The 100 pushup challenge

What the heck, I'll give it a go. Just did the test and squeezed out 40 good ones, so I guess I'll start on week 3. Will begin on this coming Monday.

Best of luck to you as well.


New User
i actually started it last week but i think i need to take a break because got over enthusiastic with the initial test and started on the 3rd column. Hurt too much x.x think i'll lower the level.
but sure let's go!


Deal! Only stipulation is I have to do them either using 5lb hand weights or on my knuckles due to my wrist not flexing like that anymore. (Can't get into a true pushup position)


You call that a challenge?! It's been over 50 years since a 42 year old Jack La Lanne did 1000 pushups in 23 minutes.


My personal best was 130 in a row back when I was a wrestler, swimmer, water polo player in high school.

Now I am just an aging guy who only does the boring 3 sets of 30.


Bionic Poster
Some old farts can do 1,000 pushups without stopping.
I can double bagel every one of them in tennis.


You call that a challenge?! It's been over 50 years since a 42 year old Jack La Lanne did 1000 pushups in 23 minutes.
What percentage of board members do you think can do 100 pushups right now? I'll go with .04%. You in?
My personal best was 130 in a row back when I was a wrestler, swimmer, water polo player in high school.

Now I am just an aging guy who only does the boring 3 sets of 30.

Weren't those the days? I remember not taking Advil daily (maybe 3-4 days per week actually). I remember partying for 3 days straight with minimal sleep and finishing 3rd mtn bike racing in elite endurance. Then drinking the night away. Man, those were the days. Body recovered on little sleep, knees didn't ache, back didn't hurt and I had full flexibility in both my wrists. Ahhhh...Calgon! Take me away!

BTW, you in?


Some old farts can do 1,000 pushups without stopping.
I can double bagel every one of them in tennis.

Seeing as how we're in the Health and Fitness section, and fitness and strength goign hand in hand, and pushups being a pretty good way of gaining strength....

You in?


Hall of Fame
oh man..100 consecutive push-ups, last time i tried I barely got to 50 and was half-dead(muslces ached for like 3 days lolz)...50 = 1/2 dead, so 100 = dead LOLZ! But I'm gonna try too:)!


oh man..100 consecutive push-ups, last time i tried I barely got to 50 and was half-dead(muslces ached for like 3 days lolz)...50 = 1/2 dead, so 100 = dead LOLZ! But I'm gonna try too:)!

Follow the plan and try your best. I tried about 9 months ago and got to 70. That's when I started wearing my wrist brace though and couldn't put pressure on my wrist anymore.

My first round will be tomorrow. I'll report results after lunch then.


Weren't those the days? I remember not taking Advil daily (maybe 3-4 days per week actually). I remember partying for 3 days straight with minimal sleep and finishing 3rd mtn bike racing in elite endurance. Then drinking the night away. Man, those were the days. Body recovered on little sleep, knees didn't ache, back didn't hurt and I had full flexibility in both my wrists. Ahhhh...Calgon! Take me away!

BTW, you in?

Those were the days, indeed.

If I could have one thing back from my youth, that would be the fast recovery time.

Unfortunately, I can't join in on the challenge, as I am very careful to monitor my tendons and joints during my workouts (I had a couple of bouts with tennis elbow and my arm is about 80% back to normal. But last few weeks I have been feeling some pain in the lateral epicondyle of my non-tennis arm and I don't hit two-handed backhands. Go figure!).


I think I will try it out as well. WTF?

Would using the "perfect pushups" gribs be cheating?

I'll start next Monday. I'll most like start in column 2. I'm a big guy and pushups are one of my hardest exercises. Should be a real test!


Hall of Fame
I haven't done a push-up in years, but I gave it a feeble try. 47 was all I could do. :( Of course, I ran 5K and lifted for 40 minutes earlier today, and right before lifting I hit 1,000 balls against the ball machine, so....I HAVE AN EXCUSE! ;)



I haven't checked out the link, but one of the fitness programs I do includes 70 pushups broken down like this:

set of 16
set of 14
set of 12
set of 10
set of 8
set of 6
set of 4

Minimal rest in between, usually just about five seconds.

And yes, I'm a girl, and I do them on my knees. I can get through them pretty well now, so my plan is to start off with full ones, get as far as I can, and then finish on knees.


cheater. i dont care what sex you are do them right. ive seen plenty of women do a good pushup. dont use im a girl as an excuse to cheat.

I wasn't aware I was using it as an excuse. I was merely sharing my push-up routine.

I'd rather do them from the knees with good form than do them full and with poor form. In my book, that isn't cheating.

When you've worked out beside me and seen my effort and accomplishments, then you can judge. Until then...shove it.


Hall of Fame
you know topaz. all im saying is dont limit yourself. so what if your a girl. you can do a regular pushup. you might struggle at first but you will get it and in the end you will have a better workout. from the knees makes the pushup way to easy for you to get a big gain from a push up. id rather you did less reps with a good form then more reps with an easier form.


i use the perfect push up all the time when i'm just sitting around, so i thought i could get at least 70 regular. lol i did start cold but it was disappointing that i could only do 46.


Hall of Fame
I wasn't aware I was using it as an excuse. I was merely sharing my push-up routine.

I'd rather do them from the knees with good form than do them full and with poor form. In my book, that isn't cheating.

When you've worked out beside me and seen my effort and accomplishments, then you can judge. Until then...shove it.


Women have at LEAST 50% less testosterone than men, so women have learned to compensate, and usually with their brains. I reached the conclusion long ago that women are smarter than men primarily for that reason-so little testosterone. ;)

Go girl!



Hall of Fame
I've already done this;) Saw a link to it somewhere. I am 18 though so I don't think anyone cares haha. Or that it would be particularly impressive to anyone. But thought I would say something.
And yes, I'm a girl, and I do them on my knees. I can get through them pretty well now, so my plan is to start off with full ones, get as far as I can, and then finish on knees.

Well done, and a good plan.

I was told by a personal trainer that a good way to transition from knees to full pushups is to do them with your hands elevated on something (eg your hands on a chair or bench, your feet on the ground). As you get better, place your hands lower.

That way, you get to practice bracing your core (something mostly absent in a knee pushup and very important in a full pushup) without doing full pushups.

Good luck!
cheater. i dont care what sex you are do them right. ive seen plenty of women do a good pushup. dont use im a girl as an excuse to cheat.

I didn't know that doing pushups had "rules". Never in all my time playing tennis was I required to drop down in a prone position, and push my upper body off the ground with arms extended.

Isn't an exercise done for its ability to help you meet your goals (whatever that may be)? If one finds knee pushups challenging (like I do), then surely doing them is a beneficial activity?

If I were a more negative type of a person, I could say that the whole 100 pushup challenge is pointless. The muscular endurance required to do 100 pushups has little real world value compared to the development of other physical qualities.

A better challenge would be to do triple clap pushups (middle clap behind your back) - explosive strength has more value in sports like tennis. Or do one arm pushups with a weighted vest or better yet a *real* pushup (known as a "planche") - maximal strength has more value as a fundamental physical quality.

But people have bought into this 100 pushup challenge because it is challenging to them (and good on them).



Women have at LEAST 50% less testosterone than men, so women have learned to compensate, and usually with their brains. I reached the conclusion long ago that women are smarter than men primarily for that reason-so little testosterone. ;)

Go girl!


Ahh see, Robert, I like the way you think! ;)

Well done, and a good plan.

I was told by a personal trainer that a good way to transition from knees to full pushups is to do them with your hands elevated on something (eg your hands on a chair or bench, your feet on the ground). As you get better, place your hands lower.

That way, you get to practice bracing your core (something mostly absent in a knee pushup and very important in a full pushup) without doing full pushups.

Good luck!

I do get at my core with planks, and sometimes combine planks, side planks, and a *full* pushup. In combination like that, I have no problem, but when just doing a whole bunch of pushups, I'm still on the knees. I do put my legs up on the stability ball, too, sometimes, I think those are fun!

When I first started, I set the bar on a smith machine low, and would do pushups holding onto the bar. It was sometimes fun to do a set, lower the bar, do another, keep lowering, etc etc.

But yeah, I'm not going to do something until I'm strong enough to do it properly. I wouldn't want an injury to take me out of tennis...especially one that may have resulted from pushups!!!


Hall of Fame
I haven't checked out the link, but one of the fitness programs I do includes 70 pushups broken down like this:

set of 16
set of 14
set of 12
set of 10
set of 8
set of 6
set of 4

Minimal rest in between, usually just about five seconds.

And yes, I'm a girl, and I do them on my knees. I can get through them pretty well now, so my plan is to start off with full ones, get as far as I can, and then finish on knees.
You can do it-it just takes time and patience. A gal in my class at one of the service schools I attended (she was in the army) was able to do 75 push-ups. That's 75 in a SINGLE go-which put many of the men to shame.


Pushups down to the ground or just until the elbow gets
to 90 degrees?

How many 1-arm pushups (down to the ground) can you


damn, i started on week 3 and was sore for three days after. i'm in poorer shape than i thought, so i think i'll just start from the beginning.


I love when people say things like only 100? A guy I know can do 1,000.

You should probably back up your arrogance with your own actions, not those of someone else.

But whatever. My constructive criticism gets my head bitten off, so I'm going back to my posting inactivity...


Talk Tennis Guru
I remember partying for 3 days straight with minimal sleep and finishing 3rd mtn bike racing in elite endurance. Then drinking the night away.

Yea, and the Jack Daniels sweat running into your eyes and burning so badly that you can't see.



Talk Tennis Guru
Pushups down to the ground or just until the elbow gets
to 90 degrees?

How many 1-arm pushups (down to the ground) can you

What is the thinking about down to the ground vs. 90deg?

Dunno if you have seen pics of me, but I am very thin, all arms and legs, and down to the ground is pretty far for me, same with barbell bench (With DBs I go as far as possible to get the good pec stretch in.)

I always wonder if I would be better served doing more just to 90deg, or less going to the ground.

I have been going to the ground/touching my chest with the bar and will continue to do so until someone provides a compelling reason not to.



I always wonder if I would be better served doing more just to 90deg, or less going to the ground.

I have been going to the ground/touching my chest with the bar and will continue to do so until someone provides a compelling reason not to.


Just yesterday I read the section on bench pressing in Starting Strength. Rippetoe addresses the issue of wether it's necessary for the the humerus to go past a 90 degree angle w the forearm starting on pg 84 of the 2nd edition. Rip says that you should go past 90 and make sure the bar touches your chest (don't bounce it too much, but that's another issue).

Here are some quotes:

"Strength development is extremely specific: muscles get strong in the positions they are made to get strong in precisely the way they are trained."

"Any joint about which movement can occur will benefit from having it's entire function improved. So, all the muscles that move a joint should be exercised using a movement that calls into play as many of them as might be used in the sport for which we are training."

So, going past 90 uses a fuller range of motion and exercises the muscles around the joint more completely.

How this translates into fitness for tennis I'm not entirely sure. I know Andre Agassi bench pressed, but do other tennis players?

For me, I'm not just interested in working out to be a better tennis player, so I would definitely bench press and go past 90. Although i think I have a shoulder impingement and I may not be able to bench press at all :(

He applies the same reasoning to squatting as well, saying you should go past parallel.


What is the thinking about down to the ground vs. 90deg?

I was just wondering b/c going down only to 90 degrees
is significantly easier than going down to the ground.
For someone that's very barrel chested 90 degrees might
be the ground. I think just getting a full range of motion
is good as long as it doesn't wreck your rotator cuff.
Lowering the bar down to the lower part of the chest is
easier on your shoulder than higher up at your shoulders.

Dunno if you have seen pics of me, but I am very thin, all arms and legs, and down to the ground is pretty far for me, same with barbell bench (With DBs I go as far as possible to get the good pec stretch in.)
You can widen your grip.

I have been going to the ground/touching my chest with the bar and will continue to do so until someone provides a compelling reason not to.

Seems okay as long as your shoulders are okay.
Another thing to watch out for is hunching your shoulders
up to help get the bar up at the top of the movement.
Try to keep your shoulders back and in a more neutral

btw, I am not a fitness trainer, I hold no degrees or certificates
in any fitness discipline or organization, and I have average
length arms for a 6' tall human.
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Hall of Fame
I love when people say things like only 100? A guy I know can do 1,000.

You should probably back up your arrogance with your own actions, not those of someone else.

But whatever. My constructive criticism gets my head bitten off, so I'm going back to my posting inactivity...

lolz..its like someone says I can hit 135 mph serves! Then a second guy comes along and says only 135 mph??? Roddick can serve 155! Then you see the second guy go and dink in 20 mph serves.
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At the beginning of the school year, I did 75 consecutive push-ups in my P.E. class. I got the highest amount! :D I'm only a freshman too. I don't really do pushups now because they create man-boobs and I don't want those because they get in the way of a swing when you play tennis.


What is the thinking about down to the ground vs. 90deg?

Dunno if you have seen pics of me, but I am very thin, all arms and legs, and down to the ground is pretty far for me, same with barbell bench (With DBs I go as far as possible to get the good pec stretch in.)

I always wonder if I would be better served doing more just to 90deg, or less going to the ground.

I have been going to the ground/touching my chest with the bar and will continue to do so until someone provides a compelling reason not to.


Jolly, the reason why people lift that way is because of the makeup of our muscles. Our muscles are not as strong close to the tendons, but are stronger in the middle of the muscle. When you are doing reps of a lift it is good to do full extension (ei. down to your chest) for as many reps as you can, but then when youc an't bring it down to your chest anymore, bring the weight down and stop a few inches above your chest instead. Do this because your muscles may only be tired next to the tendon, but you still have plenty of strength left in your muscles in the middle part and you should work your whole muscle until the whole muscle is fatigued. Then you wait for about two minutes and do it again.

I hope this helps.
At the beginning of the school year, I did 75 consecutive push-ups in my P.E. class. I got the highest amount! :D I'm only a freshman too. I don't really do pushups now because they create man-boobs and I don't want those because they get in the way of a swing when you play tennis.

*cough cough* COPOUT! *cough cough*

Just messing. But seriously, a little mass in the chest will not slow you down. Verdasco has added a considerable amount of upper body mass and is moving better than ever.



Hall of Fame
having a developed chest is having man boobs now? i thought you only had man boobs if they were fat? how times have changed since i was in high school.


*cough cough* COPOUT! *cough cough*

Just messing. But seriously, a little mass in the chest will not slow you down. Verdasco has added a considerable amount of upper body mass and is moving better than ever.


I know but I'd rather do curls or something because I know that is working something like the bicep which I use a bit more. I'm not saying that if you're able to do 100 push-ups that you will have man boobs. I'm saying if you keep doing it then you will get man boobs.