If you were a cop would you ticket me?


I took yesterday off to deal with some car repairs. I had a tennis match scheduled for 2pm. At 1:30 I realize I left my tennis bag in my car at the repair shop so I bust my ass across town on my bike to retrieve my rackets.

I'm riding back across town and I run through a stop sign (making a right turn into a bike lane). Next thing I know I'm being redlighted by a cop car (small college town = bored cops) so I pull over.

This is what I am wearing: Tennis shoes, shorts, a t-shirt with a US Open logo, a baseball cap and I have a backpack with two tennis racket handles sticking out.

Cop comes up and says, "So where are you headed that you are in such a hurry to get to?"

Someday I'll learn to keep my smartass remarks to myself but I couldn't resist. And I was pissed that I'm already running late and I'm pissed I'm getting pulled over on a bicycle.

I responded, "Wow, good luck on making detective."

Cop: "Good luck on getting out of this ticket."

Me: Apologize, kiss ass, repeat.

Would you have given me a ticket? Warning? Rodney King beatdown?


I took yesterday off to deal with some car repairs. I had a tennis match scheduled for 2pm. At 1:30 I realize I left my tennis bag in my car at the repair shop so I bust my ass across town on my bike to retrieve my rackets.

I'm riding back across town and I run through a stop sign (making a right turn into a bike lane). Next thing I know I'm being redlighted by a cop car (small college town = bored cops) so I pull over.

This is what I am wearing: Tennis shoes, shorts, a t-shirt with a US Open logo, a baseball cap and I have a backpack with two tennis racket handles sticking out.

Cop comes up and says, "So where are you headed that you are in such a hurry to get to?"

Someday I'll learn to keep my smartass remarks to myself but I couldn't resist. And I was pissed that I'm already running late and I'm pissed I'm getting pulled over on a bicycle.

I responded, "Wow, good luck on making detective."

Cop: "Good luck on getting out of this ticket."

Me: Apologize, kiss ass, repeat.

Would you have given me a ticket? Warning? Rodney King beatdown?

What are you getting a ticket for? the Stop sign or for not wearing a helmet?


LOL, I would have let you off with a warning until you opened your mouth.

Unless, of course, you were carrying a racquet that I wanted. Then I'd give you the beatdown and steal it.


You were disrespectful to that officer, you deserved to get your ass kicked, you got a ticket, I'm disappointed.


So you were ticketed for running a stop sign on a bicycle. LOL. Since you were on a bicycle, I would've given you a warning until you made that comment.


Hall of Fame
I took yesterday off to deal with some car repairs. I had a tennis match scheduled for 2pm. At 1:30 I realize I left my tennis bag in my car at the repair shop so I bust my ass across town on my bike to retrieve my rackets.

I'm riding back across town and I run through a stop sign (making a right turn into a bike lane). Next thing I know I'm being redlighted by a cop car (small college town = bored cops) so I pull over.

This is what I am wearing: Tennis shoes, shorts, a t-shirt with a US Open logo, a baseball cap and I have a backpack with two tennis racket handles sticking out.

Cop comes up and says, "So where are you headed that you are in such a hurry to get to?"

Someday I'll learn to keep my smartass remarks to myself but I couldn't resist. And I was pissed that I'm already running late and I'm pissed I'm getting pulled over on a bicycle.

I responded, "Wow, good luck on making detective."

Cop: "Good luck on getting out of this ticket."

Me: Apologize, kiss ass, repeat.

Would you have given me a ticket? Warning? Rodney King beatdown?

This reminds me of an episoide of the old TV program "Kung Fu" (that may or MAY NOT have aired;) ).

After Caine mouthed off to Master Po during the daily walking-barefoot-over-hot-coals exercise, he received a serious beatdown from the blind Master worthy of Rodney King and the LAPD. Then, Master Po said to the young Kwai Chang Caine, "Grasshopper, there is a time and a place for everything-even humor. One does not wise-off to someone in a position of authority who has the power to, potentially, make your life miserable. One must, at times, allow individuals in such positions to duly exercise their authority without question-in other words, you must display the propper butt-kissing ettiquette-as a very practical strategy."

Now, go pay that ticket and live and earn, you goof off!


During a blackout in NYC a few years ago a guy pulled his car over and got out to direct traffic at a busy intersection as the traffic lights were not working. A cop came by and, cognizant of the good samaritan's helpful act, nonetheless ticketed him for being illegally parked.


A motorcycle magazine reported that a guy who felt he was too drunk to ride the motorcycle was stopped while pushing the bike along the side of the road; he was ticketed for drunk driving as he as judged to be in control of the vehicle while intoxicated.


A motorcycle magazine reported that a guy who felt he was too drunk to ride the motorcycle was stopped while pushing the bike along the side of the road; he was ticketed for drunk driving as he as judged to be in control of the vehicle while intoxicated.

So stupid. I've heard stories of people getting DUI charges for bycicles, lawnmowers, you name it.


if you were hot, female, and flirted with me no matter how much you weren't going to date me, then no.

otherwise, i would probably have a quota and my job performance depends on how much i can bring into the city.....then sorry but yes i'd ticket you.


Hall of Fame
Cops give each other tickets when there is supposed to be an unwritten code between LEOs, so what do you expect?
raiden31: LAWNMOWING?!!! Time out Green Bay!

How would a cop go about ticketing a person mowing their lawn? Maybe it involved a municipal parks employee "on the job?" Was this in fact a "private" citizen on his/her own property? And what in heaven's name would alert the cop, a "weaving" pattern to the cut? A nosey, tattle-tale neighbor?

Any judge in their right mind would give the cop who ticketed the motorcycle guy pushing his 'hog' (prior post) as well as the cop issuing "mowing lawns while buzzed" tickets a serious dressing down -- in full view of the court. There are some clowns-of-the-law who cannot distinguish between "letter-of-the-law" and "spirit-of-the-law."

Around 10-12 years ago, in the NYC suburb of Larchmont, NY (a town of "creep" citizenry & cops btw), a guy who was responsible for preventing a potential suicide victim from "jumping" was ticketed for "obstruction of justice." Needless to say, the local news had a field day with that one.

Craig Sheppard

Hall of Fame
I got a ticket in college riding my bike with both hands in my pockets. $20 ticket. Punkass campus cops. Said that it was illegal to ride w/o 2 hands on the handle bars at all times. It was like 0 degrees out.

I think I would've let you off if you hadn't made a comment... but yeah, open your mouth, you'll get burned every time.


Would you have given me a ticket? Warning? Rodney King beatdown?
You have to respect who has power in these situations: Cop 100 power units, you 0 power units.

In general, there are only a couple useful things to say to a police officer:

Yes sir
No sir
I don't know sir
Thank you sir

Everything else is risky because cops aren't worth talking to, have a lot of mental and emotional problems that they take pleasure in taking out on people, and your words are easily misinterpreted or conveniently misunderstood. They imagine tone or attitude exists when it doesn't because they enjoy confrontation and bullying.

Unless I am bleeding or dying, I don't want to talk to a policeman for any reason.


I took yesterday off to deal with some car repairs. I had a tennis match scheduled for 2pm. At 1:30 I realize I left my tennis bag in my car at the repair shop so I bust my ass across town on my bike to retrieve my rackets.

I'm riding back across town and I run through a stop sign (making a right turn into a bike lane). Next thing I know I'm being redlighted by a cop car (small college town = bored cops) so I pull over.

This is what I am wearing: Tennis shoes, shorts, a t-shirt with a US Open logo, a baseball cap and I have a backpack with two tennis racket handles sticking out.

Cop comes up and says, "So where are you headed that you are in such a hurry to get to?"

Someday I'll learn to keep my smartass remarks to myself but I couldn't resist. And I was pissed that I'm already running late and I'm pissed I'm getting pulled over on a bicycle.

I responded, "Wow, good luck on making detective."

Cop: "Good luck on getting out of this ticket."

Me: Apologize, kiss ass, repeat.

Would you have given me a ticket? Warning? Rodney King beatdown?

Norcal, what a classic ! I bet the cop has told this story to the whole precinct by now ! You live and learn..........tell them what they want to hear, yes sir no sir three bags full sir. Remember, if you win the battle, they'll win the war. :)


Hall of Fame
There's wise ass and clever wise ass. Example:

Operator of a high, high end Italian import east bound L.I.E. doing something in the 3-digits. Passes a Highway Police Package Interceptor in plain view on the side of the road. 3 miles into the next jurisdiction the obliging Lamborghini pilot had pulled over in anticipation. Highway pulls over behind him, lights him up and approaches the drivers side.

Pilot: "I'm sorry officer."

Highway Cop: "Can I see your license, registration and proof of insurance?"

Pilot: "Sure officer." as he hands him the requested documentation.

Highway Cop: "I've been waiting for you all day." (You meaning a speeder exceeding the posted limit by more the 25 mph, which can result in an immediate license suspension).

Pilot: "I got here as fast as I could."

Highway Cop: "Good one. Nice car. Have a nice day."

^^^That's clever. (True story BTW.)

The OP's response was not clever.

So the moral of the story is: If one chooses to be a wise ass either be a clever one or be prepared to part with some cash going to the local jurisdiction.
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LOL, I have to agree with this. A beat down until you have "an ICE CREAM HEADACHE">! LOL

Hey, this would be a good time for you to get out the rip-away officer costume of yours from your stripper days. I'll videotape the beat down; we'll be guaranteed at lest an hour on Fox News, as long as there's not a car chase in LA.


Hall of Fame
I took yesterday off to deal with some car repairs. I had a tennis match scheduled for 2pm. At 1:30 I realize I left my tennis bag in my car at the repair shop so I bust my ass across town on my bike to retrieve my rackets.

I'm riding back across town and I run through a stop sign (making a right turn into a bike lane). Next thing I know I'm being redlighted by a cop car (small college town = bored cops) so I pull over.

This is what I am wearing: Tennis shoes, shorts, a t-shirt with a US Open logo, a baseball cap and I have a backpack with two tennis racket handles sticking out.

Cop comes up and says, "So where are you headed that you are in such a hurry to get to?"

Someday I'll learn to keep my smartass remarks to myself but I couldn't resist. And I was pissed that I'm already running late and I'm pissed I'm getting pulled over on a bicycle.

I responded, "Wow, good luck on making detective."

Cop: "Good luck on getting out of this ticket."

Me: Apologize, kiss ass, repeat.

Would you have given me a ticket? Warning? Rodney King beatdown?

Come to think of it, this reads like a Vonage commercial.

You know, the ones with the "don't do stupid things" message.


Funny wise-ass-remark story from one of my friends...

He was driving in his neighborhood, and cut the corner a little bit on a left turn, crossing over a double-yellow line. Apparently someone had complained about this for some reason, because a cop was waiting just down the road, and signalled him over.

The officer approached my friend's car and asked, "Do you know why I pulled you over?"

My friend said, "Yeah, because you're a pr!ck!"


Hall of Fame
Funny wise-ass-remark story from one of my friends...

He was driving in his neighborhood, and cut the corner a little bit on a left turn, crossing over a double-yellow line. Apparently someone had complained about this for some reason, because a cop was waiting just down the road, and signalled him over.

The officer approached my friend's car and asked, "Do you know why I pulled you over?"

My friend said, "Yeah, because you're a pr!ck!"

Jezuz, it's true...they teach cops all over the country, IRREGARDLESS of municipality, to say the same thing.

I was pulled over in Dec.-day after Christmas-for doing around 90 on the Garden State Pwky in NJ. State trooper asks, "Do you know why I pulled you over?" I said, "I think so, sir. I was driving too fast." Then he said: "How's your driving record?" I said: "It's okay, sir. I had one other speeding ticket, around 14 years ago, I believe. Sir." Notice that I'm saying "Sir" here...

Then he went back to his car and did his computer check, came back and gave me a ticket for a NON-MOVING violation. He said he was going to let me off this time-so no points on the license. So, I wasn't totally lucky, but at least I didn't get the big-ass fine and the points. The lesson here, as another poster already said: "Yes sir", "No sir", "I don't know, SIR."


Hall of Fame
Funny wise-ass-remark story from one of my friends...

He was driving in his neighborhood, and cut the corner a little bit on a left turn, crossing over a double-yellow line. Apparently someone had complained about this for some reason, because a cop was waiting just down the road, and signalled him over.

The officer approached my friend's car and asked, "Do you know why I pulled you over?"

My friend said, "Yeah, because you're a pr!ck!"

Cop: "Funny. Could I see your license, registration and proof of insurance please? Thanks. Please stay in your car.

(cop returns to his cruiser and is there for a while. When he returns:)

Cop: "Here's your paperwork back. Okay, this summons is for failing to stay in your lane. That's a $50 fine. This one is for failing to where your seat belt. That one's $100. This one's for illegally tinted windows. $50. And this one is for is for an obstructed rear tag.

Wise-Ass: "For what?"

Cop: "That license plate frame you've got on your vehicle that says "Don't Mess With Me"? Well that's a violation. Anyway that one's another $50. And this one is for an obstructed view for the "Justin Timberlake" Air Freshener you've got hanging from your rear view mirror. Another $50.

Wise-Ass: "Didn't you ever hear of the word discretion."

Cop: "Yes son. I have. I just exercised it.

Wise-Ass: "Whatever dude."

Cop: "Oh. Do you want to know what's really funny?"

Wise Ass: "What?"

Cop: "What's really funny is that I pulled you over to tell you that it looked like your left rear tire was going down. Yep. Now it's completely flat. Right down to the rim it seems. Well anyway, have a nice day son."

It's even more amusing when the cop works with a partner who he can share the experience of the encounter with.
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I took yesterday off to deal with some car repairs. I had a tennis match scheduled for 2pm. At 1:30 I realize I left my tennis bag in my car at the repair shop so I bust my ass across town on my bike to retrieve my rackets.

I'm riding back across town and I run through a stop sign (making a right turn into a bike lane). Next thing I know I'm being redlighted by a cop car (small college town = bored cops) so I pull over.

This is what I am wearing: Tennis shoes, shorts, a t-shirt with a US Open logo, a baseball cap and I have a backpack with two tennis racket handles sticking out.

Cop comes up and says, "So where are you headed that you are in such a hurry to get to?"

Someday I'll learn to keep my smartass remarks to myself but I couldn't resist. And I was pissed that I'm already running late and I'm pissed I'm getting pulled over on a bicycle.

I responded, "Wow, good luck on making detective."

Cop: "Good luck on getting out of this ticket."

Me: Apologize, kiss ass, repeat.

Would you have given me a ticket? Warning? Rodney King beatdown?

i bow to you my hero! f*** yea! f*** the police!

if you were hot, female, and flirted with me no matter how much you weren't going to date me, then no.

otherwise, i would probably have a quota and my job performance depends on how much i can bring into the city.....then sorry but yes i'd ticket you.

LOL...so you are a lesbian huh. outstanding.


You ran a stop sign into a bike lane. Let's say you hit a biker and killed them. You'd be looking at at about 10-15 years. With the smart ass* attitude, the judge would add another 5 years. In this length of time in the big house, you are sure to become Bubba's bit*h and would be eligible for women's league play when you get out.

After stopping, you then become a wise cracking comedian, directing your comments to a guy with a gun, a ticket book and bored. Not smart.

Then you had the audacity to wear that outfit. That's probably the reason you got the ticket. U.S. Open shirt? I always wondered who wore those. :)