Kei Nishikori`s racket is not a regular Ktour95(pics)


I live In Japan and I know about the racket.
He`s using a Ktour 95 with his Spec.
I`ll put some pics, and details



headsize: 95 inch
string pattern : 16×20
weight: 313g unstrung
balance point:34.5cm

Nishikori requested to wilson to make the racket 25g heavier, and make the balance point 0.5cm to the head.Also, look at these two pics
regular Ktour 95

Kei spec Ktour95

The Kei spec doesn`t have a W mark. He feeled strange when he tried to hit a backhand, because his fore finger was hitting near the W mark.So he also requested to get rid of the W mark.
There are only 3000 frames that are selling in Japan.
I think it would be not for sale at US.


Thanks for the post, but I believe that someone has posted the same thing as you...for the most part.

Thanks though



Anyway, I think that Kei is actually using an old nTour or a similar frame because that's what he was using when he signed with Wilson.

no. its selled in Japan as Ktour95 Kei spec.
check out the wilson Japan official web site.


no. its selled in Japan as Ktour95 Kei spec.
check out the wilson Japan official web site.

I think you need to study english harder... your post isn't an answer/response for the quoted part...

Nick is saying that Nishikori is still using an old nTour racquet with a Kei [K]Tour paintjob. Get it?


sorry about the english.:(
but I`m not kidding.

please believe me.

But believe what?
I mean... WE KNOW that this frame is sold in Japan in a limited number. Obviously Nishikori is PROMOTING it. The frame is a modified [K]Tour I mean different balance, weight, swingweight but the mold and beam are the same.

So I don't really know what's your point... maybe the language barrier makes you or us misunderstand the message.


no. its selled in Japan as Ktour95 Kei spec.
check out the wilson Japan official web site.

We know. I'm not talking about the frame, I'm talking about what Kei actually uses. This is just a marketing ploy by Wilson to sell frames to a specific country because it has the specs and name of said country's top-ranked player.

sorry about the english.:(
but I`m not kidding.

please believe me.

I can see that. However, the frame that Kei is using is an old nTour, with modifications. Wilson took a chunk of those modifications, gave the frame a new paint scheme, put Kei's name on it, and is selling it to the Japanese public. Two completely different frames.


Frankly I'm not surprised by this at all. I think it's safe to say that there aren't any ATP pros using a racquet less than 12 oz. fully strung and modified. Kudos to Wilson for actually releasing a racquet to Kei's specs, even if only in Japan.


I believe Kei's cousin came on here a while ago and posted that his K Tour was really a pj'ed NTour Two with 11.7 strung weight (oz), something like 62 flex and I forget how many points headlight.


Hall of Fame
Can't believe the hype of this dude in Japan. Making to every cover of tennis magazines month after month.


Hall of Fame
yep...hes beginning to disappoint losing alot of first round matches

Probably the lowest player to get a signature racket from a major brand. Japanese marketing, gotta love it!

BTW, at over 30,000 yen a piece I rather get two other great wilson sticks or a Vantage with change!
What is a Troll?

Tennis racket ?? are you sure ? it maybe a new Bosworth frame with Wilson PJ.

I agree that dude is annoying. I see his avatar then sigh and go ahead and read his post. Then I'm pissed at myself for wasting my time when I knew it would be idiotic.
But what is a troll? Someone who purposely posts dumb stuff? Someone who tries to be funny? A cyber stalker?
I see the term alot when this guy posts and I know it's not complimentary but I just can't grasp the meaning of troll? Is it simply a dou#&$bag?


I agree that dude is annoying. I see his avatar then sigh and go ahead and read his post. Then I'm pissed at myself for wasting my time when I knew it would be idiotic.
But what is a troll? Someone who purposely posts dumb stuff? Someone who tries to be funny? A cyber stalker?
I see the term alot when this guy posts and I know it's not complimentary but I just can't grasp the meaning of troll? Is it simply a dou#&$bag?

He tries to be funny, but fails, as his sense of humor is both immature and mean. He tries to post his opinion, but nobody can decphere (sp?) such nonsense because he just doesn't make sense. He's just an idiot, and that is all. Don't take what he says seriously, he's nothing more than an idiot.


Hall of Fame
Come on guys. Fedace was just making a joke. Funny or not he wasn't trolling or trying to be mean. Give him a break.