The Crossfit Games


Anyone following?

These workouts are insane!!!

My favorites so far...Julie Foucher and Chris Spealler.


Hall of Fame



Wow. In general I don't believe that one bad apple should be allowed to spoil the whole bunch, but that's pretty bad. Interesting comments in the article about the one guy, one of their original gyms, being kicked out for expressing his concerns. I didn't realize that they had grown so quickly that quality control was an issue but it does explain one of the affiliates basically being in a guy's garage.

I watched the games last year. The women looked freakish to me and it was a major turnoff. I did one class/intro workout in early June (WOD was 15 squats, 5 pullups, 10 pushups in a set, repeat for 10 minutes). The instructor was nice enough but the recovery took over a week and I realized its just not for me. I was also insulted on their FB page for saying I was a member at 24 hour fitness, so I won't be going back to that location if I do ever decide to try it again.


Hall of Fame
Wow. In general I don't believe that one bad apple should be allowed to spoil the whole bunch, but that's pretty bad. Interesting comments in the article about the one guy, one of their original gyms, being kicked out for expressing his concerns. I didn't realize that they had grown so quickly that quality control was an issue but it does explain one of the affiliates basically being in a guy's garage.

I watched the games last year. The women looked freakish to me and it was a major turnoff. I did one class/intro workout in early June (WOD was 15 squats, 5 pullups, 10 pushups in a set, repeat for 10 minutes). The instructor was nice enough but the recovery took over a week and I realized its just not for me. I was also insulted on their FB page for saying I was a member at 24 hour fitness, so I won't be going back to that location if I do ever decide to try it again.

They are scum bags at the top. Thats no secret around the fitness world.

That is the issue with them as well is they dont understand that people are not all the same. No way you should have been put through something like that with your injury history.

Also as you found out the attitude of they are greater than everyone and the insults they lash out are just off putting. Sad thing is the people that dominate their games dont even do crossfit.


They are scum bags at the top. Thats no secret around the fitness world.

That is the issue with them as well is they dont understand that people are not all the same. No way you should have been put through something like that with your injury history.

Also as you found out the attitude of they are greater than everyone and the insults they lash out are just off putting. Sad thing is the people that dominate their games dont even do crossfit.

I put myself through that workout and I take full responsibility for the decision to do it. The instructor knew what my limitations were and he modified my pullups to compensate for it. I did the pushups because they didn't actually affect my shoulder or my neck. The squats are what hurt the worst, because I hadn't been active for so long I hadn't used those muscles in months. I only did two sets in ten minutes because I was moving at my pace, not busting through it like the other people in my group (all guys).

I agree with you on that one important point - they say Crossfit is for everyone at any fitness level and that is not true. You cannot walk in there off the street with little to no previous activity, you will suffer and it will be discouraging.

I also agree with you on the superiority complex of their most cult like members. It is very off putting. I've been researching Crossfit for almost 2 years because Jan-Michael wanted me to try it. I kept telling him no, my back couldn't do it, then my shoulder couldn't, then my other shoulder couldn't, but I had a groupon, so I finally gave it a shot. I would have gone back, just because the instructor was a nice guy, but I don't need to be insulted just because I wasn't drinking the kool aid on day one.

Didn't realize that the fitness world had an opinion of their leadership, that's pretty interesting.

The Wreck

Very cult like and a lot of them have that air of superiority. Much different than the impressions I get from people in the bodybuilding community.

I also think their idea that form is not important is absolutely stupid, as referenced by the gif above.


Really? You're judging that from the gif that was posted here?

Have you WATCHED any of the games? Have any one of you actually watched one minute? Have you seen how, as soon as one person finishes, they go back and cheer on the others and don't stop until everyone is done? Air of superiority? Hardly.

Lack of form? They think it isn't important? I don't guys seem to have very different experiences than I have. Maybe the CF boxes just suck where you guys are.

And really, big box gyms...not exactly known for correct form. Or knowledge really...of any kind.

But go ahead and think what you like...proof is in the pudding. Some think fitness is cool, some don't...whatever you like.


Guess you missed that part in my post above where I said I watched the games last year.

Yeah, every big box gym in the country lacks any kind of knowledge or expertise. All of them. Not one satisfied customer anywhere in the US.

Who exactly in this thread doesn't think 'fitness is cool' and how did you come to that conclusion?

The Wreck

Yes, I actually watched them this year and last.

Most of the people who are competing in the games, if I had to guess, are doing training that is a bit more involved than CrossFit. I'm sure they do things with cross fit elements, but they're flat out weight training too.

Kipping is not good form. Period. I don't care what they say about 'explosiveness' or any of that. It's defeating the point of the exercise.

I've watched plenty of videos of CrossFit people doing squats too. It's embarrassing. The poor form and just slinging the weight around is not even discouraged, from what I can tell.

This would be funny if it weren't so sad how much damage these people were doing to their bodies and the risks they are taking:

And no, Joe Schmo at the gym doesn't have great form either. But most people who are dedicated to weight lifting definitely do. And the swole guy benching 300 pounds didn't get there because he had no knowledge of what he was doing.

Don't get me wrong. I like fitness and functional strength. I just disagree with some very basic things in cross fit and I think lifting weights normally and properly and doing cardio are more effective for accomplishing any sort of fitness goals.
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Hall of Fame
Didn't realize that the fitness world had an opinion of their leadership, that's pretty interesting.

The head of it is a real piece of work. At first he had a good solid group working for him but they didnt like the lack of quality control so they all left or got booted in a really big public fight of he said she said.

It than came out that he was sleeping with any girl he could in the crossfit gyms. His divorce than got messy as well.

They had a guy get hospitilized from one of their wod. They named it after him and said he wasnt man enough.


Lack of form? They think it isn't important? I don't guys seem to have very different experiences than I have. Maybe the CF boxes just suck where you guys are.

Doing exercises like the squat, deadlift, clean and jerk, and snatch for time will result in bad form and a greater chance of injury.


They do a great job marketing it ("general fitness in a box"), and for a lot of people looking for a quick, magical fix it becomes like kool-aid. Me personally, I left back in 2006 after I'd had enough of their aggressive attitude and cult-like following. I haven't looked back.


Hall of Fame
I actually have a friend that started his own Box (i think that what they call it). Im not down for the lingo, but I know this guy would not do somethign if he didnt belive in it. He does stress form number one. But its not ough for anyoneto get certifed to train and with 3500 plus gyms you will find some where the people dont care and want to get the workout done as fast as possible.

As far as the game go, I watched it a couple times and its not very entertaining to watch poeple work out fast. But they are in shape


pfft....topaz, crossfit is soooooooo "low carbs"......totally uncool.

keep up with the latest trends, or soon you'll be as uncool as richard simmons, billy banks, and snackwells cookies.

While the trend for low-carb diets appears to be past its prime, according to experts, trends that are on the way up include:

Whole-health diets.
Back-to-basics eating plans.
Exotic dietary influences.


Hall of Fame
Whenever Billy Blanks I always think of his brotherwalking all big when he was gonna set the guiness record for high kick. And some Alaskan kid made him look like a fool. Its actually an event in theEskimo Olympics.

Those Articles you linked were intersting in the It mentioned Phil Black. I remebered reading about an Ex navy seal who was an early adpoter of cross0fit but didnt like all the aspects so he started his own deal. He sells Fit Decks which is nothing more than random excerises in a deck of cards. You deal a card and do the exercise. Im pretty sure its the same guy, he got tired of leadership of Crossfit.

Its not crossfit is some new technique. I basically did crossfit 6 days a week during basic training. Put a fancy name on something and you got it made


Hall of Fame
'Kipping pullups' (where you use momentum to swing yourself up) are not pullups!!!! While I don't have anything against the crossfit culture, my 'traditional' bodybuilding friends from the gym absolutely loathe it and call it a joke.


Hall of Fame
Most body building guys are trying to isolate one muscle.

A Kipping pullup does not do that. When a bodybuilder does a pullup he does the dead hangs to hit the lats.

The kipping is more about hip snap and involving the whole body more. The kipping is more of a natural movement one would do if solely given the task of heres a bar do a pullup. And when most poeple max pullups the last couple look eeirly simlar to a kipping.

There is no right or wrong way to work out. It depends on the persons goals and what they take away from it.

Most poeple like crossfit becuase in 25 minutes they are sweating and feel exhausted. Not everybody wants to lift an hbour and a half and still get cario in at some point.


Hall of Fame
Most body building guys are trying to isolate one muscle.

A Kipping pullup does not do that. When a bodybuilder does a pullup he does the dead hangs to hit the lats.

The kipping is more about hip snap and involving the whole body more. The kipping is more of a natural movement one would do if solely given the task of heres a bar do a pullup. And when most poeple max pullups the last couple look eeirly simlar to a kipping.

There is no right or wrong way to work out. It depends on the persons goals and what they take away from it.

Most poeple like crossfit becuase in 25 minutes they are sweating and feel exhausted. Not everybody wants to lift an hbour and a half and still get cario in at some point.

You don't have to lift for an hour and a half. And you surely don't need anything more than 20 mins of HIIT type cardio once or twice a week. Lifting with intensity itself gives the heart a good workout.


this is a pretty evenhanded article on crossfit.

if your goals match with crossfit, it is very challenging and worthwhile.

i bet it would be great (off-season) training for tennis players......if they don't get hurt doing it

Not getting hurt is the key. I did crossfit for awhile, but quit after I screwed up my wrist while trying to C &J 200 lbs. There is not reason that a guy in his late 40's who plays tennis needs to clean and jerk that weight.


Hall of Fame
Not getting hurt is the key. I did crossfit for awhile, but quit after I screwed up my wrist while trying to C &J 200 lbs. There is not reason that a guy in his late 40's who plays tennis needs to clean and jerk that weight.

A guy does a lot of clean and jerk in his life as it is :)


I asked two trainers who work with pro players about CF. They absolutely do not recommend it during the season, and only recommend some of the CF exercises during the off season. Any good trainer can design a safe beneficial 30 minute cardio workout using sit ups, pull ups, push ups, squats, running, burpees, and some neutral weight lifting. But racing to do a certain number of exercises within a ten minute time frame for a personal record seems like a recipe for form breaks and injuries to me. I thought my one CF workout was okay, but the recovery time for me was over a week and that just got in the way of my normal daily life. I can see the appeal of it, it wasn't for me, and I would suggest anyone who tries it approaches it with caution. And be ready for the cult like attitude of most of the people in 'the box'.


Most people stick with crossfit because they like the competitive aspect of the WODs and the community aspect of the boxes. Not everyone can push themselves, or train with intensity on their own. And the shared suffering builds camaraderie that you don't find in regular gyms. I personally have mixed feelings about the general crossfit programming, but this varies significantly by box and coach, for example, I don't agree with doing high rep olympic lifts as part of a wod. Like any other training regiment, it is not for everyone. If you like it great, do it, if not there are plenty of other excellent programs which work.