Tennis Elbow: 3 days on/4 days off vs. every other day ?


3 days in a row, followed by 4 days of rest
playing every other day.

In each scenario, you play about 3 days a week.
Which is more likely to cause TE ?
Most likely tennis elbow would develop in either scenario over time if the frame, strings, and / or technique is causing stress on the tendons. If I had to pick one or the other, I would suspect the 3 days in a row would be more likely to cause a noticeable issue more quickly than the every other day method. Just my thoughts, and nothing scientific.


Certainly from someone with TE/GE issues off and on, the multiple days in a row is more a killer. Every second day seems to allow some rest and regeneration before putting the arm under strain.


3 days in a row, followed by 4 days of rest
playing every other day.

In each scenario, you play about 3 days a week.
Which is more likely to cause TE ?
Continuous tennis is bad for it. But, once you 'feel' it coming on, it's already too late, the damage is done.

Jarno Saari

New User
I also ones had tennis elbow symptoms for 3 years. It was very painfull time. I managed to cure my hand and i maid a video serie from it. Please Check it out and hope it will help you
