Hit W/ New Prince Rebel/Graphites Yesterday


Hall of Fame
Yesterday, My son and I were discussing the fact that he broke his Babolat AeroPro Drive Cortex. The pro said, "Come with me. Wanna show you something." In his office were the 4 new Prince rackets. I was surprised. Hadn't been demo'd by anyone yet. I was slobbering to get 'em on the court. He said sure, take 'em.

My take: I hit with the...
Rebel 95
95 Square inches
27 inches
20 mm straight beam
310 grams

First, I'm diggin' the new grip. It's fantastic! Easy to hold even when sweaty.
I had a few FH mishits getting used to the smaller head. I was hitting the bottom frame and the ball shanked off to the far left opponents court. Probably the thing I noticed the most was it's "old world" feel. (MY words) It felt like a wood racket when I hit my slice BH. I could feel the "boing" flex in the racket. I found I could hit better down the line BH slices on a more consistant basis and when I really put the exaggerated Federer BH slice (have your arms end up in the tight V) the ball would just hug the court.
My FH's seemed a little more consistant but none had the power that my Prince Black would generate. Strings could be the reason.

Then the....
Graphite 93
93 sq inch
19 mm beam
320 grams

This was just too much racket for me. Heavy. I just don't have the arm strength. I seemed to do better when I just let the racket do most of the work for me. But I still couldn't get many consistant power shots (2-3) with it. I couldn't believe I used to play with graphite when I was in my 20's. My arm strength must have been kicka**.

I'm 3.5-4.0 BTW.


Hall of Fame
FYI: When I say this is too heavy, I mean 320 grams at only 93 inches compared to my Prince Black at 320 with 100 inches.