TRU PRO (formerly Tier One Sports) Sports Atomos


New User
Silver 7 tour is my favorite string but if you search the forums a lot of us have had a lot of quality control issues with it randomly breaking with less than 1hr play time.
Not worth the headache.

-I switched from that to a hybrid of ghostwire (1.1mm) crosses and black knight 1.28mm) mains strung at 42lbs.
Would describe it as muted and decent feel.
I have also used the thicker GW and it felt about the same in the setup. I only break mains and prefer to stock the thin er stuff as it's what I advise for people who advance far enough to be switching syn gut → hybrid who I string for.

-Atomos is good since you're asking in that thread but if you are saying hyper g soft is too mushy I imagine you'll find atomos the same as my recollection is they were more.similar than different.

-Some normal Hyper G would probably be a good GW main, I found it too stiff in a full bed but people swear by it and GW would soften it up a bit.

-I do like firewire as a main but I was shearing through the triangular string in less than a week. If you don't break strings a ton or will be switching regularly regardless this is a fun try. Really high launch angle in that setup so easy to rip spiny jumping balls, a bit powerful and I upped the tension to 45lbs so maybe 53lbs if you try it. Not the greatest tension maintenance but I was breaking it soon enough after it loosened up to not worry about that. Would describe it as lively but not mushy.

I also like head lynx, rpm blast, and luxilon alu power but they are more expensive and round iirc. Plus the latter two don't have the tension maintenance.

Didn't love lynx edge or poly tour spin with ghostwire personally.
Thanks for the reply! I actually liked a full bed of Hyper G, but it started to get a little harsh on the arm, which is why I'm trying out GW in the crosses to soften it up a bit. I also liked confidential, but I've only tried it in a full bed so I'm thinking i try that out as well with the GW. I've heard a lot about firewire and how it plays very lively, but the fact that they break so quick turns me off to it. In my current lineup to try i have Grapplesnake Tour M8, Poly Tour Rev, and Confidential, all hybriding with GW.


New User
Thanks for the response. I've never really been a fan of Alu Power just because of how quick the tension drops off and price. I've heard different things about TS7. Up next in my list of strings to try out are Grapplesnake Tour M8, Poly Tour Rev, and Confidential.
All great choices in a full bed when I've tried them. Haven't had a chance to hybrid those yet but I'm sure it'll probably turn it out fine or even better since GW is an excellent slick cross.


Bringing this thread back on the rails, has anyone tried Atomos lately, who can chime in and offer any new insights?


Thanks for the response. I've never really been a fan of Alu Power just because of how quick the tension drops off and price. I've heard different things about TS7. Up next in my list of strings to try out are Grapplesnake Tour M8, Poly Tour Rev, and Confidential.
Alu Power is a dud after about 30 minutes of playing. I agree, there has to be a better string out there than that one.


New User
Just strung up Atomos 1.25 vs Oehms ALU Pearl Rough 1.25. Others have noted the color difference, Atomos being a much lighter silver, nearly white; ALU PR a dark grey. Under a loupe, they have the identical 8-lobe shape. Both being made in Germany, my guess is the baker is the same, Tru Pro just has their own recipe.

Just off the stringer, 49 lbs/22.2 kg, two TFight 315 RSs, bouncing a ball produced the identical pitch. Wrapping three turns of leftover string around a finger, Atomos loosens to 3 smaller curls, ALU PR unwinds to 2 bigger curls. Bending a straight end back on itself, ALU PR feels harder to form a 180°. These indicate Atomos is a less stiff, more pliable dough than the Oehms. Would this translate to play? I kneaded to find out.

Hit briefly, 2hrs, on Sunday. The Atomos was livelier and plusher, produced more pop and spin for the same swing, didn’t feel too different from Lux ALU Power 1.25 @ 50 lbs in an RF97 (RF and TFight are both around 69 RA). Quite comfortable. Oehms was boardier, duller, more controllable.

Initial impression is Atomos is a very good string, quite unlike Black Knight or Durafluxx. Post-hitting, pitch changed less on the Atomos…probably better tension retention than the Oehms…more play will tell. I get the idea that Atomos is suited to lighter racquets and faster swings…will string an RF up at 48 lbs with Atomos to compare to the Oehms which was great at 48 in the RF.


New User
Bringing this thread back on the rails, has anyone tried Atomos lately, who can chime in and offer any new insights?
Strung it up in my Gravity pro full bed 120 @ 50lbs. Slight initial break in period at first maybe half an hour or so. After that, the string really settles in nicely. Plenty of spin. I actually noticed more spin than my normal set up of TS7T. Felt plush & soft on the arm without feeling too mushy. Control & pop were there as well. Flat serve and out wide spin serves had no problem with either. Really nice string that I’ll probably be switching to full time. Worth a try!


Has anyone tried mixing gauges of atomos? Have two sets of 1.25 and one 1.20 coming on trade and thinking about trying 1.20 mains and 1.25 crosses in my 100D.


Has anyone tried mixing gauges of atomos? Have two sets of 1.25 and one 1.20 coming on trade and thinking about trying 1.20 mains and 1.25 crosses in my 100D.
Whenever I mix gauges, I always try and have the thicker of the two in the mains, as the mains are the ones typically brushing more against the ball on most strokes, so them having a bit higher relief off the string bed would give even more grip. At least that's my reasoning. Any particular reason you do the reverse? Genuinely curious.


Whenever I mix gauges, I always try and have the thicker of the two in the mains, as the mains are the ones typically brushing more against the ball on most strokes, so them having a bit higher relief off the string bed would give even more grip. At least that's my reasoning. Any particular reason you do the reverse? Genuinely curious.
Haven’t tried it. Mostly looking for some insight on if mixing gauges is worth a shot..


Whenever I mix gauges, I always try and have the thicker of the two in the mains, as the mains are the ones typically brushing more against the ball on most strokes, so them having a bit higher relief off the string bed would give even more grip. At least that's my reasoning. Any particular reason you do the reverse? Genuinely curious.
I’ve been wondering about this and I was going to start a thread on it. I’ve used thicker crosses than mains often to get more control (full poly). A full bed of 1.20 or 1.15 is too powerful for me especially after a couple hours when it loses tension, but when i put Hawk touch 1.25 on the cross, it’s the perfect blend of power, spin and control and I think the thicker gauge increases longevity of optimal playability.

I’ve read that a thinner cross will increase launch angle, but what about the reverse?
I’ve been wondering about this and I was going to start a thread on it. I’ve used thicker crosses than mains often to get more control (full poly). A full bed of 1.20 or 1.15 is too powerful for me especially after a couple hours when it loses tension, but when i put Hawk touch 1.25 on the cross, it’s the perfect blend of power, spin and control and I think the thicker gauge increases longevity of optimal playability.

I’ve read that a thinner cross will increase launch angle, but what about the reverse?
I've recently tried a hybrid of 1.20 round-shaped poly in the crosses with 1.28 twisted triangle shaped poly in the mains = the launch angle was crazy high and too powerful.
The thicker gauge in the crosses makes more sense.


Was this string supposed to be soft? Haven’t had my fingers so beaten up after stringing since grapplesnake CES. Color is reminiscent of RS Lyon. Headed out shortly to give it a whirl. Mainly playing poly tour strike currently with Alu ocean blue for match days.


Was this string supposed to be soft?
I find that softness/firmness has less to do with beating up one's fingers than sharpness. Atomos is deceptive in that sense. Although Tru Pro hasn't divulged the actual geometry, I think we're dealing with a 6-8 sided "flower petal" type cross-section, in the vein of RPM or Oehms Alu Pearl, combined with a bit of outward-most edges that one sees on the "gear" shaped strings such as Cyclone and/or the Diadem "Star Core" polys. As such, this creates both recessed and variably-tilted edges that work overtime in gripping/slicing anything that comes into contact -- thus the high grip on the ball that Atomos provides, even with relatively shallow relief to the actual edging -- so I can certainly see some skin getting removed/sliced while working with it.


I find that softness/firmness has less to do with beating up one's fingers than sharpness. Atomos is deceptive in that sense. Although Tru Pro hasn't divulged the actual geometry, I think we're dealing with a 6-8 sided "flower petal" type cross-section, in the vein of RPM or Oehms Alu Pearl, combined with a bit of outward-most edges that one sees on the "gear" shaped strings such as Cyclone and/or the Diadem "Star Core" polys. As such, this creates both recessed and variably-tilted edges that work overtime in gripping/slicing anything that comes into contact -- thus the high grip on the ball that Atomos provides, even with relatively shallow relief to the actual edging -- so I can certainly see some skin getting removed/sliced while working with it.
Right.. well, it played how I expected after how it felt stringing. Very crisp and controlled, it’s under powered compared to what I normally use. I would not consider this string soft at all. Felt rather similar to toro toro/enso hybrid I tested back in January which isn’t the worst thing. Will see if there’s some break in tomorrow morning..

As far as the more shaped, 8 sided, similar to round polys go this is my least favorite. I’d rather go with tour M8, poly tour rev or the above mentioned toroline hybrid for this kind of dead, controlled poly feel. TM8 kind of shines considering it has more power and better feel with maybe slightly less spin.


Talk Tennis Guru
Bumping this thread. Has anyone played Atomos much lately? If so, what are your thoughts?

@SpinToWin - Are you still playing Atomos 17 full bed in a Blade v7 18x20 as your main setup? If so, any additional thoughts to add? If not, what are you experimenting with and/or have you switched to, and what additional qualities are you looking for, if so?
still playing with it, currently testing it in a CX200 and Blade v9 100. Liking the string in all racquets and it retains the qualities I highlighted across them imo.


still playing with it, currently testing it in a CX200 and Blade v9 100. Liking the string in all racquets and it retains the qualities I highlighted across them imo.
Love it. Going to get my first playtest with it myself soon enough hopefully -- also in a CX200 perhaps (the previous 2021 though). Curious, what gauge and tension did you try in the CX200, and would you have gone any lower or higher if you had to do it over again? Thx man!


Talk Tennis Guru
Love it. Going to get my first playtest with it myself soon enough hopefully -- also in a CX200 perhaps (the previous 2021 though). Curious, what gauge and tension did you try in the CX200, and would you have gone any lower or higher if you had to do it over again? Thx man!
1.25 gauge at 23kg. Felt just right tbh, but tension is quite subjective haha. Fwiw the CX200 I use has 7g added to the top of the hoop (long 7 inch strips, so not quite at 12), so the swingweight is probably closer to 330.


1.25 gauge at 23kg. Felt just right tbh, but tension is quite subjective haha. Fwiw the CX200 I use has 7g added to the top of the hoop (long 7 inch strips, so not quite at 12), so the swingweight is probably closer to 330.
Solid. I have mine spec'd at about 330g/32.5cm/327sw, so not too far off. And my first sample of Atomos is 1.25 I believe, so I'll probably throw is in my second CX as soon as the MSV Focus Hex that's in there now is cooked (shouldn't be too long). Will come back and report once I get some play time with it. Thanks again for all the info. (y)



Tier One/Tru Pro Atomos 17 (1.25) Review​

So I've clocked around 10 hours total with this string and I am confident that I want to switch to it. I've been playing with Black Knight for a while so I will still compare a lot to Black Knight, but I'll try to make comments more general rather than focused on that specific comparison.


Customised Wilson Blade 98 18x20 V7, strung at 23 kg


What is immediately apparent imo is that the string movement is very good. Even with a decent amount of play on the string the strings snap back quickly and stay aligned after every shot. This is not the case with every poly, even spin oriented ones. For instance, Black Knight starts getting slightly misaligned after shots after a few hours of play ime. Unlike many spin strings you do not feel the ball being "grabbed" much though. For instance, with Black Knight (but also a round spin string like Wilson Revolve) you have a pocketing sensation followed by what feels like the ball being grabbed. I find this gives a feeling for how much spin you are putting on the ball. This pocketing and grabbing is relatively absent with Atomos, which at first made me think I wasn't hitting as much spin, but it just had to do with how contact felt. Instead of feeling a "grabbing" sensation, contact feels flush and solid. This response is especially pleasant when you flatten out a stroke a bit, but that is not to say that spin feels bad (more on that later).

The feel reminds me a bit of RS Lyon as does the colour, albeit I am reaching way back into memory lane to make that comparison. I would not call the response of the string crisp or muted, it hits a healthy midpoint imo. The pop off the stringbed means that there is less pocketing, but the string isn't crisp to make the stringbed feel board-like. These two features in combination lead to that solid feel at contact imo. Hitting the ball feels flush and the sweetspot feels forgiving. I had no issues with comfort at all, even less so than with Black Knight. I will say that I can imagine the response being too vague in powerful racquets with less inherent feel and pocketing. It might double down on the features I find a nice balance in my Blade and make contact too vague to consistently feel confident, but I haven't tested the string in a tweener like frame to be sure.

Baseline Play:​

I would say that the string comes with more inherent power than really control oriented polys like Black Knight and also provides more forgiveness. This makes offensive tennis a joy to play. The solid response when flattening out a shot gives confidence to go for that winner. But topspin shots feel really good too. You do not feel that you're putting a ton of spin on the ball as much, but the results speak for themselves. I could hit heavy dipping balls with pace deep into the court with confidence. There were multiple occassions where I thought the ball would go long but it dipped in before the line. I don't think Atomos produces more spin than Black Knight all else equal, however, the string is more forgiving and provides easier depth. I think this allowed me to swing out a bit more on my average shot, thus enabling me to play heavier spin without dropping the ball short. Switching to Black Knight I immediately felt that the depth of my shots was less consistent. Overall I loved playing topspin from the baseline, and I found the string responded incredibly well to fast swings, providing really good spin and a solid response that instills confidence.

Slice and touch was a bit more of a mixed bag. I think the both kinds of shots benefit from that pocketing sensation, and fresh Atomos doesn't have that much. I found that the response improved on the slice as the string settled in, the easy depth carrying over to this shot too and making defensive slices go deep with relative ease. But on my fresh set of Atomos I felt like the trajectory was lower than I wanted and I found it relatively harder to put the slice where I wanted. I would have to get used to the slice when the string is fresh, but considering how good the string feels on topspin shots I think it's worth it. Touch shots like drop shots were fine, but I myself prefer more ball pocketing for these kinds of shots. I could still hit good droppers and lobs and I knew where the ball is going when I hit them, but I would go for a string with more pocketing if I wanted to maximise only this aspect.

Overall though baseline play was amazing and I consider this a strength of the string.

Topspin: 9.5​

Flat: 9​

Slice: 7.5​

Touch: 8​

Net Play:​

I think the response of the string is perfect for net play. The forgiving and solid feel makes for crisp volleys that are easy to put away. Lots of pocketing is a hindrance here I find, as it gets harder to control a punch volley imo, especially one where you're still moving up the court. I had full confidence even on lower volleys too and could put some good spin on the ball if I wanted. I prefer the string on punched volleys over drop volleys though, I think a more dead response off the string helps on droppers, and I'd sometimes give the droppers too much air here. Oh and special mention for half volleys, maybe it's cause they too tend to be flatter strokes, but whatever the reason they felt super good.

Punch Volley: 9​

Touch Volley: 8​

Serves / Returns:​

Blasting serves feels so good with how the string responds. Granted, half the reason that I'm hitting aces now is that I'm playing indoors on hard and carpet, but I hit more aces than I feel I would with the Black Knight setup. The livelier response meant that my serves had more heat on them more easily, especially the slice out wide. With that serve in particular I set up a lot of points in my favour and I think it's my favourite serve with this setup. The flat serve is somewhat similar, albeit feeling more forgiving and with perhaps a tiny bit more pace on it. The kick needed some adjustment, as I was getting more depth than I wanted at first. I think I'm still working towards full confidence on this shot, but I love the results I get when I do connect - easier depth and pace with good movement on the ball. Given that I am vertically challenged at 5'7 the topspin serve is a key component of my game, and I love what the string switch did to that shot. Granted, this string will never compare to what a gut setup can do on flat serves or a gut/poly setup on spin serves, those setups are just too good for the serve, but for a pure poly setup I was mightily impressed.

Returns might be one of my favourite shots with this new setup. A forgiving and solid feel on flatter strokes, all while still giving the ball good spin to dip in? Sign me up! The return might be the shot where I felt the biggest difference to Black Knight. I could be aggressive, hitting hard and deep at the server, without feeling that I'm forcing the shot. Placing both backhands and forehands where I wanted was easy, and I felt that I got the depth I wanted without working too hard for it. I particularly need to note the string's spin potential on this shot, for whatever reason it gets more spin on the ball than I expect it to, making the ball dip in even if I'm not going for a really spinny shot. I think I am much more offensively effective on returns with this string and cannot wait to get more match play with this setup. After the string settled in the slice return when stretched on the backhand wing also felt great, but as with the baseline play, it would need some adjustment on a fresh set.

(Serves compared with other polys, not gut/poly)​

Flat serve: 9​

Slice serve: 9.5​

Kick serve: 9​

Returns: 9.5​

did you find you needed to string the tension differently from BK if in the same approximate gauge?


Not really tbh, I find the string’s extra pop well controllable
got it thanks. i'm going to try atomos 125 in my cx 18 20. i found BK 128 to work well in my ultra tour 16 x 19 but BK 123 was a little too under-powered in my ultra tour 18 x 20, though maybe i should have went a few pounds looser. the dunlop cx is a pretty low-powered racquet so a little more action would be nice.


i gave atomos a try in the mains today with head hawk touch (red, 17g) in the crosses in the dunlop cx 200 tour 18 x 20. i know i shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but the string reminded me of babolat pro hurricane, even in the way it "frayed" a bit while stringing. personally i felt like i didn't get enough feel from the string as i'd like.


New User
Any lingering suspicions that Atomos was just re-branded Oehms ALU Pearl Rough have been dispersed. At 48 lbs/21.8 kg in an RF97, versus Oehms ALU PR same tension, Atomos is more powerful, just as plush, just as spinny. The Oehms is more on the control end of the spectrum, with an extra gear if you need it. Atomos starts off in that gear.

Compared to Lux ALU Power 1.25 (@ 50 lb/22.7 kg) in RF97, Atomos has 90-95% of the power with slightly less string ping, aka very slightly more “muted.” Similar plushness and spin. Altogether, not too dissimilar; at ~50% the cost with 80% the performance, I could see it as a replacement if the playability stability is lots better…nobody tell the ALU knee binsters.

Great addition to the Tru Pro lineup!


New User
Got in a brief hit this weekend with the TS/Atomos setup and damn... This could be incredibly good. Plenty of crispness but nicely softened without being too muted/dead feeling.

More hitting and a more thorough report tomorrow.
I've been monitoring on this thread for some time. Been trying to dial in the string setup (over 1 1/2 months) for my Percept 97D. I'm a ~4.5/5.0.
Poly main/multi hybrid - would break too fast
Razor Soft - still kind of a "harsh" sensation and I would get punished by the string if I was on defense. The ball got kinda lost in the stringbed during contact.

Enter Atomos 1.20mm (47 lbs). At first, I thought it felt totally dead, but it wakes up after 2 hours of play (I feel like any poly needs some break-in). Plush, forgiving, comfortable, and I have no arm issues. It's also very grabby and spin generation doesn't take much effort. I'm not sure if I would call it muted/dead, but it's like a pillow-y sensation, and that's not going to be everyone's cup of tea. Very user-friendly.

Following @ryushen21's post, I have also tried the TS/Atomos hybrid (both 1.20mm, 47 lbs). Crisper feel, more direct, more controlled, and more confidence-inducing, especially for my Percept 97D. I think this is my new setup if the comfort pans out!

Great offerings from @TRU PRO Official. Repping San Diego as well!
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I have about 5 hours into 16g atomos @ 40lbs on a Vcore 95 with a lead from 11 to 1 to increase the SW to 333.

This string is great if you like hitting the ball hard. The trajectory seems to be lower than the BKm/GWx hybrid that I had in there before. The spin isn't boosted by this string, but is still spin friendly. it doesn't have the (fake?, bite?) spin you get from something like solinco confidential. Fake isn't the right word, but spin isnt enhanced in atomos the way it is in confidential.

What this string allows me to do is knock the hell out of the ball. I was hitting with a friend that is quite quick and was getting the ball by him measurably more often than usual.

I'm buying a reel. This stuff is legit.


So a little over a year after I started this thread, I finally got around to trying Atomos (1.25), albeit briefly, in a buddy's G360+ Radical MP. I don't normally offer strings to others before trying them myself, but in this case, I made an exception. His normal setup is YTEX Square-X Black 1.25 / Cream 1.28 @ 44/42 lbs lockout (~42/40 eCP/dropweight), which has offered a good blend of most qualities, especially pocketing and comfort, but he's leveled up since first starting to use that combo, hitting harder with more confidence and better mechanics now, and was curious to find more consistent grip and control, while still maintaining pop and plushness. Those things seems to resonate with what's been said about Atomos so far, so I thought, why not, let's do it. So I strung up Atomos at 43/41 lbs lockout (~41/39 eCP/dropweight), and away we went.

Initial Report - He's only two sessions in, but he's definitely finding the extra grip and easier access to better shot curvature to be helping his game, especially on raising his serve percentage (both first and second), an area that he knows has been in need of drastic improvement (he realizes that most of it is from technique, but still, every little bit helps). He's also been finding more consistent depth with Atomos than with Square-X/Cream, which, at similar string bed stiffness, had a less controllable trampoline effect. Even from the limited amount of hitting I had (only about 5-10 minutes), I could sense the difference as well. Also important to note: at least at 43/41 lbs lockout, neither he nor I felt any kind of "break in period" was needed -- the string was perfectly playable from the first ball (although his setup did have about 16 hours to settle since coming off the stringer the night before).

All in all, a highly positive first couple hitting experiences with Atomos 1.25 in a Rad MP at medium-low tension. This may, indeed, be a switch for my 4.0-ish hitting partner/customer. We'll know more by next week probably, by which time I'll post another update.

For now, a very positive addition to the lineup for @TRU PRO Official. (y)
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New User
…Also important to note: at least at 43/41 lbs lockout, neither he nor I felt any kind of "break in period" was needed -- the string was perfectly playable from the first ball (although his setup did have about 16 hours to settle since coming off the stringer the night before).

For now, a very positive addition to the lineup for @TRU PRO Official. (y)

Same experience; felt great right off the stringer next day. Though have only tried 48 and 49 lbs on my lockout. Might have a different result with higher tensions.

Also, I think the stiffness numbers reported by the USRSA on Tru Pro’s site may be flawed. U’s numbers for Atomos seem too high relative to the other Tru Pro strings. Perhaps a clerical or methodological error.


Also, I think the stiffness numbers reported by the USRSA on Tru Pro’s site may be flawed. U’s numbers for Atomos seem too high relative to the other Tru Pro strings. Perhaps a clerical or methodological error.
I agree with this, and yes, the USRSA database is rife with abnormal stiffness measurements. Something is definitely awry with their testing proces...


So, a positive update on Atomos.

My 4.0 hitting partner / client is likely going to be switching to full-bed Atomos 1.25, away from a p/p hybrid of YTEX Square-X Black 1.25 / IsoSpeed Cream 1.28, that he played for about a year in G360 and G360+ Radical MPs. In both cases, he's been enjoying tensions in the low 40's, with his latest preferred Atomos tension at 44/42 lbs lockout (~42/40 CP). Compared to the outgoing combo, full-bed Atomos offer much more ball grip (allowing him to much more easily and consistently scoop up low balls, and impart the kind of arc/curvature he wants on his shots), longer-lasting snapback and better, more predictable control off the string bed, from a combination of a more moderated pocketing level and more linear power response. He also gets noticeably better control when swinging out. Longevity-wise, Square-X/Cream has a tendency to fall off a cliff when it dies (albeit it does last him a while), whereas Atomos tends to degrade much more gradually when it finally dies, which he prefers as well.

So score a win for @TRU PRO Official. The new German OEM was a good move -- a much more supple, better feeling string than the rest of Tru Pro's offerings, for sure. You just need to make sure to go low enough in tension, to allow it to to perform properly (and avoid the "break in" period that it seems to need when strung at or beyond ~50 lbs).

I'm going to be doing some more playing with it myself, and will hopefully have more to add at some point soon.


New User
I am currently playing with Hyper G Soft and Ghostwire hybrid. The Atomos however looks promising as a main string. Since I like a softer stringbed, has anyone tried a Atomos/Ghostwire hybrid before? Appreciate your response.


I am currently playing with Hyper G Soft and Ghostwire hybrid. The Atomos however looks promising as a main string. Since I like a softer stringbed, has anyone tried a Atomos/Ghostwire hybrid before? Appreciate your response.

I use GW for all my hybrids and in order of preference for TP strings in a Blade 98:

1. 1.28 Pure Rush/1.22 GW - By far, my favorite setup of the 3. Best hubrid I have played in a very long time.
2. 1.28 Black Knight/1.22 GW - Solid, less power but more control than PR. Break-in period is my big negative.
3. 1.25 Atomos/1.22 GW - Pretty good set-up, has a break-in but not as significant as BK. I think Atomos is better in a full bed though versus a hybrid with GW. May be frame dependent on how it feels/plays.


New User
I use GW for all my hybrids and in order of preference for TP strings in a Blade 98:

1. 1.28 Pure Rush/1.22 GW - By far, my favorite setup of the 3. Best hubrid I have played in a very long time.
2. 1.28 Black Knight/1.22 GW - Solid, less power but more control than PR. Break-in period is my big negative.
3. 1.25 Atomos/1.22 GW - Pretty good set-up, has a break-in but not as significant as BK. I think Atomos is better in a full bed though versus a hybrid with GW. May be frame dependent on how it feels/plays.
That's great to hear. What do you like about the Pure Rush/GW hybrid?

And which one do you find softer - hybrid of PR/GW or Atomos/GW?

Thanks in advance!


That's great to hear. What do you like about the Pure Rush/GW hybrid?

And which one do you find softer - hybrid of PR/GW or Atomos/GW?

Thanks in advance!
just so you know, I have only tried the 1.28 16g version and string at 48/47.

PR plays great off the stringer with no break-in, which for me is a huge positive. Strings go dead on me in about 6 hours, so I don’t want to waste the first hour or hitting session waiting for it to settle.

It a comfortable string, but not in a mushy way. Comfortable with some crispness
As it loses tension it does not get launchy at least in the 16g.
it has some pop, but not too much
Control and spin are above average
Pocketing is outstanding
I can get a reel < $100 and for someone who strings often that is a plus.

I would say PR/GW is softer than Atomos/GW but not by much. I don’t have arm issues, so hard to tell. But neither are firm setups.

For me PR plays better with GW than a full bed and Atomos is the opposite as it plays better in a full bed versus a hybrid.

Also as someone who played HGS/GW for a season, I like both Atomos and Pure Rush better than HGS as a main with GW.

Black Friday is coming up, buy a few sets in different gauges and see how it works for you. I switched immediately from my usual setups and haven’t looked back, but everyone is different.


Hall of Fame
That's great to hear. What do you like about the Pure Rush/GW hybrid?

And which one do you find softer - hybrid of PR/GW or Atomos/GW?

Thanks in advance!
If you're looking to try out some of these combos I'll throw out there that I love GW 1.1mm (19g), it's a little softer than the 16g version and lasts just as long, unless you have a tendency to break crosses.
Bringing this thread back as I've got a quick question about atomos. If you've read my review of PR you know that it's my string of choice, however can someone who's used both atomos and PR compare them? More specifically the pocketing? I prefer more pocketing, but my brother prefers something quicker off the string bed. Would atomos fit the bill?

For a while I did enjoy S7T but against high level Jr's I felt it took away too much power and I got pushed around too much. Not to mention sometimes I felt it over spun the ball making it short, and after long sessions I could also feel that my elbow didn't love it either. So just for clarity to those who have used S7T, from the sound of it, Atomos is softer, more muted, more powerful, and more spinny? That's the gist of what I got from previous posts? I just want to know a little more in depth since some say it's almost round, but others say it's got a "grabby" sensation, maybe even more than PR. Just a little confused since S7T is pretty damn sharp and has tons of spin already.


Bringing this thread back as I've got a quick question about atomos. If you've read my review of PR you know that it's my string of choice, however can someone who's used both atomos and PR compare them? More specifically the pocketing? I prefer more pocketing, but my brother prefers something quicker off the string bed. Would atomos fit the bill?

For a while I did enjoy S7T but against high level Jr's I felt it took away too much power and I got pushed around too much. Not to mention sometimes I felt it over spun the ball making it short, and after long sessions I could also feel that my elbow didn't love it either. So just for clarity to those who have used S7T, from the sound of it, Atomos is softer, more muted, more powerful, and more spinny? That's the gist of what I got from previous posts? I just want to know a little more in depth since some say it's almost round, but others say it's got a "grabby" sensation, maybe even more than PR. Just a little confused since S7T is pretty damn sharp and has tons of spin already.
personally it reminded me of pro hurricane if you've tried that.


Bringing this thread back as I've got a quick question about atomos. If you've read my review of PR you know that it's my string of choice, however can someone who's used both atomos and PR compare them? More specifically the pocketing? I prefer more pocketing, but my brother prefers something quicker off the string bed. Would atomos fit the bill?

For a while I did enjoy S7T but against high level Jr's I felt it took away too much power and I got pushed around too much. Not to mention sometimes I felt it over spun the ball making it short, and after long sessions I could also feel that my elbow didn't love it either. So just for clarity to those who have used S7T, from the sound of it, Atomos is softer, more muted, more powerful, and more spinny? That's the gist of what I got from previous posts? I just want to know a little more in depth since some say it's almost round, but others say it's got a "grabby" sensation, maybe even more than PR. Just a little confused since S7T is pretty damn sharp and has tons of spin already.
I actually just finished playing with both PR and Atomos side to side and I have decided to stick with Atomos.

The first time I playtested them was in a Head Speed MP 2022. I am currently using the Head Gravity MPXL. I string most of my polys at 47 lbs.

I liked how both felt. However, I feel like Atomos felt better overall. I tested both in their 1.25 gauge. I originally tried Atomos last year and thought it was okay. When PR was released, I impulse bought it. I initially liked PR but I felt like I need to string it lower than my usual tension (47 lbs). I might experiment with something like 43 or even lower. It felt a little plasticky to me, similar to my feeling with strings like Restring Zero and Confidential.

Atomos checks all the boxes for me. Great spin, decent power, great feel, and lasts a while for me. To finally answer your question, I feel like pocketing was better with Atomos. I feel like I hit heavier balls with Atomos. PR was great but it felt a bit lacking compared to Atomos. I ordered a reel of Atomos recently and I think I will stick with this string for at least the time being until something subjectively better is released (waiting for that Confidential Blue kinda).

I feel like some shaped strings feel very plasticky so it gives off a different type of feel in terms of spin.

Other strings I do enjoy include Black Knight, Tour Bite, Hawk Power, Lynx Tour, and Hawk Touch.

Hope this helps! Both are great strings. I just preferred the feel of Atomos.