Yoga Is Magic!


Hall of Fame
I am about to hit 40 and have been playing tennis for 20 years. I have never been able to touch my toes. My flexibility has always been very poor. I've been thinking about trying yoga regularly after trying a 45 min yoga workout off YouTube.

I was impressed with how spent I was after just 45 min and how sore I was as well. I assume I was doing something right. I could not perform all the poses like the instructor, but I did them as best as I could.

I've also started to exercise with my daughter who runs me through her PE class workout (stretches and basic calisthenics) for about 20 mins and it is a fairly good workout.

I hope to reverse my lack of flexibility and in turn, extend my tennis playing years.

I basically do a yoga based stretching routine after all of my matches and hitting sessions. It's not a spirtual or meditative type thing, it's just a smooth progression of poses held for about 10 seconds each that leaves me feeling much less stiff, especially the morning after a match, where I will walk like Frankenstein's monster if I don't stretch.

I used to resent always failing physical education tests in grade school because I could never touch my is that a measure of my physical fitness, it's genetic!! I could do more sit ups than anyone in the school, and beat all the other measures of fitness handidly. Stupid flexibility!!

Anyway, there certainly are aspects of yoga that could be uncomfortable for someone with certain injuries, and it is no more beneficial to tennis than a well thought out modern stretching program.


Bionic Poster
Would you mind sidetracking to grade school?
I went around '55-61, and don't remember any physical skills tests until I hit junior high. In 7th grade, they had PE required class, but flexibility was not something test, just endurance and strength.
I'd hate to take 6th grade flexibility class again.


You mean the post from over 2 wks ago that you had already responded to, as well as having most of the posts on this page?
I read a lot of threads around the vast majority you are either name dropping, bragging about your semi pro skills in every sport ever conceived, or calling a 5+ player a high 3.5.

It's more like 20k posts with 3 sentences of "dribble"(sp).


Bionic Poster
Let's see....
Isn't this a forum thread?
Are we required to limit our number of posts?
Is less responses more valid than more responses?
Can YOU tell, from one minute of video rallying, what level the player is?
Always keep your aspirations low, and you can never overestimate.


Bionic Poster
I used to resent always failing physical education tests in grade school because I could never touch my is that a measure of my physical fitness, it's genetic!! I could do more sit ups than anyone in the school, and beat all the other measures of fitness handidly. Stupid flexibility!!

I think this issue will soon hit the California courts. The state is trying to mandate PE for 4 years for students who don't pass a test in the 10th grade. Most schools seem to have obtained a waiver, but it is going to become an issue. It means one course slot is gone in the 11th and 12th grades. Interestingly, there seems to be no medical exception unless the student is special needs. So a guy could have a medical condition which does not allow him to run, but yet he will be failed in the running part of the test.


I have the same problem. Tight tight can be a nightmare on the hammy's and not even propping a leg up on the net seems to do the trick. Bikram yoga was the only thing to genuinely get things limbered up. I need it hot or else it doesn't work for me!


Bionic Poster
Yeah, that's the one my g/f complains about... Like 90 degrees, windows closed, stuffy, and doing quick poses with little time between....
I'll pass, since I like outdoor sports where I go at my own snails pace.
And for SUMO...that's why I need to mention a few sports I did and do. People are always equating yoga with an ability to do sports. I think sports stand alone, without or with yoga.


Bionic Poster
Please bear with me while I sidetrack just for the benefit of Sumo....
You know that thread about "why soft rackets can have power" ...?
I was accused of dribbling there too.
Maybe the accuser, like you, actually don't play tennis, so any view contrary to yours is rubbish or pure ....."DRIBBLE".
Would you believe YOUR way is only one of possibly hundreds of different ways to play tennis?
You don't?
Oh, OK.