Slight Pain in Elbow That Isn't Constant

For a few weeks now I've had a slight pain in my right elbow (hitting arm), near the ulnar nerve/funny bone. It is not constant and only seems to hurt when I extend the elbow completely or when I hit a shot. Even then the pain is not very intense, but a sort of dull ache. It hurts the most when I extend the arm and pronate very quickly. Throwing tennis balls causes it to hurt more than when I hit with a racquet. I've never had tennis elbow, but from what I've read, it doesn't seem to me like this is tennis elbow. It also hasn't gone away after 3-4 days rest. Can anyone help me identify what this might be?


Hall of Fame
"slight pain in elbow" translates to Tennis Elbow. Use a massage tool to rub the tendons and such length wise down the arm to warm things up and get the blood moving through the arm which will help release the pain more. Take advil. Give tennis a break for a while.


Lateral Epicondyle pain is Tennis Elbow.

OP sounds like Golfer's Elbow since his pain is on the medial side (ulnar nerve).

I perform cross fiber massage for TE. Do not know if that massage also helps for GE.



Hall of Fame
Tennis elbow dude; Ice it, do lots of forearm and shoulder stretching all that stuff is connected. See a chiropractor if you can, and massage therapist. Also, layoff Poly's, tight string jobs, and be sure the stretch after you play and get a good warmup in beforehand, not hitting but jogging, rotating arms etc....May help to lay off it a couple weeks as well


New User
Check out ASTYM therapy. It's the only thing that got rid of my Golfers elbow.

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