Wilson Pro Staff 90 BLX vs Wilson Pro Staff 90


I've finally decided to upgrade from the K90. Who here has played with both these racquets? Is there much of a difference at all? Which one is better? Would just like to know since Wilson Pro Staff 90 is like 80 bucks more expensive and if there's not much difference, might as well get the Wilson Pro Staff 90 BLX


I've finally decided to upgrade from the K90. Who here has played with both these racquets? Is there much of a difference at all? Which one is better? Would just like to know since Wilson Pro Staff 90 is like 80 bucks more expensive and if there's not much difference, might as well get the Wilson Pro Staff 90 BLX

Depo is on TW forum??? Hahaha

Here is good review from Geoff.
I think he is the one who really knows about Wilson 90 rackets ^_^
I have them and played with them both, and the main difference really is the paintjob, but for me the BLX seems to be a little less stiffer then the k90, dont know if its just an impression. The results were the same when I was using them, so as Say Chi said you need to demo them.
I have them and played with them both, and the main difference really is the paintjob, but for me the BLX seems to be a little less stiffer then the k90, dont know if its just an impression. The results were the same when I was using them, so as Say Chi said you need to demo them.

I'm not as familiar with the PS Tour 90 and the n90. They have an entirely different string pattern than the K/BLX/BLX-2/Current PS. So they feel different. (at least that's my impression of them during a brief hit)

As for the K/BLX/BLX-2/, the differences between them were slim to none.

So historically, the changes are minute, but you have to demo them. Small differences can be the biggest factors.


Same dimensions, subtle differences due to material and weight dispersement. Haven't played the ps90 but sounds like they dumped most everything ps into it going back to the original 85. The ps90blx felt very smooth, better on serves, weight is at 12. Most advanced players in my circle have chosen the blx90, red & black.
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New User
I don't know the new Wilson Pro Staff 90 but from what I played with the BLX... I hate it.
Really not a "real" Wilson 90sq.

I stick with the K 90 so far.


I am talking about Wilson Pro Staff 90 BLX
