Rate my serve.


Note average of Sampras was 85mph.

That means that sampras hit a couple in the 90s while some below 85 most likely.


Talk Tennis Guru
Here is a freeze-frame photo of the serve video by no skillz:

1. Although hard to tell from a video, his racquet does in fact get into a dropped position "back scratch" (although it has not gotten to the "extreme" position of a pro).
2. The butt of the racquet is pointing to the ball, and he does in fact "pull" the racquet UP towards the ball.


Not sure who posted this, but although I would agree a second serve with the same speed as a first would be "ideal', it is completely inpractical. No pro has the same serve speed for 1st and 2nd serves. What IS suggetsed is that you have the same swing speed on both 1st and 2nd serves, with the second serve receiving a more "glanicing blow" to impart more spin.

Although No Skillz holds his grip with a continental, I agree with the poster who said he is holding it more like a "hammer grip".


wow, you started developin your serve just 8 months ago? I say you got a good serve considering that status! :D


Talk Tennis Guru
Here is another angle of his serve where you could clearly see the racquet is parallel to his body, and in the "back scratch" position, and his shouders have turned over as he is leaning into the court.



Hall of Fame
Based on the stills provided by Drakulie, i would suggest noskillz turn his racquet more towards a continental or even eastern backhand grip ala safin, so he can generate more topspin.


I can't tell for sure if the racket drop is perfect on the second picture.
It much more easier to see in the first.


I am not a pro or super analytical about these things but watching the video there was something that just didn't look right. Seeing the stills, it is what you guys are referring to as the "backscratch position". The point at which this occurs should be when your right hand (for righties) is very near your ear. I don't see this in either picture. In the second picture, it looks like the racquet should be closer to hitting the ball based on body and arm position. Leads me to believe that there is a timing issue that results in a serve that is mostly all arm.

Also, that does not look like a continental grip. If you think it is, I would suggest moving to what you think an eastern grip would be.

I would guess that you have some athletic skills in other sports since you said you only recently started working on serve. It looks good and you should be able to continue to improve it because you have the basic motion down.


Just watched it again. The body and arm motion looks much better than the whole serve does (if that makes sense). Again, take this with a grain of salt...it looks like you want to be moving into the court as you hit the ball (which is correct) but your toss is straight up. So you effectively have to reach back with your arm relative to your body. This throws the timing off between your hips and shoulders uncoiling and your arm coming up and through the ball. Maybe?

no skillz

That makes sense.
I went out and talked to a coach at my local club. Very nice guy, we hit around a little and he gave me pointers on my groundstrokes. I have not talked serves with him yet, but will do later this week.
I have improved quiet a bit by myself, but having a coach fine tune my strokes was great. I will keep practicing and continue getting lesson, after a few weeks I will post a new and hopefully improved serve (and some groundstrokes).


Hall of Fame
Well done no skillz, see what a difference having a coach with you can do for your game. Keep it up!