New to Stringing Thing


New User
I am new to stringing and learned that stringing is cheaper to me than buying new racquets. So I try new strings instead of change racquets...except when my sponsor asks me too.

Here is racquet one: Blacked out Kblade Tour (love this racquet but have to keep it blacked) strung with Zo Verve mains 57lbs/Zo Tour 57lbs

Racquet two: Dunlop Aerogel 100 (closest thin I could find to Kblade) strung with Wilson NXT 16 at 55lbs/Zo Verve 17 at 55lbs

Racquet three: Dunlop Aerogel 100 strung with Luxillon Adrenaline 17 at 50lbs/Livewire XP 16 at 55lbs

So those are my racquets and input would be great I'm looking for criticism and also looking for how to set up my rackets and how to make them playable and not so much durable...I cant do natural gut too expensive but does syntheti in the mains with a poly feel the same? Give me some heads up guys!!

Just so you know also strings I have: Gosen Polyon 17, Wilson NXT 16, Luxillon Adrenaline 17, Gamma Livewire XP 16, Gamma Synthetic Gut 16, Prince Synthetic Gut with duraflex 17, and Gamma Zo Verve 17.

Thanks guys! And happy to be part of this forum!


Hall of Fame
You're sponsored? What level are you?

And you bought a new racket every time you needed a restring?


New User
I currently have a full bed of Poly Star Energy 17 in my Dunlop 4D100. Strung it in the mid-40's because I felt the 4D100 to be a bit under-powered at first (fixed that with some lead, too). It's soft on the arm and is more powerful than a lot of polys.


New User
Yes I am a sponsored teaching professional that plays at the 5.0 to 5.5 level consistently play tournaments and have won a few doubles tournaments.

And no not buy a new racket everytime sorry that wasn't clear I meant I have a tendency to try new rackets because I'm compulsive but with always stringing now...I can do new things with the string.

I have the 4D version you feel like full poly really low helps...I like the weight of it to be truthful...maybe lowering the tension??


Hall of Fame
Of the strings you mentioned as having on-hand:

NXT and LivewireXP both play well as fullbed at higher tensions, but have low durability and are fairly hi-powered. They are a bit pricey to use as crosses, but they work.

Adrenaline will work for fullbed or hybrid. There's better stuff out there, but you might as well use it.

ZoVerve is pretty new. Not a lot of feedback yet. Probably better fullbed at lower tensions.

The Gamma and Prince strings are both very good crosses for the Adrenaline. String the Lux about 5lbs lower in the mains.

Polyon is old school and harsh, but durable and cheap! Good for a practice setup with the Prince or Gamma crosses.

Remember, if you do hybrid, the string bed will take on most of the characteristics of the Mains.
Therefore, NXT mains with Adrenaline crosses will be Very different from the reverse!
Beware! Poly strings die within 10 hrs of playing time. Be prepared to cut them out before they break!
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New User
So fortun given your expertise on the matter and the string I have on hand what would you recommend tension wise? I am really quite green when it comes to all this string talk?

Also what would you recommend string wise...adrenaline was sen CEO
Lux so I just used it actually like it with the Livewire!

Also is there any benefit to say the multi in the mains with the poly in the cross?

Sorry for sloths questions...


New User
Also thought I would add my playing style to maybe that helps...I prefer to play the net and love to use my kick/slice serve to get there...I don't grind as well as most and generally speaking I serve and volley. I do however have a pretty big forehand and like to rip it from the baseline on occasion.



Hall of Fame
Multi in the mains will give more power but may not last long enough.
If money is no object, Adrenaline or Savage/ LivewireXP may be the way to go.
There are cheaper alternatives. ie: Tourna Big Hitter Silver17 / Mantis Comfort Synthetic or Dunlop Comfort Synthetic17.
I know mikeler is a fan of B5E/Thunderblast.
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New User
Well yes money is somewhat of an issue...this Big Hitter people keep talking about is it a good string?

I am just looking for tensions too like I said I am Green to this and you seem to know your stuff...I have just been stringing midrange which is 55 I dont know if that feels all that good except when I had a full synth gut 17g bed in it.

I do have Savage Lime also just found it while rummaging!

Thanks for all your help by the way with my constant questions!


Hall of Fame
Certainly use what you have for now! :)
Tourna Big Hitter is an excellent value. The silver is stiffer than the blue and the rough is better than the smooth.
Signum Pro Poly Plasma and Technifibre Red Code are also good bang for the buck!
As a cross string , Gosen OG Sheep Micro17 is a great value, but not as soft as a multi. The Prince and Gamma synguts that you have work very well, too.
Multi crosses have the added benefit of giving a visual clue of when to change. They start to shred.
High priced multis are better as a full bed, but don't let that stop you from using them if you have them!

As for tension, String a poly 5-10% lower than you would a syngut or multi.
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New User
So you recommend the poly in the main as apposed to as a cross string then?

Is it a general rule to string it 5 to 10 percent lower so say I string my normal syngut at 55 then I should string my poly at say 49.5 give or take a few??

And yes I will use what I have to work with right your saying the NXT is a good full bed string?

Also I guess you would say it is just string it play with it till you find one you like correct? Try it till you like it!

So if you could give me a spec on one of my Dunlops like a setup for one of them? with string and tension I would be so happy with that :)


Hall of Fame
Yes to all of the above except giving you a specific recommendation for your Dunlop.
NXT may well be the next best thing to natgut. Others may disagree. Livewire XP is pretty darn good, too, as is TF X-1 Biphase. If price is not a factor, those are the three top multis, but they all play a little different.
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Hall of Fame
Looking back at your original post, durability is less important than feel.
Definitely go with the NXT or Livewire fullbed strung in the high range and consider a midline natgut as well, like Pacific, Klip, or Performaxx.
You should only consider poly or hybrid if that stuff is too powerful or if you are breaking your mains too quickly.
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New User
So what your saying is that I dont need to worry about a poly? that is probably one of the best things I have ever heard! They hurt my arm a lot!

So a full bed NXT or LiveWire? That sounds like fun!

Have you ever played the Titan Natural Gut by chance?

Also one other question, if I was looking to add some spin to my racket by say adding a hybrid string what would you recommend say I use the NXT or LiveWire in the mains, then I hybrid it with say WeissCannon Mosquito Bite 18g? Is that how I would add more spin?

And when you say higher ranges are we talking like 60 or so?

Wow you seem to catch on to a lot that is going on, you could diagnose me without even seeing me play ever thats pretty awesome, you figured out that I like the soft feel over durability which leads to the fact that the tougher the string the more pain I feel in my arm. Just awesome!


Hall of Fame
If you want more spin, put the 18g in the mains, but now we're talking poly again!
Well, maybe not. NXT Tour 17 will give a bit more spin at the expense of durability.
Spin that won't hurt your arm would be RIP Control, but you'll lose feel.
I meant high range for your frame ex. rec 50-60 string at 58
Always glad to help. :)
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New User
Okay so thinner guages generally mean more spin! look at how much I am learning right now.

And comfort is a plus but I mean I am not overly sensative, I just cant roll with a full poly bed ever! But if NXT or Livewire is going to get it done for me I would like that! So if I want more spin throw a thinner gauge in the crosses? so say I have NXT 16 gauge throw 17 gauge in the crosses?

Yeah I was looking at other possibilities now too because well if I like it but start breaking it NXT will become to expensive! I will surely have to play with it first but I saw a couple other strings not sure if you know about them at all...but is there a significant difference between Gamma Livewire and Livewire XP? and also have you ever played with Mantis Comfort 16?

Also if you had to choose between the Biphase and the NXT which would you choose?


Hall of Fame
I'm not the one to ask. I don't play, I'm just a USRSA tech.
X-1 and NXT both have their fans. If I had to stock only one, it would be NXT.
Mantis Comfort is excellent and is my go-to multi for my clients. It does not perform quite as well as the premiums but... 90% as good for half the price? Yeah! It is not NXT, but what is?
Given the price, NXT is a better option than Livewire.
You won't find many Gamma fans here.
You play tournaments. The Premium strings do give you an a price.
Mixing 16g and 17g Multi won't make much of a difference.
Titan is cheap gut, I have some, but I would only use it on the mains. I'm afraid it would come apart on the crosses.
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New User
Biphase is a great string but it just doesn't last long in terms of playability and durability.I would prefer NXT and NRG. But I break multi pretty quickly so I hybrid it with a soft poly.

I have recently strung my aerogel 4D 100 with Kirschbaum Pro Line II 17 on the main and Tourna Quasi Gut 16 on the cross at 53/57 and I really like it. I am a serve and volleyer too and this set-up is very good. I enjoyed playing with this setup. Spin is decent but the control and feel is really good. If you want hybrid, just try a few soft poly and see which one u prefer. Scorpion is a good choice as well.


Hall of Fame
" It is said: Do not go to the elves for answers, for they will say both yes and no." Frodo to Gildor - Lord of the Rings. Hmm... maybe my new signature! :)
Use the NXT and Livewire as fullbeds.
I used to wonder if NXT was worth the price. It is. Nothing plays quite like it, of you can afford it.
Kinda like Gut.
To be continued...
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New User
I tried the NXT tonight I have it as a 16g I strung it full bed at 62lbs which I thought was pretty high for me...and it hit pretty well there was a lot of pop to the strings and it really does play like gut.

I was wondering now though, I was looking to have strings that generate a bit more spin? I dont know if I want to sacrifice feel though...because the NXT does feel good...I just wanted to know how I can increase spin?

I also want to try a full bed Livewire also...I dont know but this has been very helpful to me!

Keep the info coming lol


Yes I am a sponsored teaching professional that plays at the 5.0 to 5.5 level consistently play tournaments and have won a few doubles tournaments.

And no not buy a new racket everytime sorry that wasn't clear I meant I have a tendency to try new rackets because I'm compulsive but with always stringing now...I can do new things with the string.

I have the 4D version you feel like full poly really low helps...I like the weight of it to be truthful...maybe lowering the tension??


You left me a post on Buy/Sell section. I need your e-mail to reply.



New User
Yeah thats true, I dont know how to put my email on that one I guess they didnt want me to have it on there???

I guess I can post it here...********11 (at) gmail (dotcom)



New User
Yes thats how I got my NXT haha!!!

And steve I think I understood your thing I dont know if I got it right there really a T??