How often do you weigh yourself


How often do you weigh yourself?

Accidentally posted the thread without writing my story?

I weigh myself each day when I wake up.

Between 68 kg at my lightest to 72 kg at my heaviest.

My windsurfing harness has no adjustment as I modified it.

I can only get it 'on' if I'm under 71kg!


Every morning when I wake up. Currently 181 lbs, trying to stay between 178 - 182. Play tennis 5 or 6 times a week, singles and doubles. 52 years old.


Hall of Fame
I weigh myself when i wake up each day. Here's my story:

I wake up. Go to the bathroom. After, then I step on the scale. Fin.


Weighing yourself daily helps to keep you conscious of not eating too much junk food.

I asked for a 100g slice of Dutch Edam cheese from the deli at Coles and she cut a 190g piece instead.

After I ate it in my car with some tomatoes and bread I felt a bit guilty.

Later that night I weighed myself and sure enough it showed!

Playing tennis above 70kg - I can feel I'm a touch slower.

I eat like a monk,with a low body fat,just can't get rid of a tiny gut.


Hall of Fame
Weighing yourself daily helps to keep you conscious of not eating too much junk food.

I asked for a 100g slice of Dutch Edam cheese from the deli at Coles and she cut a 190g piece instead.

After I ate it in my car with some tomatoes and bread I felt a bit guilty.

Later that night I weighed myself and sure enough it showed!

Playing tennis above 70kg - I can feel I'm a touch slower.

I eat like a monk,with a low body fat,just can't get rid of a tiny gut.

I understand your concerns. It can be very easy to gain weight, so you must be very vigilant about it. I'm normal bmi, so i don't understand how people let themselves go. And i mean how do you one day become normal weight, then go to being obese. I watch my weight, watch what i eat, stay active, etc. so i never had that problem. For me, i usually have the opposite problem, and i need to make sure i don't go underweight, so i eat more usually. But yes, i do still need to monitor my weight to achieve this.


How often do you weigh yourself
After every meal. If I'm too heavy (like say I eat 90g too much Dutch Edam) I force myself to throw up. GREAT way to control your weight.

If I'm 90g heavier than I should be, I can really feel it on the tennis court.


Walking around the supermarkets looking at the masses trolleys - its easy to see how your average person has ballooned in weight!

Soft drinks,sweets,various processed foods - white bread,white noodles.white spaghetti,white rice,tinned food,cakes.

Basically,nearly everything on sale at supermarkets is unhealthy with a few exceptions.

We need to get back to nature. Buy food organically grown if possible.

Buy food in its basic form - not processed.

You can buy a few dozen or more apples for the price of a Big Mac,fries and coke!

Think about that for a minute....


You can buy a few dozen or more apples for the price of a Big Mac,fries and coke!

Think about that for a minute....
What I'm wondering is, if a Big Mac meal costs $8, where are you buying apples that cost $8 for "a few dozen or more".

Seriously, let me know. I just bought 2 Granny Smith apples over lunch for ~$1/each on sale.


white bread,white noodles.white spaghetti,white rice..
its easy to see how your average person has ballooned in weight!

“Carbs aren’t the enemy,” says Julie Jones, a professor emeritus of food and nutrition at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minn. who is also a scientific advisor for the Grain Foods Foundation, a baking and milling industry funded group which promotes grain-based food as part of a healthy diet. “Overconsumption, of anything, is the enemy.”


Hall of Fame
I've been eating white carbs everyday of my life and never had a problem. Bread, noodles, rice, etc. I can easily slurp down a double portion of spaghetti.


Hall of Fame
.....and then die of protein deficiency. Perhaps you could suggest something comparable in price and protein content

There's a thread on this already, so best to check it out. It's more a diet thread and not a "did ya step on da scale" type-o-thread.

There are a lot of healthier, TASTIER, and cheaper alternatives. But most are prejudiced, over-exaggerate their fondness if you take their burger away from them.


.....and then die of protein deficiency. Perhaps you could suggest something comparable in price and protein content
In the US, protein deficiency is a real worry. I think more people die from this than heart disease if I remember my facts* correctly.

*I get my facts from
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