Volkl Cyclone Users that have used V Torque


If you're a volkl Cyclcone user and have tried their new V Torque string what are your recommendations for string tension w/ the V Torque string? Do you string it at the same tension or should I bump it up/down? I currently string Cyclone 18g @ 52 and I bought a couple sets of V Torque 17. Thanks.


I actually also use Cyclone 18. When I tried out V Torque I strung it at around 54 lbs which is a few pounds tighter than what I normally string Cyclone. I think it worked well. I think a few pounds tighter than what you string Cyclone would work.

I tested the 17g of V-Torque.


V-Torque & it's not even close (which goes against the HUGE majority of board members). I tried Cyclone 16 & 17 & neither was in the same zip code for power, control, playability etc. I actually strung about 5 lb looser with the V-Torque & had no issues whatsoever.