New User
Hello, I was using the vcore 98 for a couple of years and I really liked the frame. Gives me good control and power but it's not great for volleying. Recently I bought the vcore pro 97d to try it out. I find it has great power and plow which I love. It's also better for volleys however I found it perhaps a little bit too heavy and demanding. I am considering trying the vcore 95 since it is a tad lighter at 315g but I'm unsure how these racquets compare in other areas. How is the plow in the VC95 for example Vs 97D? Could someone who has experience with both share their experiences and contrast the frames? For context I am mostly a baseline player who occasionally comes to the net, I don't have massive spin nor do I hit extremely flat, somewhere in the middle. I use an eastern grip. I enjoyed the VC98 a lot but could use more plow and weight. Thanks