Share your Chest Workout


I just want to share chest workouts in this thread so feel free to tell me what you like to do.

I always go to failure
My current chest workout which Im liking alot is...

Flat Dumbbell Press 3 sets 10,8,6
Incline Dumbbell Press 3 sets 10,8,6
Seated Cable Flys 3 sets 15,12,10 (going slow, 2 second contraction)
Chest Dips 3 sets (Bodyweight)
Just did that today, my chest is hurting all over :)


Hall of Fame
Depending on day, it's:

Flat bench (usually 10x155 to warm up, then 8x185 and 8x205)
Decline bench (10x135/8x185 twice)
Machine dips (easier to go beyond BW without a belt)


Flat DB press (10x70/8x80/8x85)
Incline DB press (10x60/8x65/8x75)
BW Dips
Pec Deck

I also work in either triceps or biceps on that day, and then swap my back with the other set of smaller muscles.


Hall of Fame
Tuesdays I do weighted dips (+95 pounds around belt a few weeks ago), Fridays I do dumbell presses (80 pounds a few weeks ago).

2 sets of 4-6 reps or so to failure with perfect form and full range of motion (after warming up of course with lower weight).


Depending on day, it's:

Flat bench (usually 10x155 to warm up, then 8x185 and 8x205)
Decline bench (10x135/8x185 twice)
Machine dips (easier to go beyond BW without a belt)


Flat DB press (10x70/8x80/8x85)
Incline DB press (10x60/8x65/8x75)
BW Dips
Pec Deck

I also work in either triceps or biceps on that day, and then swap my back with the other set of smaller muscles.

Looks good man, both of them. I havent barbell benched in about 3 months now, I just love dumbbell press so much, I feel it really hits my chest the best.

Ill probably go back to the barbell soon though, just to change it up.

Never done decline press before, flat bench hits my lower chest hard


2 sets of 4-6 reps or so to failure with perfect form and full range of motion (after warming up of course with lower weight).

This is what I was doing when I was lifting hard / heavy. I lifted M-W-F and had a 4 workout cycle. Chest was days 1 and 3. Day 1 was flat bench. Day 3 was incline bench. My goal was to try to add 5 lbs. to the bar each month. I was using these plates, which helped a lot:

These days, I am just doing a variety of push-ups and dips.


Hall of Fame
Looks good man, both of them. I havent barbell benched in about 3 months now, I just love dumbbell press so much, I feel it really hits my chest the best.

Ill probably go back to the barbell soon though, just to change it up.

Never done decline press before, flat bench hits my lower chest hard

For me, it's all about variety.

From what I understand, barbell allows you to lift higher weight, and dumbell focuses on stability and balance.


My check workout yesterday consisted of:

1) digging large holes in sand with a shovel for about 1-2hrs.
2) helping push a Ford Explorer stuck in the sand at the beach.

Surprisingly I'm not really that sore. I may have been mostly
using my legs b/c I was worried I might hurt my back.
Good stuff.

I'll do a set of push ups as warm up prior to lifting.

And I do some cardio work before the pushups.

Then again, my goal is not to get massive but to gain strength for sports (such as tennis).

Also, I do arms along with chest same workout. Do others split up those workouts?


Good stuff.

I'll do a set of push ups as warm up prior to lifting.

And I do some cardio work before the pushups.

Then again, my goal is not to get massive but to gain strength for sports (such as tennis).

Also, I do arms along with chest same workout. Do others split up those workouts?

Yea I split those up. My goals have been to gain mass mostly though, for me doing chest on a day by itself and arms (tris/bis) on another day has given the best gains.


For me, it's all about variety.

From what I understand, barbell allows you to lift higher weight, and dumbell focuses on stability and balance.

Yea, I feel dumbbells are a bit more challenging because you involve the shoulders and triceps less therefore you must use the chest more.


Hall of Fame
just my opinion but here goes..your workout looks like a body builders workout designed to focus on the pecs...which in my opinion is not advantageous for anything other than body building. I am 40 and have been lifting weights on and off for 25 years so I know a bit about it through trial and error over the years. My chest workout is included in a full body workout2 -3 times a week as I quit doing just two body parts a day many years ago. Did not want to spend that kind of time in the gym and I would also eventually overtrain. Variety is great...I think less is more..especially if you aregoing to failure. I actually got stronger quicker when I stopped doing so many exercises and concentrated more on compound exercises that incorporated more body parts at the same time....but I was not body building either...I was trying to increase strength and remain healthy.

YOu know how much rest you need but trust me when I say that most people do not. Just remember, you don't build muscle when you work build it when you rest. I would do fewer exercises per session and really push those exercises hard. When you train to failure, if you are not on drugs, it takes longer to recover than you think.


Hall of Fame
dips, and I think overhead press does something for the chest.

i don't know seriously. i worry about legs, back, and shoulders before anything else


Trust me mark I know what Im doing. My workout have been designed up to this point to help me gain muscle mass, as I have seen a significant improvement in my game with added muscle. I was very small when I started training and I believed that the added mass would improve my game, which it has.

Ive gained 35+lbs up to this point so I understand the importance of eating and rest, I only do this workout once a week, I train every muscle once a week directly.

Most people would be better served with a different type of routine to improve their game, but in my case I really needed more size/strength so that's why I train the way I do.
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New User
to be honest, a friend of mine whose a trainer gave me my workout plan and I haven't really explored much further.
just my opinion but here goes..your workout looks like a body builders workout designed to focus on the pecs...which in my opinion is not advantageous for anything other than body building. I am 40 and have been lifting weights on and off for 25 years so I know a bit about it through trial and error over the years. My chest workout is included in a full body workout2 -3 times a week as I quit doing just two body parts a day many years ago. Did not want to spend that kind of time in the gym and I would also eventually overtrain. Variety is great...I think less is more..especially if you aregoing to failure. I actually got stronger quicker when I stopped doing so many exercises and concentrated more on compound exercises that incorporated more body parts at the same time....but I was not body building either...I was trying to increase strength and remain healthy.

YOu know how much rest you need but trust me when I say that most people do not. Just remember, you don't build muscle when you work build it when you rest. I would do fewer exercises per session and really push those exercises hard. When you train to failure, if you are not on drugs, it takes longer to recover than you think.
you're right about rest, but you don't get much rest when you're doing a full body workout 3 times a week. when building mass rest and eating are key.

i see a lot of tennis and soccer players try to build up their leg mass, but run 3 times a week in addition to practice and wonder why their legs don't get bigger and much stronger.

if you're allowed to workout 2-3 times a week rather than doing a full body work out i'd split the muscle groups and work each group more intensely 1 day a week.




and this...


New User
Since we're all on a tennis forum, I assume you guys are tennis players. (insightful, I know)

You have to be very careful NOT to overdo chest work without strengthening the upper back, rotator cuff, etc. It is very easy to develop serious shoulder problems otherwise. (been there, done that)


Push Day...

Overhead Press - 5x5
Incline Barbell Bench - 5x5
DB Bench - 3x10
Tri's (skullcrusher, pull down, narrow grip bench, something tricepy!) - 3x10


What I'm doing now
A. Flat bench 4x6 70%-85% start at 70 to up 2.5 each week week 8 90% max reps then reset
Flat db bench feet up 3x6-8
Flat db fly 4x8-12
Plate loaded machine press 4x12-15
Pec deck or cable fly 5x15-20

B. Incline bb 4x6 (same as flat in A)
CAT flat bench 6x3-5
Incline db fly 4x8-12
Pec deck or cable fly 6x12-15

Beginner routine for size
Incline or flat db bench 3x6-8
Incline or flat db fly 4x8-12
Dips 3xfailure
Pec deck 5x12-15
If you have two chest days do flat and incline if you have one then do one for 8-12 weeks then switch. Do the opposite fly of your bench (flat bench do incline fly) dips are BW. When you get to 3 sets of 20 then add weight

if your lifting for tennis you don't really need to do any chest work since the chest is useless for athletes (notice how most athletes have terrible chests) Id just do one press and one fly and call it there


New User
I was a 4.5/5.0 local tourney player back in a previous lifetime. I'm getting in shape again, hoping to possibly play Summer/2016.

I agree with T1000... you're doing too much chest weight-training. I'd focus more on mobility/agility/speed drills and flexibility.

I'm 6'2" and 2 yrs ago weighed 217 lbs. A year ago I was down to 191 lbs. The last two months I began my cardio/weights along with a modified Joel Fuhrman ('Eat To Live') lifestyle. I now weigh 178 lbs.


Haven't had time to get to the gym much in the last few months (about 1x a week, sometimes 2x), so I've just split it up into 1 upper body day and 1 lower body day.

Upper body today:

Flat barbell bench: warmup set of 10, and then 5, 6, 4 (reps) and then 11 reps with lighter weight.
incline db bench: 4, 10 (I accidentally picked too high of a weight for the first set since I haven't done this for many years)

Also did chinups, reverse bench press, shoulder press, curls, and db side & front raises at this same workout. I figure my next workout won't be for another week so I may as well try to do a little of everything.