Please review my daily workout routine



My goal right now is to lose the flab around and on my stomach, thighs, and other places to firm up my body as well as increase my tennis endurance. I am 5'11" and 150 pounds. Would losing 10 pounds do the trick? I am not looking to build muscle or anything just endurance, plus I just don't want any jiggling (it's not that bad, but I would still like to get rid of it and have a firm body. Also, I want to accomplish something over my summer break, and including work and volunteering, I thought this goal would be a good one as well). So here is my workout routine.

15 minutes of jump rope at 2 jumps per second (when I started back yesterday after a long break, I got only 2 minutes at that pace, but I am increasing the time by 1 minute a day till I reach 15 minutes).

110 crunches (able to do 50 right now).

40 push ups (able to do 20 right now).

10 underarm flab targeting push ups.

Oblique stretches.

25 times running up (not counting running back down) a flight of 15 stairs.

So will doing this daily for 2 months be enough for my desired results of flab removal, firmness, and tennis endurance?

Thanks and feedback is greatly appreciated.


New User
5'11", 150? I don't know how you could have much flab. I'm 5'8" and 150 and I don't have too much flab and consider myself to be pretty skinny, borderline tiny. I do understand where you're coming from though. Jumping rope is an excellent idea but I would incorporate some circuit training with the jump roping, whether it be jumping jope for two minutes and then doing 20 pushups and 20 situps, something along those lines. Also, instead of doing just normal situps, I would highly recommend purchasing an ab crunch ball. As far as the cardio goes you should be pretty well off especially with the stair running. Also try incorporating some whey protein shakes, perhaps maybe 40-60 grams total throughout the day. It will help you build the muscles you're targeting. You shouldn't gain any excess weight contray to popular belief because you're doing some much cardio. Cardio also depletes any protein and muscle you've built throughout your workout so a shake before and after your workout and one in the morning should help you keep any gains. Hope this helps somewhat.

My goal right now is to lose the flab around and on my stomach, thighs, and other places to firm up my body as well as increase my tennis endurance. I am 5'11" and 150 pounds. Would losing 10 pounds do the trick? I am not looking to build muscle or anything just endurance, plus I just don't want any jiggling (it's not that bad, but I would still like to get rid of it and have a firm body. Also, I want to accomplish something over my summer break, and including work and volunteering, I thought this goal would be a good one as well). So here is my workout routine.

15 minutes of jump rope at 2 jumps per second (when I started back yesterday after a long break, I got only 2 minutes at that pace, but I am increasing the time by 1 minute a day till I reach 15 minutes).

110 crunches (able to do 50 right now).

40 push ups (able to do 20 right now).

10 underarm flab targeting push ups.

Oblique stretches.

25 times running up (not counting running back down) a flight of 15 stairs.

So will doing this daily for 2 months be enough for my desired results of flab removal, firmness, and tennis endurance?

Thanks and feedback is greatly appreciated.

I don't think 'losing 10 pounds' is necessarily the same as 'losing flab'.

I take it that what you want to do is improve body composition (less proportion of your weight as body fat) - as you note, 150 pounds with 36 inch waist *may* be indicative of a high bodyfat percentage despite being light (the formula is only a model, and can only give a estimate).

If that's the case, you'll want to gain or at least maintain muscle mass.

At the same time, to burn fat and increase tennis endurance, you'll want to undertake high intensity interval training (HIIT).

Search Ano's posts to see how to achieve this.

Along these lines (and similar to ewmetz's comments), I'd do a few things to your workout:

(1) add a stopwatch. Make a race of it and see how fast you can do it (ie do it 'for time').

(2) Divide up the skips, the crunches, pushups and stair runs and turn it into a circuit: eg 2 stair sprints, 20 crunches, 3 min skip, 10 push ups, 3 stair sprints. Rest 1 minute. Repeat 4 more times. Do it for time.

(3) Vary the exercises to ensure the whole body is covered (eg there's no chin ups in your work out to work the back of the upper body) and to vary load/intensity (eg push ups can be made more difficult by replacing them with divebomber pushups or even burpees).

(4) If your face doesn't look like that of some kind of disturbed red puffer fish, go a little faster. :)


Thanks for the reply. Also, to burn more fat, should I run up and down the stairs for 30-35 minutes every morning (not part of my regular workout in the evening)? Also, is it bad that I suck at this because I can barely workout (considering I am just beginning)? I was exhausted after 15 minutes of running up and down the stairs on the first day, which was today.

Edit: I looked at Ano's post on HIIT and basically I think he's saying steady state cardio workout (like my stair case running) doesn't do much for fat loss like HIIT does. How can I use the stairs as part of an HIIT workout instead of a steady state cardio workout? Also, I have a treadmill.
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Hall of Fame
Do NOT do HIIT everyday.

Have you read post number 50 on the link that I gave you ?

If you don't have access to weights, you can perform bodyweight exercises such as : push ups, lunges, reverse push ups (inverted rows), one leg stiff leg deadlift, plank etc.


Fastest way to lose fat is CARDIO. The exercises you're doing is just helping you to build muscle mass. Try running 2-3 miles a day or swimming.


Ok I read post 50 and I will start following it, along with the other circuit workout recommended above. Thanks. Obnoxious2 I don't know swimming, but I will be jumping rope twice or thrice a week for steady state cardio. Ano is there a way to compress the 16 week plan to 12 weeks?
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Ok I went to this site:

And I put in my info 150 pounds 36 inches waist and selected male. It gave me a body fat percentage reading of 28% percent and I looked at the chart am way over the range for obese (which is 25% +). Is this accurate?

there's really no way to measure your bodyfat % using a BMI calculator, the best way is to use calipers and such, or a float test or something, not quite sure about the details.

the BMI calculator is just a general sort of thing used to see if you're overweight, but since muscle weighs more than fat, if you are muscular your relative weight will be a little higher, and the BMI calculator will say you're closer to being overweight. so don't put too much stock in that.


Hall of Fame

110 crunches (able to do 50 right now).

40 push ups (able to do 20 right now).

10 underarm flab targeting push ups.

Thanks and feedback is greatly appreciated.

You can't spot reduce. You could do crunches and other ab work all day and never see any results. Get your metabolism going by eating clean and healthy foods as well as a breakfast. A good breakfast starts the fire early and every meal keeps it going.

I can't see those pushups doing anything either...especially at ten a day and EVERY day. You should do more than 10 and do other lifts too if you want to have something there whenever you cut all of that fat.

Your abs are muscles just like your other ones: they need rest! Do more than just crunches since you'll probably do them inefficiently or incorrectly anyways. Do leg raises, 6 inch drill, and bridges too. Don't do the ab work and the muscle exercises every day..I suppose you could(?) do the cardio every day though.

BMI is garbage...don't even worry about it.
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Hall of Fame
Ok I read post 50 and I will start following it, along with the other circuit workout recommended above. Thanks. Obnoxious2 I don't know swimming, but I will be jumping rope twice or thrice a week for steady state cardio. Ano is there a way to compress the 16 week plan to 12 weeks?

Yes, perform the HIIT for weeks 1-4, 5-8 and 9-12.

My goal right now is to lose the flab around and on my stomach, thighs, and other places to firm up my body as well as increase my tennis endurance. I am 5'11" and 150 pounds. Would losing 10 pounds do the trick? I am not looking to build muscle or anything just endurance, plus I just don't want any jiggling (it's not that bad, but I would still like to get rid of it and have a firm body. Also, I want to accomplish something over my summer break, and including work and volunteering, I thought this goal would be a good one as well). So here is my workout routine.

15 minutes of jump rope at 2 jumps per second (when I started back yesterday after a long break, I got only 2 minutes at that pace, but I am increasing the time by 1 minute a day till I reach 15 minutes).

110 crunches (able to do 50 right now).

40 push ups (able to do 20 right now).

10 underarm flab targeting push ups.

Oblique stretches.

25 times running up (not counting running back down) a flight of 15 stairs.

So will doing this daily for 2 months be enough for my desired results of flab removal, firmness, and tennis endurance?

Thanks and feedback is greatly appreciated.

First, you can't just remove "underarm flab" by doing a specific kind of push-up. Please read Ano's posts explaining that cardio and weights is the best solution to losing not just weight, but fat.

Secondly, you being 5-11 and 150 pounds is by no means fat, unless you have a relatively high body fat composition. EDIT: Saw that you had a 36-inch waist...that's not good to say the least.

Fastest way to lose fat is CARDIO. The exercises you're doing is just helping you to build muscle mass. Try running 2-3 miles a day or swimming.

Um...NO! This has been discussed many times, and other posters have conclusively shown that a routine such as Ano's or other routines, which include both intense (not just jogging slowly for half an hour) cardio and a weight-lifting workout, do much more for fat loss, than just slow, steady cardio, which most overweight people do; like jogging for 10-15 minutes.

Weight-lifting will greatly assist you in losing some fat and lowering your body-fat composition. Don't worry about gaining too much muscle mass; this is much harder said, than done.

You can't spot reduce. You could do crunches and other ab work all day and never see any results. Get your metabolism going by eating clean and healthy foods as well as a breakfast. A good breakfast starts the fire early and every meal keeps it going.

I can't see those pushups doing anything either...especially at ten a day and EVERY day. You should do more than 10 and do other lifts too if you want to have something there whenever you cut all of that fat.

Your abs are muscles just like your other ones: they need rest! Do more than just crunches since you'll probably do them inefficiently or incorrectly anyways. Do leg raises, 6 inch drill, and bridges too. Don't do the ab work and the muscle exercises every day..I suppose you could(?) do the cardio every day though.

BMI is garbage...don't even worry about it.

Mostly agree with this...However, OP, keep in mind that abs do not need as much rest as your other muscles.

As said, sit-ups are not even close to being the best exercise for your abs and core. Bicycles are good, so are variations of the standard crunch, and exercises utilizing an exercise ball.

If you need help with the lower abs, lying leg lifts are your best bet.
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Ok thanks for the replies again. So the consensus is that I should do something intense like HIIT as well as weights? Also, since I don't have access to weights, will the muscle exercises such as crunches (not situps) and push ups substitute for it?


you are underweight first of all. you think you have flab because you have little muscle.

you need to GAIN weight or youll just look anorexic. go to a gym, or make one in your house. and do full body workouts (using compound lifts like squat, bench, pullup, row, deadlift) 2-3x a week.


anyway, you should not lose weight and you dont have a very good plan.

google WESTSIDE FOR SKINNY B@STARDS (WSFSB) or get starting strength by mark rippetoe and youll get better wprkout plans.
To quote Ano:

If you don't have access to weights, you can perform bodyweight exercises such as : push ups, lunges, reverse push ups (inverted rows), one leg stiff leg deadlift, plank etc.

I'd also add that push ups and crunches won't cut it in the long run: (1) you're not training all of the body, and (2) there's little progression in load (after a while, a push up will be relatively easy and become more a strength endurance exercise than a strength exercise. I met a lady who could do 30 push ups with ease, but couldn't get close to doing one clap push up).

Instead, choose exercises that cover *at least* the following movements: upper body push, upper body pull, hips/legs and core (several varieties). And then think of ways to make them harder.

For example:

* upper body push: push ups -> push ups on chairs/blocks (for more depth) -> push ups with greater emphasis on one arm -> one arm push ups.

* upper body pull: 'reverse push ups' as Ano calls them -> jumping chin ups -> chin ups -> one arm emphasis chin ups -> one arm chin ups.

* hips/legs: bodyweight squat -> bodyweight lunge -> one legged squat standing on a chair -> pistol (one legged squat with leg in front of you)

* core: *do a variety* - plank hold, 'bicycles' as Rapha6257 calls them (aka chinnies), side crunch, supermans etc.

You do not need weights to get stronger, but you will need more imagination.

However, if you're both limited in terms of imagination and funds, I suggest that you make an adjustable sandbag ( and a chin-up/pull-up bar (

$40 bucks tops and you'll have the tools to do almost any exercise that can be done with weights (and some that can't - eg you can throw a sandbag).


Thanks for the replies again. I have been doing HIIT for 3 days today was the third. I am not seeing any results. What should be done?


Hall of Fame
That means HIIT is NOT for you.

You should have a six-pack after 3 days of doing HIIT.

Okay, this is my last post in Health & Fitness Forum.

Enough is enough.


That means HIIT is NOT for you.

You should have a six-pack after 3 days of doing HIIT.

Okay, this is my last post in Health & Fitness Forum.

Enough is enough.

Nooo Ano, please don't go! There are many of us who really appreciate your well-informed posts!!!


That means HIIT is NOT for you.

You should have a six-pack after 3 days of doing HIIT.

Okay, this is my last post in Health & Fitness Forum.

Enough is enough.

My goal was never to have a six pack. I felt what I had done these 3 days was really intense, but I don't feel the slight bit different. I was just wondering if that's normal. I am new to fitness outside the regular tennis I play.
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i agree with Ano, if you try a workout program and you don't instantly become a BEAST with it you should stop it immediately as it is most probably flawed.
for crying out loud, i did 100 situps last night and when i woke up this morning and i didn't see a rippling washboard 12 pack in the mirror, i decided never to do situps again because if they didn't work overnight, there's no point in continuing

seriously though, you won't see results of any sort for several weeks, and to become truly fit you'll need months of continued dedication and perseverance


My goal was never to have a six pack. I felt what I had done these 3 days was really intense, but I don't feel the slight bit different. I was just wondering if that's normal. I am new to fitness outside the regular tennis I play.

It's just common sense man. If 3 days was all it took, everyone on Earth would be fit.


it took me 3-4 weeks to see results from hitts but once results started to come boy did it feel good. i feel sorry to be an american since 95% of the people are like the op and want instant gratifactaion. and ano please dont go.

dominic (timokabo)


it took me 3-4 weeks to see results from hitts but once results started to come boy did it feel good. i feel sorry to be an american since 95% of the people are like the op and want instant gratifactaion. and ano please dont go.

dominic (timokabo)

I think you guys are blowing my question out of proportion. I feel absolutely the same as when I started 3 days ago, and I'm not even feeling sore. I don't how asking if that is normal can make someone mad. Also, Ano I didn't specifically ask you, so I don't understand why you became so mad.


You DO realize that if exercise was easy that everyone would be totally ripped?

Expect it to take a few weeks dude.

Well the point is I'm not everyone. I consider myself to have above average fitness but not tone, and thus I was wondering why I hadn't start to see anything even after 3 days of intense exercising. But now I am starting to feel a little sore from the push ups and such. But still, I don't see why you all just jumped on me like that.


Hall of Fame
We didn't really jump on you for your post...we jumped on you because your thread led to our most cherished poster in this subforum's departure.

The point of cardiovascular exercise, namely HIIT, is to do this:
Expend energy
Rewire heavily ingrained biological pathways to be more efficient for what you want.

After a life of even decently healthy living, those pathways are pretty damn good and set at getting you through the day. How will you rewire your body after three days?


We didn't really jump on you for your post...we jumped on you because your thread led to our most cherished poster in this subforum's departure.

The point of cardiovascular exercise, namely HIIT, is to do this:
Expend energy
Rewire heavily ingrained biological pathways to be more efficient for what you want.

After a life of even decently healthy living, those pathways are pretty damn good and set at getting you through the day. How will you rewire your body after three days?

Again, my simple question was: Should I start feeling different after 3 days (I used the words "see results" and I assume that's what made many people mad, but the basic question of my meaning is just this)?

I never asked why I don't have a "six pack" in three days.

I never asked why the definition hasn't improved in three days.

I never asked why my tennis endurance hasn't changed in three days.

Don't make a mountain out of a molehill (not directed at you specifically, but just in general).

Also, don't make this a political thing. Me being American or Asian has nothing to do with this.
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You pissed off Ano to the point that he left? A word of advice. Don't ask for tips and then insult the man who gives you tips.


You pissed off Ano to the point that he left? A word of advice. Don't ask for tips and then insult the man who gives you tips.

First of all I didn't insult Ano. Give me proof where I did so. Second, I am pretty sure Ano got pissed of because of not only me, but because of others as well, as supported by his opinion "enough is enough." Don't make empty claims and actually read and understand the thread you are responding in before making accusations.


First of all I didn't insult Ano. Give me proof where I did so. Second, I am pretty sure Ano got pissed of because of not only me, but because of others as well, as supported by his opinion "enough is enough." Don't make empty claims and actually read and understand the thread you are responding in before making accusations.

Didn't you expect results in 3 days? Do you expect to hit a 120 mph serve after 3 days of tennis? It took me 2 years to bench press 315 lbs., but you probably think you could do that within a week. You do not lose a lot of bodyfat and build huge, rippling muscles in 3 days. Are you challenging my knowledge too? If you are, I'll be glad to leave you alone and let you make your own mistakes. Ano was one of the most knowledgeable posters here regarding fitness and I'm a former personal trainer. Do you want help or do you want to remain ignorant?


Didn't you expect results in 3 days? Do you expect to hit a 120 mph serve after 3 days of tennis? It took me 2 years to bench press 315 lbs., but you probably think you could do that within a week. You do not lose a lot of bodyfat and build huge, rippling muscles in 3 days. Are you challenging my knowledge too? If you are, I'll be glad to leave you alone and let you make your own mistakes. Ano was one of the most knowledgeable posters here regarding fitness and I'm a former personal trainer. Do you want help or do you want to remain ignorant?

Let's handle one accusation at a time. First, show me how I insulted Ano. Then, to answer your question, I am not challenging your knowledge. I don't know where your getting these assumptions from.


Let's handle one accusation at a time. First, show me how I insulted Ano. Then, to answer your question, I am not challenging your knowledge. I don't know where your getting these assumptions from.

You mentioned that you tried 3 days of HIITS with no results. We all have our pet peeves and asking for instant results happens to be Ano's. My pet peeve is when people assume they'll get huge muscles from weight training and they can't even lift half of my warmup weight. The truth is that you can't see instant results just like you can't get huge muscles from what I consider light weight (135 lb. bench press, 225 lb. squat, 120 lb. seated rows). Just as those weights are way too light to produce big muscles, 3 days is not enough time to see anything but a little water loss. If you ask for help, we can help you, but if you ask for instant results, nobody can help you there.


You mentioned that you tried 3 days of HIITS with no results. We all have our pet peeves and asking for instant results happens to be Ano's. My pet peeve is when people assume they'll get huge muscles from weight training and they can't even lift half of my warmup weight. The truth is that you can't see instant results just like you can't get huge muscles from what I consider light weight (135 lb. bench press, 225 lb. squat, 120 lb. seated rows). Just as those weights are way too light to produce big muscles, 3 days is not enough time to see anything but a little water loss. If you ask for help, we can help you, but if you ask for instant results, nobody can help you there.

I agree, but you still keep thinking that I wanted to see big muscles in 3 days. By results I meant some minor difference like tightness of the flab. Also, a pet peeve is not an insult.


Hall of Fame
I think the thing is that tightness of the flab IS a big result. That takes more than you'd think, so just give it time.

Part of the benefit of exercise is knowing the pride when it does tighten or whatever. You learn how hard it is to make that happen and you know that what you're doing pays off. Dedication is a powerful thing when it produces results.


I think the thing is that tightness of the flab IS a big result. That takes more than you'd think, so just give it time.

Part of the benefit of exercise is knowing the pride when it does tighten or whatever. You learn how hard it is to make that happen and you know that what you're doing pays off. Dedication is a powerful thing when it produces results.

Thanks . A reply like this was enough, since my perception of flab is not what experienced people's is.


tightness of flab would result from loss of fat (in which 2lbs loss a week is probably the max accepted amount with a spotless diet, which comes out to like 1lb in 3 days.) or from gaining muscle (in which .5lb a week pure muscle tissue seems to be the accepted max amount with a spotless diet and great genetics) since you can't lose fat and gain muscle at the same time without A. incredible genetics B. beginner gains or C. steroids you cant really expect much change in 3 days.

All of the above is with a perfect diet, so unless that is you, you will not match those numbers, and 3 days, or even 1 week wont really give you that much visible results.

On the other hand, you could bike in a sauna and lose like 10lbs any time you want :)

and if you dont feel mentally and physically empty, drained, unable to do anything after HIIT, you did it wrong.

EDIT: i just went back to the OP. you are underweight, why on earth are you trying to lose weight. I might have mentioned this earlier, but if you think you have fat to lose, its because you have literally almost no muscle mass. I was 6'0" and 155 at one point and looked ridiculously stick thin. I have no idea why you dont just try to put on some actual muscle or something
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tightness of flab would result from loss of fat (in which 2lbs loss a week is probably the max accepted amount with a spotless diet, which comes out to like 1lb in 3 days.) or from gaining muscle (in which .5lb a week pure muscle tissue seems to be the accepted max amount with a spotless diet and great genetics) since you can't lose fat and gain muscle at the same time without A. incredible genetics B. beginner gains or C. steroids you cant really expect much change in 3 days.

All of the above is with a perfect diet, so unless that is you, you will not match those numbers, and 3 days, or even 1 week wont really give you that much visible results.

On the other hand, you could bike in a sauna and lose like 10lbs any time you want :)

and if you dont feel mentally and physically empty, drained, unable to do anything after HIIT, you did it wrong.

EDIT: i just went back to the OP. you are underweight, why on earth are you trying to lose weight. I might have mentioned this earlier, but if you think you have fat to lose, its because you have literally almost no muscle mass. I was 6'0" and 155 at one point and looked ridiculously stick thin. I have no idea why you dont just try to put on some actual muscle or something

I don't know how to explain this but I know I am not skinny. Also, my thighs are starting to get definition now and so are my legs/calves/arms. The progress is moving up to the stomach area slowly I think. But I definitely don't think I am skinny. Is it possible to be skinny and have not firm/undefined skin?


Hall of Fame
But I definitely don't think I am skinny. Is it possible to be skinny and have not firm/undefined skin?

If you have a 36" waist AND you're only 150lbs @ 5"11lbs, it suggests you have both a very light frame and are really out of shape (i.e. very little muscle mass.) In which case, it would be really good for you to join a gym and try a structured strength training program. Also, the "undefined" skin reinforces that. When you put on muscle, your areas start to "firm" up.

It also looks like you have a lot of experience doing cardio, be it tennis or jump rope or whatever. So you really need to adapt strength training into your program, and learn how to eat around it. You don't necessarily have to work at losing weight per se at this point.

But, for now, it seems like you're more self-conscious about the waist. For now, try incorporate stomach vacuum exercises (see online) into your program. That'll help you work out your TVA, which acts as a girdle to "hold" your waistline in.


Hall of Fame
With enough muscle and the right will burn more fat than you most likely will just trying to burn fat alone.

The extra muscle will need energy from somewhere, and part of that can come from fat. Plus what's the point if you're toned but you have no muscle?


pretty nice.
That jump rope part though seems kinda hard.
I used to jump rope easily, but now i get tired sooooooo early, like u, 2 minutes... And the weird part is, im pretty fit


I don't know how to explain this but I know I am not skinny. Also, my thighs are starting to get definition now and so are my legs/calves/arms. The progress is moving up to the stomach area slowly I think. But I definitely don't think I am skinny. Is it possible to be skinny and have not firm/undefined skin?

i dont know how to explain this, but from your height and weight, you ARE skinny. theres no 2 ways about it. if you lose weight youll look underweight because you have little muscle.


i dont know how to explain this, but from your height and weight, you ARE skinny. theres no 2 ways about it. if you lose weight youll look underweight because you have little muscle.

Ok I think I will do muscle building without weights then by using pushups, etc.


why dont you have access to a gym or to barbells?
is there even a local YMCA you can go to?
pushups will only get you so far, once you can do a lot you wont build strength as easily unless you can increase the resistance.
you should really be doing things like squats, deadlifts, press, bench press. maybe some pull/chin-ups. make sure not to neglect your back and posterior chain (glute, hamstring,lowback)