Guys only: best legs and other best female issues

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Larry Lava

New User
Tbh, it's still only a rumour that she doesn't. Might be true, might not.

Every female tennis player who keeps their relationships to themselves seemingly receives the same comments by default.
I have no idea what you are talking about.





New User
Hopefully no reposts:

Well, I have no words for this... But(t) I think it doesn´t take any words watching this great pic of one of my favourite WTA players. I just enjoy it. :oops:

If there are some more similar hot as this - especially fetching the ball under the skirt for the 2nd serve - then please someone post it in here as well. Thanks in advance! :)


A couple of months ago, or even a few weeks ago, I might have slammed you for posting serena pics.

I think to a certain extent we have all been brainwashed by certain arbitrary media standards of beauty so we are programmed NOT to see the beauty inherent in ALL women.

I have learned this fact very gradually from my friends over the years and have finally come to accept it.

You can either use a very narrowly defined template for 'beauty' or you can use MULTIPLE definitions of beauty, and/or LOOK for the beauty in a woman.

Sure, genie and mandy and perhaps a dozen others make a 'consensus list' of conventionally attractive beautiful women, but that's not to say that many, many others are not beautiful as well.

Keep on keepin' on.

There are soooo many more of these, but I am not masochistic enough to post them here in the land of the Serena haterz...


(Poor girl on left is suffering from noassitol)
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