ATTN: r2473


Show me your strength gaining formula here because I don't want to hijack dicer's protein thread.


I'll share my personal strength gain recipe if you share a way to gain size. I can't put size in my arms. I can do 26 pullups, curl the 40's 8x and can curl 135 twice without using my back...but I've still got the Fed-like arms. :(


I have to say, I am not interested in a stamp of approval, but I will give you a general outline of my philosophy:

1) I train 3 days / week for no more than an hour per session. I have 4 workouts (so each week one is not done).

2) Each session is 8-12 sets. I stay in the 5-8 rep range (usually closer to 5 than 8

3) PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD!! That is my fundamental principle. Always beat your previous mark (by adding weight or reps). Lift as heavy as possible without sacrificing form (otherwise it is worthless). If you do not beat your previous mark, you have wasted your time.

4) Compound movements (squats, deadlifts, presses, pull-ups, rows, etc.) are the foundation. I don't do isolation exercises.

5) Rest & Recovery. Get plenty of sleep. Take a week off every 8-12 weeks.

6) EAT!! I consume 18-20 times my bodyweight in calories each day. I don't buy into the protein myth. I don't take supplements.

That is the general outline. I'll answer questions if you have any.


I'll share my personal strength gain recipe if you share a way to gain size. I can't put size in my arms. I can do 26 pullups, curl the 40's 8x and can curl 135 twice without using my back...but I've still got the Fed-like arms. :(

How much do you eat each day?


Benching max weight

Here's what worked for me over the years. Lift 3 times a week, once a week just do your benching first set 5-8 reps warm up then increase weight for a triple then a double then a single max lift. Make sure to rest a full 5 mins between sets. The other 2 workouts that week I did the following clean and press then do step ups next bench then deadlift and last bent over row. Just 5 movements to keep the volume low.

Each movement 3 set of 5 reps no warm up sets add one rep at a time until you get to 8 then go back down to 5 reps and increase the weight. If for some reason you can't lift the next weight increase for 5 reps. Then go go to the old weight then add one more rep until you make the next increase for 5.You might have to go up to 10 reps to make the next weight. The 5 min rest is very important to be able to fully recover between sets.

You can try 3 mins if you get bored waiting for the next set but 5 mins is has worked best for me I would sit on my bench and watch some tv until the next set. You may want to lift at home since most people in the gym don't want to watch you rest for 5 mins between each set. You could lift at a gym if you go off peak time. Here's my best lifts for a body weight 158 benched 225, 170 benched 300, 180 benched 340, 185 benched 365, 206 benched 385, 213 benched 405, 223 benched 425
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^^^^^^^^^My philosophy is very similar to yours.

Max benching is really not my thing. Currently I am doing 2 sets of 5 @ 245. My general goal is to add 5 pounds each month. What you outline is sort of how it goes. I have a weight that, with maximal effort, I can get sets of 5. Next time I want sets of 6. When I "feel it" I will add weight, trying to get 5 reps. If I come up a rep short on the day I increase, I will stay with that weight increase and hit 5 reps next time. If I am 2 or 3 reps short of 5, I will decrease weight (just too heavy). I actually carry partial plates if I feel like 5 pound increase is too much at once (plateau busters if you will).

I consider max benching dangerous. Maybe not at the low weights were I am now, but once you get over 300, people tend to be prone to shoulder injuries if they aren't careful.


245 for 5 reps is 87 percent of our max. So you should be able to do 280 for one rep. Sometimes the math in the real world doesn't work. I could do 285 for 15 reps so it said I could max 440 but only could get 425. I would say lots of reps are not so great for your joints and does not build harder bones ligaments or tendons. I wouldn't say max benching is dangerous but it does increase the chance of injury if you donot control the weight. I would stay between 5-10 reps 3 sets and 3 min rest


When dealing with weights above 300, I move up 20 lbs. when I can get 2 reps. If I had to wait for 5, I'd never progress.


Hall of Fame
Here's how I do it:

1. During the Winter, when I play little tennis, I lift 3-4 days per week. I lift much heavier in the Winter. I do splits twice a week, and a whole body workout once or twice a week. I never come close to a max lift. I don't do much benching, though I have recently done 4 x 205 at the end of a 4 set benching routine. I SQUAT heavy twice per week in the winter. Do Goblet Squats one day per week, Winter and rest of year.

2. During Tennis Season I'm lifting twice per week. Both workouts are whole body workouts, though I keep changing the lifts. I rotate through about 20 different exercises.

I also run and cycle quite a bit all year long.

At my age, I need rest. I need balance, and I need flexibility. I also like to look as though I won't blow over in a strong wind. :)

Everyone is different. Find your own way, grasshopper! :)

What is the most important element of training? I think it's CONSISTENCY. Go to the gym, or get out for a run or bike ride. Do something. Do NOT sit on your butt thinking how tired you are, or lonely, or got a little cough, or your pinky hurts. LOL! I think I hear a new reason for not training once a week....

These are our bodies, the toy we were born with. USE IT!!

Just my humble opinion. I'm sure I'm wrong, as usual. ;)



How much do you eat each day?

I'm 36, 5' 11" and weighed in at 158 this morning. I'm slim, but have been busting my butt in the gym all winter, really stepping up my workouts. I've gained size in my chest/back and legs, have put on about 10 pounds since September. My BF is very low. I range from 155-163 depending on my level of activity and food intake.

To answer your question, all winter I've been getting between 2300-2800 calories each day. i don't use supplements other than the Real Protein bars. I like them for a snack, dessert, or after workout replenishment.

I eat pretty healthy and have the slim genetics on my side. However, after busting my rear all winter my wife said I still had skinny arms. It doesn't help that I have a 6'1" arm span. lol


Caloi, unless you are trying to be a body builder you shouldn't care if your arms are skinny. You have a pretty good strength/weight ratio, that's an athletic body type.


Caloi, unless you are trying to be a body builder you shouldn't care if your arms are skinny. You have a pretty good strength/weight ratio, that's an athletic body type.

I appreciate that, but pool season will sonn be upon us in Caucasia. I need to show off some guns! ;)

Yeah, strength has been good, i moved a lot of weight this winter. It showed in my chest and legs, but not so much in the arms. :-?


Caloi, I wouldn't have a clue. I always assume weight training consists of 3 distinct pieces: Training, Nutrition, and Rest / Recovery. Each part is important and they are all interdependent.

When someone says they can't grow, I first assume they are not eating enough. You claim growth in other parts of your body, just not your arms. So, I suspect it is a training issue. My knowledge of isolation training is nil.

Hopefully one of the others will give you something.


WOW Rickson. Your that your chick!?!?!

3) PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD!! That is my fundamental principle. Always beat your previous mark (by adding weight or reps). Lift as heavy as possible without sacrificing form (otherwise it is worthless). If you do not beat your previous mark, you have wasted your time.

This is thee most important element. The constant changing of stimuli. Combined with proper rest, nutrient intake wrt lean body's a relaible muscle building formula.

r2473 posts is perfect. Oh, don't forget to drink adequate amts of WATER WATER WATER!!!


Yes, after Kim left Reggie, she started dating me. If you want to see what my chick looks like, go to my youtube home page and you'll find her there.


didn't recognise twas Kim.

I have a Feb 2009 study from International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism that examiend the effect of CLA, Creatine (C), and whey Protein (P) combinations on lean muscle mass. Subjects (ate regulary, worked out 4 days a week cycle, from high volume to low volume every 3 weeks) that took all three together gained more lean mass and strength than C+P and P only groups. No effect on kidney function.
Right now I'm seriously considering jumping back on the Creatine train after a 10 yr haitus, with CLA.