Tom Brady on junk food


Interview looks like a good deal of blather and not much actual information. Next.

He is right though. It's amazing how many people think a food or drink is healthy simply because a big company is selling it. Cereal, zero calorie soft drinks, Starbucks venti triple mocha caramel latte with whip cream on top, yogurt (usually filled with crap), etc. Companies make what sells, and that's usually junk food in disguise as healthy food. Take oatmeal for example. Companies will add a cup of sugar and it becomes dessert, not breakfast.


I remember reading similar about Tom Brady in another article and was glad to see it. Other athletes, while less vocal, I've read have discussed the importance of healthy eating, and doing ones best to take control your health. Novak Djokovic of course being one of the better known tennis players to write about his grain free diet helping with health and recovery.

Saw the other day the worlds top Rugby team mention they avoid sugars and grains.

New Zealand Wins Rugby World Cup – Without Much Sugar


He is right though. It's amazing how many people think a food or drink is healthy simply because a big company is selling it. Cereal, zero calorie soft drinks, Starbucks venti triple mocha caramel latte with whip cream on top, yogurt (usually filled with crap), etc. Companies make what sells, and that's usually junk food in disguise as healthy food. Take oatmeal for example. Companies will add a cup of sugar and it becomes dessert, not breakfast.

^^I refuse to believe anyone really thinks Coca Cola is healthy because a very large company sells it. Likewise Starbucks specialty drinks.


^^ There are people who think it's low calorie. I don't know anyone who thinks it's all that good for you
I think Nutrition is a very important Thing that can be improved even with many pro athletes. many NBA and MLB Players have terrible eating Habits which is made worse by all the travel. travel often means fast Food and quick Snacks just out of boredom.


Is it worse for a person than carbonated water?

^^ Seems to be. Has lots of crap like hydrogenated and brominated vegetable oils, of all things, that have been associated with much badness. Coke and Pepsi announced plans this year to remove the brominated oils, bowing to pressure, though this will take some time. And of course aspartame.


Is it worse for a person than carbonated water?

Depends on how much you are drinking, 1-2 diet cokes or even regular cokes won't kill you if your diet is good. If you're slamming down 6-8 daily, then okay, you might have a problem here.

Coke isn't wrong in suggesting moderation, the problem is 'merica and our obsession with slamming these sugary beverages down by the 2 liter and wondering why we're so sluggish.


Hall of Fame
I do. Or rather, I don't believe its bad for you.

Is it worse for a person than carbonated water?

Yes because it's basically a chemistry experiment that came out tasting sweet, added to carbonated water.

Anecdotal of course but:

A friend of mine who was drinking a ton of diet coke got bad liver tests back from a Dr. Couldn't figure out what it was. Dr. Suggested diet soda might be to blame.

He quit it.

Liver tests cleaned up in a few weeks.

I was drinking a lot of it and stopped. I drink flavored seltzers now. Much shorter ingredient list and I don't miss the diet soda at all.

Not sure what the "natural flavor" is in the seltzer but I'll take my chances that it's better than: caramel color (look that one up on Wikipedia for how it's manufactured), sodium benzoate, and aspartame all mixed together.


^^ elevated liver enzymes can happen on many medications as well, as a transient and usually reversible phenomenon, and don't generally indicate real toxicity so much as a kind of sensitivity to that substance, sometimes described inaccurately as an allergic reaction. Your friend's experience does not mean the beverages are generally harmful to the liver.


Hall of Fame
^^ elevated liver enzymes can happen on many medications as well, as a transient and usually reversible phenomenon, and don't generally indicate real toxicity so much as a kind of sensitivity to that substance, sometimes described inaccurately as an allergic reaction. Your friend's experience does not mean the beverages are generally harmful to the liver.

Can't argue with what you said. Either way, there's no POSITIVE to drinking diet soda in and of itself, only if drinking it enables you to remove High Fructose soda from your diet, which has chemicals as well and also makes you fat and diabetic so it's a net win.


there's no POSITIVE to drinking diet soda in and of itself, only if drinking it enables you to remove High Fructose soda from your diet, which has chemicals as well and also makes you fat and diabetic so it's a net win.

Anecdote: my beloved dog would love to try anything I was eating (he absolutely loved blueberries and bananas, vet said these were fine. Also preferred white wine to red or beer, but I digress...). One day I dipped my finger into a glass of coke for him to taste. He sniffed, looked at me, and walked away. Did not want.


Anecdote: my beloved dog would love to try anything I was eating (he absolutely loved blueberries and bananas, vet said these were fine. Also preferred white wine to red or beer, but I digress...). One day I dipped my finger into a glass of coke for him to taste. He sniffed, looked at me, and walked away. Did not want.
You obviously need to get a new dog


Anecdote: my beloved dog would love to try anything I was eating (he absolutely loved blueberries and bananas, vet said these were fine. Also preferred white wine to red or beer, but I digress...). One day I dipped my finger into a glass of coke for him to taste. He sniffed, looked at me, and walked away. Did not want.

Most dogs are known to have eaten their own feces multiple times at some point in their lives. What they are willing or unwilling to eat really has no bearing on the healthfulness of the food (or "thing").

Spin Doctor

Depends on how much you are drinking, 1-2 diet cokes or even regular cokes won't kill you if your diet is good. If you're slamming down 6-8 daily, then okay, you might have a problem here.

Coke isn't wrong in suggesting moderation, the problem is 'merica and our obsession with slamming these sugary beverages down by the 2 liter and wondering why we're so sluggish.
The fact that you think 1-2 cokes per day qualifies as "moderation" is indicative of how Americans have absolutely no concept of what moderation means.


Hall of Fame
I actually freaked out when Coke decided to scrap it's original formula and came out with New Coke to better compete with Pepsi. After months and enough uproar from others like myself, Classic Coke was brought back and all was well again.

But ten years ago, just for the heck of it, I decided to see how long I could go without. Mind you I was drinking the hard stuff, no diet for me. Coke, Dr. Pepper, Squirt, Voortman's (I think) Ginger Ale, (first sip made me cough every time) A&W Root Beer were all favorites.

Haven't had any since, and I might wager that the money saved has paid for every tennis item I own many times over.

Years back there was a video making the email rounds called "Coke vs Water". Maybe it still exists. I don't remember all of it, but I think part of it showed Coke being used to clear a bathroom sink drain, remove rust from an old sheet metal pan, and remove a large patch of paint that was spilled on some pavement.

Hmmm, does that mean if I drank some now, I could give myself a Cokeonoscopy? :eek:
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I actually freaked out when Coke decided to scrap it's original formula and came out with New Coke to better compete with Pepsi. After months and enough uproar from others like myself, Classic Coke was brought back and all was well again.

But ten years ago, just for the heck of it, I decided to see how long I could go without. Mind you I was drinking the hard stuff, no diet for me. Coke, Dr. Pepper, Squirt, Voorman's (I think) Ginger Ale, (first sip made me cough every time) A&W Root Beer were all favorites.

Haven't had any since, and I might wager that the money saved has paid for every tennis item I own many times over.

Years back there was a video making the email rounds called "Coke vs Water". Maybe it still exists. I don't remember all of it, but I think part of it showed Coke being used to clear a bathroom sink drain, remove rust from an old sheet metal pan, and remove a large patch of paint that was spilled on some pavement.

Hmmm, does that mean if I drank some now, I could give myself a Cokeonoscopy? :eek:

Sounds a bit like me. I used to love soft drinks. Not anymore. Maybe just once in a while, with a pizza or something. That's it. Maybe a few per year. Lots of water, tea, coffee, some juice, lime soda, suits me better.


Hall of Fame
I like root beer. I have it with my burger or fried chicken. Otherwise, mostly warm water and a sometimes tea or coffee if i want the health benefits.


^^ what's the deal with birch beer? Just tastes like rancid root beer to me. Do people actually like it?


diet drinks are likely better then full sugar drinks - simply because they replace the sugary beverages. The artificial sweetners are some of the most studied chemicals on earth.. And there is some indication stevia is good for you. So I say diet drinks are okay..

Tom Brady is basically right about nutrition. Only problem is junk food tastes really good - kids will eat those surgary cereals..