Natural Gut


Is it true weather has to do with Natural Gut durability? I am expecting to receive Bow Brand NG this weekend. On my ncode 6.1 95, I usually strung at 60 lbs. Any reconmendation what best tension with N Gut and what go best hy**** on N Gut with other string, cos Bow Brand price has gone up.


New User
yep, it does. most natural gut is now coated with various weatherproof chemicals but as your string wears the coating will break. Now, natural gut is basically glued together with its' own juices. these juices are water soluble. so when they get wet and then dry the string will simply snap. as for hybrids, it depends what you want. do you want a crisper less powerful string? then i'd suggest a good poly. Do you want it to be as close to gut as pos? then i'd suggest a good multi.

Gaines Hillix

Hall of Fame
Just keep your natural gut dry and out of the interior or trunk of your car on a hot day. Put a little baby oil gel or babol on the strings after each hitting session.