feeling of team because none of us said anything. we all looked at each other and with non-verbal signals surrounded them. I'm sure our coach and the other coach were aware of what was going on but those two needed a lesson and their coach were letting us scare them. It was a team bonding experience but I'm glad it didn't happen too many times, tennis is a civilized sport :)

They were probably laughing because they didn't think such a silly strategy would work against a clearly suprerior team. And you guys threaten to beat them up? I think your team was completely in the wrong here.


Take these steps next time.
1. Call the police immediately and file a report. This will protect you and your partner. and serve as evidence when you file a formal complaint to have this guy banned from Tennis of any kind.

2. Call all local and USTA league office and explain what happened and send them the copy of the police report. This will keep him away from the tennis courts for a long time. Hopefully forever..


eons ago, in high school, we played a weaker cross town rival. The doubles team that my partner and I had the bad luck to play against decided that if they couldn't beat us they would at least make it miserable for us. It was a really windy day, one of those Santa Ana type of conditions but it wasn't the warm Santa Ana winds.

They would just hit high lobs, many would land out but they would laugh while we were chasing the lobs and smashing them. Basically, they didn't even try to play, they gave up the match, but they just want pissed us off and if they happen to hit a high lobs and the wind brought it in deep and we'll be flailing at those, they'll be rolling on the ground, hooting and hollering. Very bad sport.

My teamates on the other courts, all converged on them and the captain said, if you keep doing this, after the match, all of us will find you and beat the cr*p out of both of you. They stopped. It was I have to admit a nice feeling of team because none of us said anything. we all looked at each other and with non-verbal signals surrounded them. I'm sure our coach and the other coach were aware of what was going on but those two needed a lesson and their coach were letting us scare them. It was a team bonding experience but I'm glad it didn't happen too many times, tennis is a civilized sport :)

Hey pal,,,,NEWS FLASH. You and your teammates were the ones being the BAD sport NOT your opponents. You NEVER threaten to beat the whatever out of anyone. That is called threat of bodily harm, and in my old high school, you can get suspended or expelled for such threats.
Fastest way to shut a clowning opponents is blow them away Quickly and Bagel them if possible, NOT threaten to beat them up...:???:
eons ago, in high school, we played a weaker cross town rival. The doubles team that my partner and I had the bad luck to play against decided that if they couldn't beat us they would at least make it miserable for us. It was a really windy day, one of those Santa Ana type of conditions but it wasn't the warm Santa Ana winds.

They would just hit high lobs, many would land out but they would laugh while we were chasing the lobs and smashing them. Basically, they didn't even try to play, they gave up the match, but they just want pissed us off and if they happen to hit a high lobs and the wind brought it in deep and we'll be flailing at those, they'll be rolling on the ground, hooting and hollering. Very bad sport.

My teamates on the other courts, all converged on them and the captain said, if you keep doing this, after the match, all of us will find you and beat the cr*p out of both of you. They stopped. It was I have to admit a nice feeling of team because none of us said anything. we all looked at each other and with non-verbal signals surrounded them. I'm sure our coach and the other coach were aware of what was going on but those two needed a lesson and their coach were letting us scare them. It was a team bonding experience but I'm glad it didn't happen too many times, tennis is a civilized sport :)

This sounds like a person who gets really really mad at pushers. These guys were giving you the match yet, you were ticked at how they were hitting balls back to you? Just work on your overheads. Sheesh. If I were the opponents, I would have kept on lobbing. Possibly even higher than before.


To the OP, you should have gone with your original instincs and punched the crapola outta this guy! But, you need to be careful. When you hit him, you need to continually tell him that it's for his own good (WHACK!). Then, when you're done whoopin', ask him if he'd like to finish the match. It will work, I promise! He'll realize...guaranteed!

p.s. I'm staying at the holiday inn and give tennis advice at $500 per hour.


Crap--what an insane story.

As mentioned--call local authorities as he is threatening your well-being. And, as mentioned--call league coordinator, and tell them the story. As well, you should have approached the team captain (his) and explained that he has created an unsafe environment and thus--the match is over with your team getting the W.


This sounds like a person who gets really really mad at pushers. These guys were giving you the match yet, you were ticked at how they were hitting balls back to you? Just work on your overheads. Sheesh. If I were the opponents, I would have kept on lobbing. Possibly even higher than before.

Yep. This was really poor. SO what if they decided to lob all the time and not take the match seriously? That's their right. YOU SAID YOURSELF they had no chance. So, they were just having fun. You don't have to like it, but they didn't break any rules. Saying "hey, you better play the way we like while you lose to us or we'll beat you up!" is....pathetic.

If you guys were so overwhelming, you'd have just taken it lightly, easily won the match and walked away. The worst part is that apparently you and your teammates don't see how poor your attitude was.

PS. Gotta love how they threatened a GANG beating. You guys were real men!


^^Easy, tiger. This was high-school, the person that posted it did not do the intimidating. And, the person posting it was only saying he liked the unity of the team.

No need to bash someone for something that happened "eons" ago, is there?


^^Easy, tiger. This was high-school, the person that posted it did not do the intimidating. And, the person posting it was only saying he liked the unity of the team.

No need to bash someone for something that happened "eons" ago, is there?


Yes, there is EVERY reason to question the story. First, "eons ago" has no relevance, HE brought up the story NOW. Second, he made no mention whatsoever of being ashamed or acknowledging the gang bullying behavior of his team. He obviously still feels that the team's actions were justified.

It is great that you feel "high school" justifies this. Indeed, they acted like children and if this were in the context of "stupid things I did when I was young", then there would be no issue.

It is (great?) that he felt it was a "bonding" experience. I am sure many gangs feel that way after murdering or beating somebody (yes, this is an extreme comparison, the point being that a feeling of "bonding" in no way justifies the behavior).

Again, the players from the other team who were threatened were done a great and abhorrent injustice. Bottom line: His team threatened to gang beat two overmatched players because they weren't playing the shots they'd like and he finds it heartwarming. Real nice eh Tiger? HAhahahaha, GOOD TIMES. MAN. GOOD TIMES.

PS. NO real man should EVER resort to, getting his friends to threaten gang beatings. Man, kids today! If you insist on getting physical, at least have the freakin self-respect to do it one-on-one or shut your pie-hole!
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Hall of Fame
i would have told them to do it and laughed when there entire team got thrown out of the league for assaulting me. that is just retarted to be such a big man that you need superior numbers to harras two kids. i played alot of idiots in my time and have gotten into some really heated matches where it almost came to blows but i would never ask my friends to attack the guy after.



Yes, there is EVERY reason to question the story. First, "eons ago" has no relevance, HE brought up the story NOW. Second, he made no mention whatsoever of being ashamed or acknowledging the gang bullying behavior of his team. He obviously still feels that the team's actions were justified.

It is great that you feel "high school" justifies this. Indeed, they acted like children and if this were in the context of "stupid things I did when I was young", then there would be no issue.

It is (great?) that he felt it was a "bonding" experience. I am sure many gangs feel that way after murdering or beating somebody (yes, this is an extreme comparison, the point being that a feeling of "bonding" in no way justifies the behavior).

Again, the players from the other team who were threatened were done a great and abhorrent injustice. Bottom line: His team threatened to gang beat two overmatched players because they weren't playing the shots they'd like and he finds it heartwarming. Real nice eh Tiger? HAhahahaha, GOOD TIMES. MAN. GOOD TIMES.

PS. NO real man should EVER resort to, getting his friends to threaten gang beatings. Man, kids today! If you insist on getting physical, at least have the freakin self-respect to do it one-on-one or shut your pie-hole!

I sure hope you don't sit on any jury duty until you mature. I'd rather hear the whole story and ask questions prior to lynching on a bandwagon--but your choice is your choice and if you wanna lynch--go ahead. I'd rather ask for some more details prior to lynching.

Could you please elaborate on my "pie-hole"? It's not shut yet, sorry.


i would have told them to do it and laughed when there entire team got thrown out of the league for assaulting me. that is just retarted to be such a big man that you need superior numbers to harras two kids. i played alot of idiots in my time and have gotten into some really heated matches where it almost came to blows but i would never ask my friends to attack the guy after.

I don't recall the poster ever asking his friends to help out--they just did it on their own. Again, glad you're not sitting on a jury, either. Facts, man--facts.


It's funny--people recommended I hit my own partner with a serve on more than one occasion in another thread and supported that kind of violence--yet everyone here is jumping on the guy that never asked for the violence--just shared a story about his teammates. People are so fickle and easily upset.


Hall of Fame
It's funny--people recommended I hit my own partner with a serve on more than one occasion in another thread and supported that kind of violence--yet everyone here is jumping on the guy that never asked for the violence--just shared a story about his teammates. People are so fickle and easily upset.

hitting someone in the back with a ball for setting you up multiple times to get slammed is one thing. to be a big guy and let your team threaten another player is a different problem. he could have easily told his team to cut the crap but didnt. he let them decide how his opponent should hit. like i said i would of told them to do it and laugh when they all get thrown out and have to forfeit rest of season.


hitting someone in the back with a ball for setting you up multiple times to get slammed is one thing. to be a big guy and let your team threaten another player is a different problem. he could have easily told his team to cut the crap but didnt. he let them decide how his opponent should hit. like i said i would of told them to do it and laugh when they all get thrown out and have to forfeit rest of season.

I agree--threatening another player on another team is not right--I just would like to hear from the person that posted the story 'more of the story'. I would never 'lynch' anyone until they share more of the story.