If THE BIG 3 is the best trio ...


...of contemporary players to ever play (with three great rivalries among Fed, Rafa and Novak), who do you consider to be the next best trio? Or if you think another trio was even better, state your case.


Connors-Borg-Mac was pretty good.
They also came to mind for me as second best - wasn't sure whether to put Lendl in with Borg and Mac. To "qualify", I'd say that all three members would have to have at least 6 or so years when they were at the top.


I don’t think we’ll ever see a Big 3 like these anytime soon.
I agree. But by "next", I meant that more in the nature of Connors/Borg/Mac (who you would rank as the second best, or next best) than, say, Zverev/Tsitsipas/Shapovalov (next trio in line).