The old Eddie Murphy (in his 20's)


I was watching "Beverly Hills Cop" on TV the other day, with a friend who stopped by. We started talking about how great Eddie Murphy was in the 80's [82-88], he had a bunch of great movies, and his stand-up act was hilarious :)

I used to love watching Raw and Delirious in my teens (as well as the movies he made), and I was just cracking up when another friend gave me a stand-up CD of his, that I never heard before (


That has some really great stuff.....

I miss you Eddie, you're the "F*ck You Man", F*ck you Eddie ;)


Is that the album where he talks about his grandmother always asking, "What time is it?" and tormenting his sister with doo doo on a stick?


Yeah I liked him better in the trading places days too, and Raw was Raw :) Delirious all the specials, but I guess you have to grow up some day and shrek was ok although I didn't liek the last 2 very much


I think its on Raw, but when he imitates Bill Cosby I about lose it from laughing so hard. Its on Youtube, hilarious.


I love the Delirious -especially the Mr. T, you ain't got no ice cream, and Aunt Bundy bits. Too funny!


Yeah I liked him better in the trading places days too, and Raw was Raw :) Delirious all the specials, but I guess you have to grow up some day and shrek was ok although I didn't liek the last 2 very much

I enjoyed his performance in "Life" with Martin Lawrence a few years ago. Eddie does some of the funniest old man impressions ever. Remember Clarence the Barber and the old Jewish guy in "Coming to America"?


I agree. I was just watching Trading Places and Eddie Murphy when he stars in a Rated R comedy is when he's his best. He's been trying to fit in his all access Eddie and comes off not being as funny. Coming to America, 48 Hours, all classic Eddie. Even old SNL ... Hot Tub! I laugh everytime I see that.