Nicole Anthony way overrated, never wins Big Brother except vs Holly


New User
Seriously in hindsight I think it is clear Nicole doesn't beat anyone in the game in a Final 2 besides Holly. The hype around her winning, and being a lock to win if she reached Final 2 is nonsense. The RHAP interviews I listed to even made it clear she loses to Cliff. They made it sound 50-50 vs Jackson, but please this was after Jackson got called a racist pig in front of the world, you know he loses in a Final 2 to Holly had the voting been done after that. And after Nicole won America's Favorite Player to boot. Lets break down everyone.

Jackson- He gets Jack, Sis, Holly easy. Christie and Tommy made it clear they were voting on game pretty much alone, so they are certain to vote Jackson just based on that. Nick said he was always going to vote for best game, so based on that he would also vote Jackson over Nicole, despite being closer to Nicole probably. Even if I am wrong on Nick his worst case is a 5-4 or 6-3 type loss. Jess and Kat were also far from certain to vote Nicole over Jackson.

Cliff- the RHAP had Nicole losing about 7-2. I don't get it since I think Cliff was a stupid old man who did nothing, but I guess he got the grandpa's sympathy vote or something. Either way regardless what I think of it Cliff beats Nicole.

Tommy- LMAO, this one is the biggest joke of all. The question is not if Nicole can, but if she gets any votes. Her only possible vote is Cliff, and considering he called Tommy the biggest threat and his biggest competition, all game long even he might wind up voting him if he reached the Final 2. 8-1 or 9-0 humilation depending how Cliff votes. PS- to those who rave about Nicole's game sense she called Tommy a goat she beats easily in F2. Let that think in. Add to that despite thinking he was a goat she voted him out and left a showmance of comp beasts together anyway. Again let that sink in.

Christie- Christie has Jack, Sis, Tommy, Jess 100% locked, only needs 1 more. I assume Kat probably votes her, so she wins. Holly disliked both Christie and Nicole, so probably votes for the better player (Christie). Jackson and Nick hated her but might even vote her out of respect, particularly Jackson who Nicole likely betrayed if this Final 2 somehow happened.

I won't bother with the people booted before Final 6 as they were too far from the end to evaluate properly and we don't know how they make the end. Nicole was never winning. Literally the only person she can beat in a Final 2 is Holly. The hype on her winning chances this whole season were insanely out of whack, with many delusional Nicole stans.


Bionic Poster
This is the first season I stopped watching and I started in 2006. It was that bad. Just saw Jackson won. Definitely glad I stopped watching.