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  1. D

    What was the best tip any ever gave you?

    I'm not sure this is the best advice I've ever received, but it has been the most helpful recently for my service return. A brief video on "return and volley."
  2. D

    Completed First String Job!

    Congratulations on getting the first job done. And yes, it feels great. Each time gets a little easier, and feels a little more comfortable. I'm not real fast yet with my Gamma Progression II, but I double check everything as I go to make sure I don't have to redo anything. That really slows...
  3. D

    String tension range

    My Head Radical gives a stringing tension range of 57# +/- 5. I've been stringing it at 62# because I like the feel it gives, a good solid hit. Since I bought a stringer, I decided to experiment a little, and went to the mid-range starting point of 57#, a drop of 5#. I can really tell a...
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    Pre Stringing Question

    If you end up a few spots away from the tie-off hole, you can just wrap the string around the head to get to that point. If you check out a professionally strung racquet, there are places where they skip holes to get to the "bigger" tie-off hole. I prefer doing one-piece stringing for that...
  5. D

    6 Point Mounting Machine

    I've been told to never remove a mount during stringing. So I try to set my 6-point up ahead of time to not be blocking any holes. That usually prevents any problems. The first time I didn't realize that might be a problem, and it had a little trouble in a couple of spots. I learned fast on that...
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    1hbh shoulder turn

    Thanks for starting this thread and for the videos. I can really see what you are talking about. The greater shoulder turn looks like it makes a real difference. I think that may be my problem. It usually doesn't feel quite right. I'll have to try that myself. The image of turning my shoulder...
  7. D

    Is this the most obnoxious generation?

    I wouldn't call celebrating a point with a fist pump bad behavior, but the "come ons" do get old. Some players celebrate winning a point like they just won the match, even when they are behind. I can see trying to pump yourself up a little, but after every point just gets a little tiresome.
  8. D

    Do you think that Federer's records are going to broken in next 10 years

    The Fed has remained pretty much injury free. He had a months-long recovery after suffering from mono, which I believe cost him a few GSs. The other players are trying so hard to beat him that they are having some huge injury problems. Fed will most likely be around a few years yet, so no one...
  9. D

    Roger Federer the cheater?

    I say if you've got to go, you've got to go. And I say if that short of a break makes an opponent fall apart, there's something seriously wrong with his mental game.
  10. D

    Williams sisters grunting

    Yep. They are into the 2nd set and the grunting is getting louder, might I say ridiculous? I don't understand the need for a loud grunt on a volley right at the net. In fact, I don't understand the need for a grunt at all.
  11. D

    Roger will always have the Nadal blemish on his record

    Nadal is 5-2 against Federer when they've met in Grand Slam finals. All but two of those were on clay. I would agree Nadal is the best on clay, but not overall.
  12. D

    Will Nadal be in the top 20 when he is 25 years old?

    I say no. I think the way Nadal plays is too hard on his knees. I don't think his knees will hold out for him to continue to play at the top level for 3 more years. I say that with great sadness. I hope he can continue.
  13. D

    Murray win makes me depressed!

    Nadal's knee started bothering during the 2nd set. I think if he had been 100% the whole match, Murray would not have won the 2nd set, nor the match. I don't think Murray has what it takes to win this tournament. I don't think he ever will.
  14. D

    Would Rafa Quit Had He Won The 2nd Set?

    I think very few of the top players are quitters, that is just giving up because they are behind. Rafa is certainly a fighter. I believe his knee must have been really hurting for him to retire.
  15. D

    Rafael Nadal (ESP) [2] vs. Andy Murray (GRB) [5]

    People probably laughed when they read this, but you could have been correct. If Nadal had injured his knee in the first set, it could have happened. You must be semi-psychic!:)
  16. D

    Rafael Nadal (ESP) [2] vs. Andy Murray (GRB) [5]

    Hopefully this isn't the beginning of the end for Rafa. Knee injuries can go on forever. It would be a shame to lose him from serious competition. And I know he wouldn't be satisfied to cruise along in the 50-100 ranking range.
  17. D

    I love being a PUSHER

    Interesting discussion. It seems there is no clear-cut definition of what a pusher really is. I think the type of player most people refer to as pushers get a bad rap, mainly because they win a lot and people who get beat by them don't like it. It can be an excuse - "I played a pusher. That's...
  18. D

    what do you do when its raining?

    I used to live for tennis. When summer outdoor leagues got rained out, I would get so depressed and be a real pain in the you know what to my wife. Now that I've been playing for 30 years, I've mellowed a little and only get mildly down in the dumps if it rains. It also helps that we now have...
  19. D

    Are beating pushers really a right of passage?

    The best tip I've seen is to wait just a split-second more before hitting the ball. That allows you to generate a little more pace on the ball that doesn't have much pace. I've found it is hard to generate pace against the type of player you are describing, but this tip has helped a great deal...
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    Playing angry...

    I don't play well at all when I'm angry. I get tight, my arms get tense, I don't think well, and I just don't hit the ball well at all. I used to get angry a lot, mostly at the way I was playing, which then caused a downward spiral. After years of working on it, I'm finally getting myself under...
  21. D

    What does a consistent second serve feel like?

    You might want to try a slice rather than a topspin serve. Imagine the ball as the face of a clock. As you swing, brush the ball from 8:00 to 2:00, which will impart spin on the ball and, provided your toss was in the right place, should bring the ball down in the service box on a very...
  22. D

    Age-Level Tournaments

    I was a 3.5 player when I turned 30. I was looking forward to the "age" groups until I played in my first one. I got slaughtered, My opponent kindly told me that the 30s age group is mostly former open players who can't win at that level anymore. I played that one tournament and never tried an...
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    Sania Mirza to retire after marriage

    Is she marrying a tennis player? Maybe she could do better at mixed doubles!
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    Will Federer Revive the 1HBH?

    I have to agree with that. Federer is not a new kid on the block coming out with some phenomenal new stroke, the 1HBH. He's been using it a long time, and a resurgence would have begun long ago. Justine Henin's 1HBH might also have led o a resurgence if it was going to happen. She has a...
  25. D

    Is this allowed in the rules?

    I was also amazed to see Roddick and his camp acting like that was an illegal shot. They have to know the rules. Was this a acting job to try to get the point, or are they really that dumb?
  26. D

    Did anyone else see Venus' cheeks?

    Both bad Personally, I find both Venus' and Serena's outfits to be very distasteful quite often. There sense of fashion and mine sure don't match. This last one Venus wore should have banned her from the tournament, at least until she changed clothes. These girls should let their tennis do...
  27. D

    Is this allowed in the rules?

    What I saw happen was that the ball bounced on Lopez's side of the net first, then because of the spin from Roddick's misshit it bounced back over the net to Roddick's side. Lopez had to reach over the net to hit it or he would have lost the point because he didn't hit the ball. It was the only...